Genetic blood

After accepting the mission, Luke began using his Advanced Regeneration while using some mana to form an attack on the people who were shooting at his mana barrier to no avail.

After a few seconds of continuous shooting, Luke had finished created 3 ice spears. This was a slightly advanced spell that utilised both water and wind magic, to artificially lower the temperature of the water and form it into ice. Furthermore, it also contained a large amount of mana within it, to make it stronger and a traditional icicle.

Finding his targets were slightly panicking due to the appearance of 3 spells, Luke threw the 2 spells at the heads of the 2 men who shot him, impaling them into the walls behind them in an instant, splattering crimson blood everywhere.

This turn of events caused Forgan to panic even more as he struggled to reload his empty revolver while yelling.

"You can't-"

But before he could continue his rambling, Luke impaled his right leg with his remaining ice spear.


An ear-piercing yell left Forgan's mouth as he struggled to comprehend the turn of events, his thinking impaired by the intense pain.

With this, he had already completed Task 1, and was proceeding with Task 2 of the mission.

He cast a little recovery magic on Forgan in order for him to regain his sanity, before questioning,

"Why did you attack me?"

"M… My leg…"

"Oh this useless thing?"

Luke reached out and exerted a large amount of force, mostly exerted using mana, and ripped off Forgan's impaled leg, before casting healing magic on the wound to allow it to stop the blood loss.

"You won't be needing that anymore. Now. Tell. Me. Who. Told. You. To. Attack. Me!"

"I don't know who it was-"

Before he could continue, Luke used fire spells and heated up the air around Forgan's hand to the boiling point.

"Aaah! I'll talk, I'll talk. Just stop!"

"Speak." Releasing the spell, Luke let the man speak.

"It was Carter! I swear!!"

"What did he say?"

"He told us to kill anyone who comes to buy her by name. We are not to sell her to anyone until he tells us to. He also stationed a strong superhuman with us, but he got drunk and left to go somewhere half an hour ago. This is everything I know. Now let me go!"


Luke extended his hand and grabbed the man's face, before crushing it completely.

After laying down the body, Luke removed his spare mask and on a whim, placed it on the face of Forgan.

Next he went and picked up the lower half of his mask, which somehow was not broken to pieces during the fight, and re-attached it to the rest of his mask. After this, he walked up to Lucy, who was still holding her ears from pain and discomfort.

It was at this moment hat Luke remembered that Forgan had said that Carter had sent a strong superhuman.

A magician was at his strongest when prepared, and right now, he did not know much about the enemy. The best option was to retreat in such a situation, especially now that his motive had been accomplished. There was no need for him to remain here any longer, since both the authorities, as well as that superhuman could arrive at any moment.

And retreat he did. He picked up the flailing Lucy and threw her onto his normal shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and used magic to reinforce his strength, speed and balance as he made his retreat.

On his way back, he checked his loot from this excursion into slave territory.


You have killed lv 3 Human

You have gained 300 exp



You have killed lv 1 Human

You have gained 100 exp



You have killed lv 2 Human

You have gained 200 exp



Emergency Chain Quest- Lucy

Lucy Maynard has been through a lot after a fateful meeting with a nobleman. She even lost her parents and has now lost all hope in life. Rescue her from the slave shop after dealing with its owner.

Mission Objectives:

Task 1:Eliminate the threats to your life within the slave market

Task 2: Question the Slave market owner on the reason for him attacking you

Task 3: Rescue Lucy from the slave shop

Mission difficulty: E

- Completed -

Mission reward: 1000 exp, +10 favorability with Lucy, Random reward



Randomizing reward…

Reward: Spectator genetic blood x1


'Spectator?' Luke thought in his mind as he ran back home in the dark of night.

At this moment, beck at Luke's apartment, only one person sat on the sofa in the living room. It was OriginalMagus.

"Sigh! Everyone else has already left the capital on different quests, including that VidBro! For some reason, I did not bother with those quests."

It was unknown to OriginalMagus why he did not choose long-term quests that paid higher, and instead opted for the easier repeatable quests. For some reason, he did not wish to leave the capital. It was the feeling he would get just before something good happened.

He had felt such a feeling just before he met The Sage, and almost every time something good happened to him.

This was his Gamer Sense at play, is what he called it in his mind. However, this Gamer Sense had never let him down so far, and so he decided to follow it once more.

"I hope I am right"

He was taking a huge risk, and if he failed, he would fall behind the other top players. But this was the way human nature worked. Humans had an instinct to take risks and enjoy life, instead of being moderate. Everyone wished to be special. This instinct was especially strong in teenagers and young adults.

At this moment, the door swung open, and OriginalMagus saw The Sage in his usual Black windbreaker.

Looking closer, OriginalMagus saw that these clothes were in tatters at the edges, with dirt and dust littering the edges, as well as a frozen shoulder. Like 'a layer of ice' king of frozen, and not the ailment kind of frozen shoulder.

The Sage then went to the sofa and dropped an unconscious young lady on it before turning to OriginalMagus.

"Where is everyone?"

"Ah! They left!"

"Hmm… And why are you here?"


Seeing that OriginalMagus was not answering any time soon, Luke continued.

"Doesn't matter. What matters is that you are here. Take care of her for now. I need to recover for some time. Bye."

With that, Luke sent over a quest to OriginalMagus before returning to his room and continuing to apply regeneration to himself. He also took a lot of food with him to allow his body to heal completely.


Quest- Lucy

The Mysterious Sage has given you a quest to take care of the ex-slave named Lucy. She has a past riddled with misery, and it is best not to dig too deep into it.

Mission- Take care of Lucy's needs and keep her in the apartment till the Sage come out of recovering

Mission reward: 200 exp

Mission failure: -10 favorability with The Sage

Mission difficulty: E


Seeing this, OriginalMagus' eyes almost popped out.

'200 exp for an E ranked mission!?!?!'

He was inwardly celebrating his decision to follow his Gamer Sense over the more traditional method like the other players in his party. Even though The Sage had more or less told them not to leave the capital, they still ended up leaving, everyone except himself. At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a swelling sense of pride within himself.

Inside his room, Look took a few bites of the bread and drank some water to gulp it down before continuing to heal his wounds.

After a few hours, he was completely healed.

"Now then, let's use the reward!"

Luke accepted the random reward, and a syringe of pitch black blood with small spots of light within appeared in his hand. It kind of reminded him of the pictures and videos of space he had seen back on earth.


Spectator genetic blood

Rank- Mythical Blood

Use: Can be used to genetically modify one's genes to better suit a particular race evolution


Luke was a little apprehensive of this reward he earned. It seemed eerily similar to his previous race evolution, 'Observer'.

He couldn't help but feel as if this was all the plan of some higher existence stronger than beings like the god of combat, Foveros. He felt as though someone capable of controlling the system was playing with him.

But he couldn't do anything about it anyway, and all he could do was play along with the being's plans.

Suddenly, he thought of something. He didn't like being toyed around with, and not knowing who was behind it.

'The system wants me to become a 'Spectator'. What is I use two mythical bloods and become a joint race?! Hehe, I can't wait to see his expression if I do this.'

This thought caused him to glance over at the dragon egg he had with him, which had not shown any signs of movement.

'I'll have to wait for it to come out first!'

With this thought in mind, he injected himself with the syringe, which caused him to black out for a while once more.