No On Touches Myu!

"How does Myu looks?" Myu asked, dressed in a one-piece dress that dripped down to her knees, taking a spin. Wang Lei and Tio nodded. Wang Lei said, "Good! We buy the whole shop!"

"Eh?" Shop keeper with Tio and Myu looked towards Wang Lei, stunned.

"Master… one or two dresses are enough; I think," Tio said with Myu nodding in agreement.

"The whole Shop," Wang Lei said, looking towards the Shopkeeper, "Is there is a problem?"

The shopkeeper shook his head with a big smile on his face. He couldn't have imagined that his whole stock of the month will be sold in a day. He hurriedly packed all the stuff and gave it to Wang Lei, who stored it inside his personal storage. Picking up Myu and placing her on his shoulders, Wang Lei said. "Let's go Myu, Onii-chan will show you around this whole city."

Myu happily nodded, "Thank you, Big brother!"

Wang Lei heard her, stopped, as if he has lost something, "Myu can call me Onii-chan. Why big brother?"

'Is this the curse of being born in Cultivation World?!'

Myu tilted her head a little, "Does big brother, not like it?" she said.

"It's not that I was just curious. You can call me anything you want." Wang Lei said with a bitter face. 'My dream of becoming Onii-chan will remain a dream, it seems'

Tio was giggling behind, following them.

"Then… how about Papa?" Myu said.

"PAPA?!" Wang Lei and Tio said at the same time.

"Hm, Myu's Papa 'went to God' before Myu was born. So, big brother is Myu's Papa!" She said with a sad face. Tio had tears in her eyes, "What a sad child!"

"Good! Then from now on Myu can call me Papa." Wang Lei said nodding. One could see a barely hidden smile on his face.

"Really?! Yah! Myu also has a Papa now!" She said joyfully, hugging his head with small hands.

As they were enjoying their time together, they all heard a commotion from ahead. "Papa, what is going on?" Myu asked curiously.

Wang Lei shook his head, "I don't know. Let's go and see it."

Wang Lei and co approached the crowd and saw a man, wearing a guard's uniform, talking with the citizens. Suddenly, the guard looked towards them as his eyes went wide. He starts to run towards them with other guards at his tail. "We finally find you!" The guard said pointing his finger at Myu, much to their confusion.

Myu points at herself, "Find me? But Myu doesn't know you."

Guard ignored her and looked towards Wang Lei and Tio, "Sorry to disturb you but this girl is under this city's custody! Can you give her to us?!" He said while placing his hands on the hilt of the sword.

It was obvious that he was threatening and not asking, {Give her to us or you will die!} is what he was trying to say. Wang Lei narrowed his eyes at him when he felt Myu's grip on his head, "Myu won't leave Papa!" she said as tears started to gather around her eyes. Wang Lei smiled and picked her up. Giving her to Tio, he said while patting her head, "Don't worry, Papa will never give little Myu to anyone." He looked towards Tio, "Take care of her" at which she nodded seriously.

Wang Lei smiled and looked towards the guard, "I am sorry, but as you can see, she does not want to leave me. Seeing as I am this handsome, why don't you leave her to me?" he said to the guard that was barely controlling his emotions as not to create a scene in public.

"Look sir, she is from a race that is under the protection of the Furhen and me, the guard, is responsible to protect them and send them back to Erisen safely." He said with a cramped face.

"Oh! Then you don't have to worry about that as I, Wang Lei, shall send her back to her home, safe and sound." Wang Lei said with a smirk. He was really enjoying this bricking 'You don't meet peoples that will not attack you at minute notice but try to talk it out'.

The guard had a vein popping on his head, "Very well then! You are charged in kidnapping a child of the race of Dagon that is, by Law, under the protection of Furhen Government! As a Law enforcer, it is my duty to save the girl and take you, the kidnapper, under the jurisdiction of this City!" he shouted so that the people around him could hear him. And just as he intended, they did hear him which was obvious by the fact as to how they were pointing their judgmental finger towards him.

"Capture him! How can he be so cruel as to kidnap a girl?"

"Yah Yah! Capture Him!"

"Don't let him run! We are with you guard-san!"

Tio looked towards the shouting people with disgust. She was disgusted as to how hypocritical they sounded. The only reason that Dagon is considered a race and not heretic like other demi-human, is sole because they help them in the gathering of marine products. Otherwise, Ehit doctrine teaches: God created the world and gave humanity magic and those who hadn't received the gift of God are a heretic. Meaning every demi-human is, as most of them cannot use magic, are heretics. And here they are, shouting as how Dagon, a race of demi-humans, have the right to live freely and should be protected.

"Tio-nee-san, Papa will be alright, right?" Myu asked worriedly in her arms. She looked towards Wang Lei, the centre of all this, and tightens her grip around Tio's arms. She didn't want to lose her Papa again.

Tio who heard her smile, "Don't worry, Myu. Your Papa is very strong. Instead, why don't you call me Mama?" she said which got her instant to reject from Myu. "No! I already have mama, Myu doesn't need another one. One mama and papa is enough!" Tio dejectedly hung her head.

