4 Billion dollar Supreme Energy Conversion

The next day, Luke got out of bed, only to discover that all the players were missing. There was also a note,

"Dear The Sage, we have gone for the day to grow stronger according to your wishes. We should be back in a few days."

'Good. They are all gone, including my slave. Not that I had any use for him, but he sure runs fast.' Luke commented inwardly as he prepared some food using his Intermediate Cooking.

After eating some breakfast, Luke packed up his stuff, put it on his Lukemobile, and drove off into the heart of the capital.

He intended on triggering all this missions in the capital that he could not accept since he could not enter the capital in the past month.

Within a few hours, he had accepted almost all the simple F and E ranked missions and completed them in one go.

Next, he went to the places he remembered from his previous life, and took on the higher ranked missions which needed certain requirements to be fulfilled.

Naturally, he did not bother with many of those requirements and skipped many parts of the chain missions by skipping to the requirements of the tougher missions.

Many of the initial parts of chain missions require following people, or investigating events, which would then point to a certain conclusion, similar to how his [Investigate] mission led to the result of The Resistance's involvement.

Naturally, these mission's did not give main-storyline quests as rewards, but just gave exp, kill points, talent points, and items.

Most of these items were useless to him, but given to the right people, they could trigger more missions. But most of those missions were not useful to a mage.

However, there was a certain item called [Ring of Fate] which had the effect of boosting one's luck by 50%. However, the great Sage Luke was not someone to be swayed by a little luck.

Instead, what he was after was the mission related to this item.

The ring belonged to the descendent of an Archmage level Magician who was alive almost 1000 years ago. She was a beautiful young lady who did not know the worth of the ring she was given as a gift by her parents, who didn't seem to know either.

However, wearing the ring allowed her to experience many wonderful things, and one day, when she was 19, she came across an unconscious man who was heavily wounded along the riverside.

After a few days of treatment, the man finally woke up. Realising he had been saved by the maiden in front of him, he thanked her from the bottom of his heart.

After a few more days of recovery, the man, who was clearly of noble birth, unknowingly grew fond of the maiden.

However, as all good things must come to an end, he had to leave once he recovered, with the promise to pay her back once the time came.

He then went on a journey back to his father's fief and explained the situation about how there was an ambush which killed off all the knights of this Leon noble, and nearly killed him. He then expressed his need to return to the farm at the countryside and thank the maiden.

With a few higher levelled knights with him, the noble returned to the farm, only to find the entire village burnt to a crisp, leaving nothing behind.

Even after searching for a long time, he could not find any clued to the maiden or her family. With a sharp pain in his heart, the noble returned, and within a few years took over the reins of the fief from his late father.

However, he still has that pain in his heart.

And when someone took this ring to the noble, they would be rewarded with a lot of money and exp.

However, Luke was not after that. Instead, there was a hidden plot behind this ordinary hidden mission.

Luke knew the exact details to this quest since it was a rather famous story during Version 1 of 'Ultimatum'.

The story of a young maiden house being burned down, being forced into slavery and separated from her family, and suffering countless hardships.

Finally, she is able to escape, and decided to take revenge on the people who cause the burning of the village.

With time, however, she learns that the people behind it were the Roland Theocracy, and therefore, she joined the Leon army.

After a few years, she was finally able to pin down the mastermind, a Bishop from the Roland Theocracy.

This nation worshiped the being that calls himself 'Foveros, the god of combat'. In later versions of the game, it turns out that such a being actually exists as someone who has surpassed Version 1 and 2's known level limit of archmage. He later becomes a boss level NPC in the later versions, with many enemies everywhere, including 80% of the players, while the rest would just avoid him.

The hierarchy here is quite strict, with Fathers being the lowest, equivalent to a Baron of the Leon Kingdom or The holy Kingdom of Islesat. Next came Bishops, Arch-bishops, Saints and Saintesses, and then the Pope, considered the absolute ruler under the god.

This is quite contrary to the lax systems followed by Leon's nobles and king who are mostly ruled by the council of 12, and the Holy Kingdom of Islesat, who believe in the God that created everything, and have a system similar to Leon's.

This Bishop was trying to find the Leon noble that had escaped his assassination attempt, and in the process burned down the village.

After killing off that Bishop, the maiden who had now become a cold-blooded warrior, at around level 40, was thrown into mental chaos.

The man who she had saved had actually caused all this? With this in mind, she decided to run from everything.

However, she was once found by a player, who after hearing her entire story returned to the nobleman.

This nobleman, left everything and rushed to the place where the maiden was staying, and offered his life to the maiden, with tears of sorrow, misery, and a hint of relief flowing down his face.

However, the maiden, who had lost everything, could not bear to destroy the little bit of her precious life she had, which resided in the memories of the young man she had saved, even if this memory was the one that caused her world to be flipped upside down.

She instead threw away the sword and embraced the crying man with tears of accumulated grief, and a growing sense of hope flowing down her cheek.

She then later went on to become the wife of the nobleman who had yet to marry due to the weird sensation in his heart whenever he met another lady.

The couple rewarded the player with an incredible amount of exp, and skill points, along with a scroll. This was a scroll the maiden had received from her late family, along with the ring. But she was told not to open it herself, and to instead gift it to a capable super-human from the magician pathway.

This was a talent scroll which was a consumable item that granted the user a talent.

The name of this talent was


Supreme Energy Conversion


1] Increases the rate of recovering energy by 500%

2] Increases the total energy capacity by 200%


This skill had not been used by the player, but instead he sold it for around $4 billion US, and was the highest bid item for 2 whole Versions in a row, and the reason this story was this famous.