The Legend of the Tamer Chapter 51

Author's Note:

Good Day!

Here's the new chapter!

Enjoy and have a great day!


Aeron closed his eyes, he was done trying as he tried to summon the golden-eyed snake after sending the message through their soul connection. A fireball, an icicle shard, and multiple rocks went flying towards Aeron. The wolves' eyes glinted as they saw their attacks fly towards Aeron.


The ground around Aeron suddenly exploded, huge chunks of the earth were sent flying around Aeron, blocking Aeron's immediate surroundings.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The wolves' attacks clashed with the earth barrier and exploded prematurely, the whole area was covered in a dust storm. The wolves looked confused, but their expression changed when they felt a frightening pressure flooding towards them. The wolves stiffened as they waited for the smoke to settle.

The dust started to settle and a huge snake appeared in front of the wolves, it glared at the wolves with its golden eyes, the wolves were visibly shaken by the increasing pressure that they felt.

"You promissSSsse?" the golden-eyed snake suddenly turned towards Aeron's direction. It's long forked tongue slipped in and out of its mouth as the golden-eyed snake waited for an answer.

Aeron who was struggling to stay conscious heard the golden snake, or more accurately, he felt it instead. Aeron nodded in return, although he already promised through his soul and being, the golden-eyed snake asked so he answered.

"I am Asha?" the golden-eyed snake asked.

Again, Aeron nodded.

Name, it was a foreign concept towards beasts and was usually brought to light when they were strong enough.

"Asha," the golden-eyed snake repeated.

Meanwhile, the confused wolves finally recovered their senses, the fire wolf growled towards Asha followed by the ice and earth wolves.

Asha who was currently musing about her new name snapped out of it when she heard the wolves growls. Before Asha could move, the wolves launched a barrage of elemental attacks. Asha's golden eyes glinted as the end of her tail rose up before drilling down the ground.


The ground exploded again as Asha forcefully whipped her tail up. Just like earlier, huge chunks of earth flew up forming an earth barrier around Asha and Aeron.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The wolves attack failed for the second time, and before the wolves could react, Asha had already turned invisible and snuck towards one of the biggest wolves, the earth wolf.


The earth wolf suddenly felt another body wrap around its own, it suddenly lifted off the ground as it struggled to get free. The other wolves were alarmed and quickly distanced themselves away from the earth wolf, the second earth wolf had also risen up despite its injuries and quickly copied the other wolves' actions.

Crackle! Crack! Whimper!

The sound of bones snapping and getting crushed resounded through the area as Asha crushed the bound and helpless earth wolf. The earth wolf let out its last whimper as its body grew limp. The other wolves let out angry growls as they launched another bout of attack, Asha, still invisible lifted the earth wolf's dead body and flung it towards the incoming fireball while dodging the huge rocks and icicle shards. Although invisible, Asha still left a massive trail of crushed grass, the wolves saw the signs and quickly ran away, they shot elemental attacks towards Asha's direction to slow down Asha's pursuit. Asha was forced to dodge while chasing the wolves.

Asha more than out leveled the opposing wolves by about two to three levels, the highest leveled wolf with the exception of the earth stage iron wolf was the fire wolf at level 7.

Even so, if Asha was able to catch the fire wolf, then it would end with the fire wolf's death, the earth wolf was a perfect example, as Asha successfully snuck unnoticed through the smoke towards the earth wolf, the earth wolf died an untimely death.

If Aeron was fully conscious, then he would've marveled upon Asha's lethality in jungle terrain. But as it was, they were currently in a massive grassland which easily exposed Asha's location.

Still, the role of the hunter and the hunted had already reversed as the wolves ran and Asha chased. Though the wolves knew Asha's location, her invisibility still made her a difficult target to hit.

The wolves mana were starting to deplete, the giant snake chasing them had yet to receive any substantial damage. Desperation started to seep in, but the wolves were clever. The ice wolf suddenly stopped and fired an icicle shard towards Aeron who had been forgotten in the heart of the battle.

Asha was quick to notice the attack and hastily slithered towards Aeron, she could not do what she did earlier to protect Aeron, so Asha used her massive body to block the attack instead.


The icicle shard was immediately followed by a fireball and a barrage of rocks, Asha endured the whole attack. The wolves did not stop as multiple explosions echoed on the battlefield, the wolves continued still, this was probably the only opportunity for them to finish off the frightening serpent. The wolves only stopped when they were almost out of energy, the wolves' bodies heaved from exhaustion as they waited for the results of their assault.

The dust storm started to settle, and from it, the massive snake's silhouette appeared, a giant slab of the earth was raised in front of Asha, but her golden eyes were lit with rage as her body writhed in pain. There were ice shards stuck on her body freezing the skin around the wounds, else, blood would have started to flow down, burnt skin also produced smoke as a fair amount of Asha's body got struck with fireballs, the earth wolf's attacks also produced massive swellings.

One could only imagine how much pain Asha was currently going through. The barrage of attacks would have truly killed Asha, but fortunately, Asha was able to think of a solution swiftly, she buried a huge part of her lower body on the ground while she endured the wolves barrage of elemental attacks by moving her body around to distribute the damage her body received. When Asha thought she had dug enough, she forcefully raised that slab of earth smothering it with her aura to make an effective makeshift shield.

The wolves looked totally exhausted as they escaped towards the earth stage iron wolf's direction, but Asha would not let them escape so easily.


