
While OriginalMagus was busy on a errands list, and Luke was busy putting up the finishing touches on his new clothes, a rather historic moment in history occurred.

A sliver dragon attacked a town bordering the capital of the Roland theocracy, and after nearly destroying it, an old haggard looking man appeared. He rose up to the dragon and like the old 2D animated movie Lion king, raising a deep black baby dragon with both his hands to the dragon.

Seeing this, the dragon cried out for a moment with a voice that killed off people nearby through sheer force of wind pressure, before calming down.

Snorting softly, the silver dragon lifted up the baby dragon and flew away.

This scene was witness by a bit too many players. That was because this was a starting town of the Roland Theocracy, and everyone present recorded the event, even some of those who were killed by the dragon during its rampage recorded whatever they could and uploaded it to the forums, completely flooding them with dragons and dragon related stuff.

"My god! There are dragons! True dragons!!"

"Just look at those magnificent scales!"

"Forget the scales, look at the colour! It is silver. Isn't that supposed to be like royalty among dragons or something?"

"YES, it was like that in that other role-player, right? What was it again?"

"Elder Scrolls 13: Emerging Greatness"


Naturally conversations took sharp turns out of nowhere as per the fickle minded players were built.

However, at this point, a single post began to be shown on the forums out of nowhere.

It was OriginalMagus' race evolution option, "Draconic Spectator (The Sage)"

This post quickly rose to the top trending on the forums, not only because it was the very first race evolution, and because it was the famous player OriginalMagus' account, but also because of the recent hype for dragons.

"My god! A race volution!!"

"Draconic Spectator hmm? A combination of a dragon and something else? Just what was OriginalMagus going through to get such a race?"

"WHAT A MINUTE! Am I reading wring? It says (The Sage)?"

"Yes! It does! My god! OriginalMagus is still with The Sage? I thought he would have left the Sage to grow stronger like the other top players as we saw in that VidBro's last video. But it turns out this fellow was sticking with The Sage, and it seems to have worked out for him!"

At this point in time, the other top players of South Asia were biting their teeth from jealousy. Each of them had been grinding away at all the quests they could get their hands on. Naturally, they did not join a faction yet, and instead had decided to explore as much of the world as possible while grinding levels, in order to make a decision to join an extremely powerful organisation without being held up by the wrong decision of joining a weaker or opposing faction.

This was a rather calculative decision, completely the opposite of how OriginalMagus had been playing, following his instincts and sticking with The Sage. At first, they were inwardly rejoicing that he had finally gone mad, giving each of the other players more time to breath, however, it seemed that they were wrong, and OriginalMagus had lucked out on his bet.

All of these players were still Level 3, about to reach level 4, however, OriginalMagus had already reached level 5, and was rapidly growing.

They could not let things be the way they are, and since they had already joined 'The Cards of Destiny' cringe name faction, they thought it would be better to side with them.

Instantly, all of them turned around from the corners of the Leon kingdom where they were and headed to the capital. Their goal, to join the Leon kingdom's leading factions and support them into becoming more powerful.

All the top players did this, expect one. And that was WeedGod. He had already crossed the border and entered the Roland Theocracy's capital. He was currently gathering more information about the factions present in the Theocracy, and would join the leading one.

After going through the actions of the other top players seen by random players who happened to pass by and click a screenshot of the world-famous players and put it on the forums, WeedGod sighed.

'I should have stayed in the Leon Kingdom. Damnit! That OriginalMagus has gone ahead of me once again! How long will I bear this humiliation! I need to do something! Yes! That's it! I will become strong enough to affect the Theocracy, and then make them eliminate that Sage guy! Once he is no more, OriginalMagus will lose his edge over me, and I can finally overtake him after all these years.'

A devilish smile appeared on his face as the left the Card of Destiny.


You have left faction 'The Cards of Destiny'

You have lost all faction points

You have lost all favourability with The Sage

Favourability with The Sage is at -50

The Sage will now kill you every time you go near him

You have become an enemy of The Cards of Destiny

The members of Cards of Destiny will be obliged to eliminate you whenever they see you

A special effect for betraying the 'Draconic Overseer' causes you to require double the amount of exp to level up from now on, on a permanent basis

A special effect for betraying the 'Draconic Overseer' causes all your stats to reduce by half permanently.


This message was more or less expected, however the last two lines completely left WeedGod stunned and he just stood in his place for over 3 minutes until a passer-by asked if he was alright.

Moving to the side of the road, WeedGod fell into despair.

'How did this happen. Double the exp? That is insane! I have been permanently cursed?!? Wait, Draconic Overseer? Is that The Sage's race? Then, if I can kill The Sage, the curse should disappear right? That is how curses are supposed to work.'

With this thought, The Sage became a mortal enemy of WeedGod just like that. This was because not only was The Sage supporting his rival in growing incredibly fast, but also now stood on his way to growing stronger. He was literally dragging WeedGod down, and he needed to be eliminated.

At the same time, all the player members of The Cards of Destiny received a Faction update.


Faction Interface: The Cards of Destiny

Leader: The Sage

Number of active members: 8

Current enemies: WeedGod (Ex-member)

Faction points: 10 (Indifferent)
