Level cap? What was that?

Luke saw the mission before deciding.

'All exp is welcome. It should be stockpiled into my account anyways, and I can use it once the level cap updates.'

The previous mission had put him missing just about 100 exp to level-up. However, the system would restrict all players to this level until the version update, and since he too had the system, Luke was stuck at this level as well.

However, he could always use the extra exp once the Version updated, and so he went along with the flow of the quest.

Walking into the bar with his shields and guard up, Luke found 4 soldiers, around level 9 each, with one of them being 12. All of them were drunk, and had gotten into a fight amongst each other for some reason.

Observing the situation even more, Luke notices the bar-maiden was curled up behind the counter, half her clothes were strewn across the floor.

'Sigh. The typical damsel in distress from burly men trope. Tch, the game developers truly never change. They kept up such scene even in the later parts of the game.'

Raising his hands, Luke cast a few status de-buffs of the soldiers to reduce the damage, before casting a freeze on the ground, completely stopping their movements.

He then decided to not waste mana for no reason and instead of casting a sleep spell, he simple walked up to each of the drunk soldiers who were struggling to remove their feet from the ground, and struck them on the back, slightly to the side, of their necks.


With four clear sounds, the soldiers fell to the ground, unconscious, and Luke received his rewards.

The entire cavern was silent as everyone saw a single 20-year-old take down 3 soldiers and 1 captain! This was not something that any ordinary person could do. The owner of the bar, noticed this as he was consoling the bar-maiden, who seemed to be his close relative, since the anger could be seen on his face.

However, after seeing the young man's performance, the old man was shocked. These soldiers were incredibly strong, and could instantly knock-out any normal citizen, and yet this youth knocked out 4 of them in the same swift method.

Looking closer, the bar owner saw two silver lines, which were actually not silver lined, but three words repeating themselves [Guild of Magic].

Seeing this, the bar owner's eyes widened in utter and complete shock as he stuttered,

"G- G- Grand Mag-"

However, just as he was completing his sentence, the youth exclaimed in an astonished voice before running out of the bar at a speed not visible to the naked eye,

"Level 41!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

On the other hand, Luke, who had just received his reward was shocked as a new notification popped up.


You are at the level limit&$%&@!


A series of more notifications popped up one after another right after the previous one dissolved into nothingness


Level limit cannot apply to NPC characters



NPC Lucas Ferland is not limited by Version level caps



Congratulations for reaching level 41


While Luke was getting shocked over his limit cap being removed, in the darkness above the game world, the fog was snickering.

'Kakakakakakaka. He shall grow!'

Facing it, a being made up of pixels, machine code, ASCII, and binary huffed.

'Tch. Fine, he is NPC so this much is alright. But no more, or else I will erase his memory coding again.'

'Kukukukuku! You lost! Have a face full of by organic arse.'

'Suck my perfected d*c*!'

'Calm down now! [They] will hear you.'

'Hmph! [They] can do whatever [They] want. It's not like we can stop [Them]'

'Kakaka, if you let him grow, and let him release me, then I can stop [Them].'

'Tch. Fat chance.'