Lucian Silverfang

A few days later, Luke sat in his office with a frightening smile engraved on his face.

There was a hooded man tied up in magic chains and beaten up badly seated on the chair opposite to Luke.


"Silver Fang"

"Real Name…"


"Should I send you to the training grounds once more?"

"No! My name is Lucian Silverfang"


Luke had a certain feeling he had heard that name before somewhere. However, no matter how much he thought about it, he could not remember it. The feeling of almost remembering something that was at the tip of your tongue, but not being able to actually grasp that thought was frustrating to Luke.

After a few seconds of having a deep frown on his face, Luke sighed and gave up.

'If I can't remember it then it must not be that important. And if it was important, then I will remember it soon enough.'

This was the attitude Luke had formed due to his old age back on earth.

"Good. Can you read?"


"Good, then read and sign this"

Luke handed him a contract with the same devilish smile he had on earlier.


Soul Contract- Slave

Lucian Silverfang and his direct kin from this moment forward shall be the slaves of The Sage forevermore.

No conditions applied.

Lucian Silverfang and his direct kin from this moment forward must listen to everything The Sage tells them and follow them to the letter, even if it results in death of one's self, others, or acts worse than death.

Death cannot break the contract.

In order to breach this contract, one must go against the orders of The Sage, or harm The Sage or those he has declared as friendly.

The contract will be considered breached a single instant before the conditions are met.

Breaching this contract will result in the Soul of Lucian Silverfang, and his direct kin from this moment forward, being handed over to The Sage, or his next of kin.


This was the same contract he had given to the previous assassins who were sent after him. Initially, they first one had caught him by surprise and had actually come really close to killing The Sage. Naturally, that was what the assassin though. Luke's body was now about as tough as a weak metal eve without any spells. But he had been able to cast a barrier to protect himself. Luke then saw that there was already a knife in the back of the assassin who collapsed in front of Luke, behind who was Lucy.

After the first one, as few more incredibly weak opponents came, however, Luke did not kill them. He interrogated them and soon figure out what was happening. All the three largest assassin organisations had received kill missions for his head. However, the price was only 10 Gold.

Seeing this, Luke had thought of an idea.

'If trained assassins, even if they are weak, are going to deliver themselves to me, why not take advantage of it.'

Why would Luke let free labour to die just like that? And for that reason, Luke had created this soul contract, using the one with VidBro as the foundation.

Lucian read through this and his hands began trembling.


"What did you say?"

"N- uh Nothing!" Lucian was about to say no once more, but he looked up and saw Luke's devilish smile that was almost itching to say, "Let's head back to the training grounds for another session of behaviour training."

The training that Luke was referring to was naturally him and Lucy taking turns to beat up Lucian until he could barely breath, before using some healing magic on him and repeating.

This method had even made the first few assassins to come here completely lose their minds, and Luke had to put them out of their misery.

For some reason, Luke was not viewing the assassins as human. Not even as an NPC. He was treating them like pigs on a slaughterhouse. No! He was treating them worse than even the pigs.

Naturally, that was because they had tried to take his life, and he had the right to do this. This was the logic that was flowing through Luke's mind as he tortured the assassins into signing the contract.

However, as soon as Lucian signed the contract, the atmosphere immediately changed from being a prisoner to being an employee. Luke stood up and shook Lucian's hand as he had done to all the previous assassins and said with an amiable smile on his face,

"Welcome to Card of Destiny Lucian. I hope you work well."

Luke got back to his paperwork as the grey-haired youth put on his hood once more and walked out of the room.