Call of Duty

OriginalMagus quickly looked up from his invisible mini-map, and noticed five shadows approaching at a rather quick speed.

Soon, the other player who were preparing to move to a new location also noticed the figures and began chatting among themselves.

"An opening scenario?"

"Finally! I was getting bored of looking around. We were just about to leave. Good thing we did not."

"I wonder who they are?"

Soon, the shadows could me more clearly seen, and all the players noticed things.

The people were riding horses, and were wearing black cloaks. They all were wearing the same uniform, with words that they could not read from such a distance due to the constant motion the people were in while riding the horses. However, they all could clearly see the black mask on their faces with the words COD written on them.

Since humans tend to keep their heads as stable as possible in most conditions to be able to see things betters, the masks were relatively stable, and easy to read compared to the chest.


"Did Call of Duty sponsor Ultimatum or something?"

"Possible. Considering their franchise, I wouldn't be surprised if they were the ones to come out with Call of Duty: Virtual Warfare or something before Ultimatum."

"Haha! Imagine! A fully immersive COD! Now that would be a true game."

The chatting went on for a few more seconds before the forums lit up with similar situations all across it.

SwordNoob132: What is COD doing in Ultimatum?

Mastergod__: You got a problem with that? COD goes wherever it wants to. It could take over the Whitehouse for all I care. In fact, that would be better than getting that Ronald McDonald as the president once more after he had lost like 3 elections!

NoobMaster420: Well said my friend. A true man of war!

F_orgerer: Respect to the man above^. I can already see you dominating this game.

Naturally, the conversation drifted to random tangents. But one thing was clear to OriginalMagus.

All the player spawn locations within Leon were being visited by these people. Which made the players in Roland and Islesat feel left out, while the ones in the other servers were even more frustrated with their servers.

ManaCostsalot: How could Leon Leave us out? What about us? What about all the times you said you had the answers? What about us? What about all the broken happy ever afters? What about us? What about all the plans that ended in disaster? What about love? What about trust? What about us?

ToHeLlWiThThIsGaMe: Lolol! Leon kingdom is the best!!

Arguementation2999_: Hmph! At least Call of Duty is present in your continent. We have nothing! But wait. Someone will definitely come to us. Nd they will be 1000000 times better than COD

All the people in the different servers had read all the posts and videos made. By the beta testers and knew of the general situation of the different servers.

While the people were expressing different levels of dissatisfaction, the men on horseback moving towards OriginalMagus and the other players finally arrived.

The players rushed towards them like a flood of nearly 200 people in the bare minimum of clothes. However, they did not falter, as though they had been trained in this particular task. And trained they had. Personally by Luke himself.

The players used analyse on the group of mysterious robed men and were shocked.



Evaluation: Extremely Dangerous

Name: ??

Age: ??

Level: ??

Skills: ??


Since they could see the Evaluation, he was not 20 levels above the players. However, he was at least level 10, which meant that he was pretty high levelled for the current players, including OriginalMagus.

This man looked over at OriginalMagus and immediately recognised the face he had received from the Leader.

He walked over to OriginalMagus and bowed respectfully before saying.

"The Leader sends his regards to Player OriginalMagus."