The huge slab of earth was crumpled down into three huge boulders by Asha's powerful body. Asha wrapped the three boulders near the tip of her tail, she proceeded to carry Aeron by wrapping her body around him. Otherwise, the three wolves could do it again, even though they looked spent. Asha started to slither towards the three wolves as she endured the pain in her body, only anger could be seen from her golden eyes.

The three wolves had significantly slowed down from exhaustion. Asha was quickly gaining on them. The already injured and now tired earth wolf started to lag behind and subsequently became Asha's first target.

Asha's tail suddenly twisted as she rolled the last boulder towards the end of her tail, her eyes sharpened as her tail swung towards the earth wolf's direction. The boulder flew towards the earth wolf like a cannonball, if it had been earlier, then the earth wolf would have been able to dodge this type of attack, but in its current state of exhaustion…

Bang! Yelp!

The boulder smashed the earth wolf's hind leg as it yelped in pain before stumbling to the ground. Asha continued forward, she moved towards the earth wolf before giving it the kiss of death, Asha's fangs sunk in the earth wolf's body as she injected it with her deadly venom. The helpless earth wolf could do nothing as Asha's [Thousand Venom] started to spread inside it, the earth wolf's eyes almost popped out as black blood started to flow from its orifices. The venom was actually unnecessary as Asha could just crush it as she did with the first earth wolf, but her rage was still burning as the pain filling her entire body reminded her of the wolves earlier attack.

Asha resumed the chase shortly after she injected the earth wolf with her venom. Not long after, the ice wolf who was weaker than the fire wolf started to slow down further, Asha's tail twisted again as she rolled the second boulder to the end of her tail.


The second boulder flew towards the ice wolf, but it missed, it struck in front of the ice wolf instead. Still, the crater formed by the impact tripped the ice wolf making it fall to the ground. Asha quickly arrived before the ice wolf could stand back up, another kiss of death, and the ice wolf died in a more horrific manner than the earth wolf. Asha had free reign upon her skill [Thousand Venom], and since the ice wolf's attack brought Asha more pain than the earth wolf did, the intensity of her venom increased. The ice wolf's body started to shiver as massive amounts of black liquid spurted out of its orifice.

Asha continued her chase, the fire wolf had done the most painful injury towards Asha, so one could only imagine her anger towards the fire wolf. As if sensing its tragic demise, the fire wolf found a second breath as it started to speed up towards the battlezone of the earth stage beast and professional. But before it could arrive…


A huge boulder suddenly smashed the fire wolf's back, its spinal cord cracked as it fell to the ground and struggled to stand. Asha towered over the fire wolf as her golden eyes gleamed with rage, she had only experience pain once, and she never wanted to experience it again, but these wolves almost killed her instead.


Meanwhile, Lina was having a tough time dodging the iron wolf's attacks, she did not know what happened to Aeron's side, but she felt another existence appearing in Aeron's direction, she could only hope he had some sort of way to survive.

Bang! Bang!

The iron wolf smashed the ground with its paws before striking the area behind with its tail, Lina tried her best to dodge the iron wolf's erratic attacks, she could feel the iron wolf becoming more and more agitated, and as its anger rose, its attacks became faster and stronger, but this also made its attack simpler. Lina could only dodge around since [Iron Will] was still active, she knew two methods to stop [Iron Will], the first was to exhaust it completely, and the other was something she had to wait for.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The iron wolf sent out another barrage of iron needles, Lina was still able to parry and dodge most of it, but some iron needles still pierced through her defense, perhaps it was because she was getting more tired, or that the damage was piling up, but more and more iron needles struck Lina, her leather armor already had areas that showed her reddened skin, just like Asha, Lina chose to sacrifice some of her armor to receive the attacks she could not dodge or parry. Her face was also filled with scratches as iron needles grazed by them

The damage would continue to accumulate until the opportunity presented itself or the iron wolf was exhausted, but the same could also be said to Lina, if she was struck by any of the iron wolf's attacks, then she would lose her chance to defeat it.


A howl suddenly resounded through the battlefield, Lina was surprised, but she still focused on the iron wolf, the iron wolf suddenly stopped and gazed towards Aeron's direction as anger burst out of its eyes, but that small moment became a big mistake instead.

[Dance of Death]

Lina quickly attacked, this was the only chance she had, she didn't know what happened on the other battlefield, but she had to do her job first. She appeared right beside the iron wolf's thigh, the iron wolf did notice but it had already been too late.


Lina's crystal sword sunk through the iron wolf's thigh, this was the area Lina had wounded earlier and caused the iron wolf's [Iron Will] to activate, but this was also the most damaged body part that the iron wolf had, and the only place Lina could attack to break through the iron wolf's defense.

The iron wolf tried to protect its thigh but Lina was too close, it howled in pain as its tail swung towards Lina who had her crystal sword stuck inside the iron wolf's thigh. Lina let her sword go as she kicked the crystal sword and dodged the iron wolf's tail. The kick sent the crystal sword further in and the iron wolf howled in pain, but even worse, the iron wolf's body started to return to normal, the iron sheen faded as the iron wolf looked exhausted. The injuries around its body that were halfway healed started to bleed, and the massive damage caused by the crystal sword incapacitated one of the iron wolf's leg.

Lina smiled in triumph as she held her remaining sword, ready for another attack.


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