Wang Lei who heard the people made a boring expression, "Well, enough of this B*llshit. I still haven't judged you for touching my little Myu" he said as he released his pressure. Everyone around them dropped like dumplings while the guards were shivering.

With the end of his words, almost two hundred people were summoned before him, baffled by what was going on. Wang Lei appeared above them and looked at the richest looking man, who had different jewellery all over his body. "Are you Hansen, leader of Freidhof?" Wang Lei asked looking towards him, who was still trying to process his surroundings.

Hearing him Hansen looked in his direction and said haughtily, "Indeed I am! And you, are you the one who summoned us here? Do you know what would happen to you if the authorities were to know this?!"

Wang Lei look at the idiot who still couldn't understand his situation and rises his hand before him, doing a reverse grip. A portal is formed above his hand from which an ordinary-looking long sword falls. Wang Lei gripped the sword and did a horizontal swing.

Thud*… Thud* Thud* Thud*… With the fall of the first head, others followed. Except for Hansen, his whole Freidhof organization's two hundred members were beheaded.

Tio placed her hand on Myu's eyes as not to let her see the carnage happening before them.

Hansen, wide-eyed, points his trembling finger towards Wang Lei and said. "You… you! Stop! Why are you doing this?!"

Wang Lei smiles gently, "Deus lo Vult, God wills' it!" and with the end of his world was the beheading of another human body that falls lifelessly on the ground. "Next time better not place your filthy hands on Myu or I will make sure that there's not reincarnation for you!"

People around them were petrified with terror. Some weak-willed started to vomit and some even lose their consciousness as the pungent smell of the blood-filled the whole district. The whole district fell into dead silence as the aura of death engulfs everything.

Wang Lei ignored everyone as he teleported Tio and Myu outside of the City. He picked Myu who opened her big eyes and looked around her, "Where are we?" Wang Lei smiled and pats his head, "We are going to meet Myu's mama now!"

Myu who heard him suddenly beamed happily, "Really?!" She said and saw Wang Lei nodded. With a big smile on her face, she kissed him on the cheek then hugged him, "I love you, Papa!"

Wang Lei had a cheeky smile on his face as he also hugged her. Tio smiled seeing them. She was wondering whether she should tell him about her motive or not.


"And so, meet Myu." Wang Lei said to—Qingyue, Shea, Miledi, and Yue—who stayed in . He was going for another Labyrinth so he went to get them but when they heard Myu calling him Papa, they started to question different things; especially, Qingyue and Yue. After explaining everything, they all finally calmed down and gathered around Myu.

"Kyaa~ Such a cute child! Come here, let me hug you~" said Miledi as she started to rub her cheeks with Myu's.

"Stop it Miledi-san! You are scaring her!" Shea said as she takes Myu from her and hugs her.

Qingyue and Yue also joined them. Wang Lei nodded. With how cute Myu was, he expected this reaction. He was wondering whether he should create her statue in his secret room too. 'It's not a bad idea'.

"Now Myu, you call Wang Lei-san Papa then which one is Mama?" Asked Shea at which everyone except Tio looked at her with the eyes of a predator.

Myu who saw their eyes hurriedly ran to Wang Lei who caught her. "Myu already has mama! Myu doesn't need another Mama!" she said. And with that everyone was KO'ed.

Wang Lei smiled, "Well, that's how it is. You guys should ready for the labyrinth, though I think this one will be a piece of cake." He said. Since this Guren Labyrinth was lava base and he and Qingyue both possess art in which they were most excel in—Ice Arts. And with their level, freezing the whole Labyrinth was not that hard; especially for him with 'endless stamina' boast from his Physique. As for the contribution thing that decides whether you have contributed in completing the Labyrinth or not was useless to him as he just needed to look at the magic circle of the Ancient Magic to create a magic circle, identical to it in use, without any requirements such as conquering the Labyrinth. He already had such magic circles created and place inside the palace of . Where anyone, who is permitted, could go and attain the Ancient Magic, though, except Shea and Miledi, no one has used it.

"Let's go, Little Myu. Papa will show you around this place." Wang Lei as he took Myu with him, humming happily.

"…He is in full father mode," Shea said while others nodded, agreeing with her. Yue and Qingyue place their hand on their stomach—no one knew what they were thinking.


1st person view:

'Is this where I will die?' I thought as I saw the behemoth look-like—Nah, it looks more of a minotaur just that its body seems to be upgraded. If it was normal behemoth then with our battle power, it should have been killed easily but the fact is that even if we all fight together, we can't beat it. It's just way too unpredictable. Taking a side step to dodge the monsters sneak attack, I slash my sword vertically upward, bisecting it in two pieces. 'Dammit! There is just no end to this'.

"Why don't you give up already, Heroes?" said the demon woman who brought all these monsters with her. 'How can she control monsters? It was not in the reports'

"Shut up, demon! I will defeat you!" Said one of my childhood friends, Kouki. Even though he knows that situation is a disadvantage to us, he still wants to fight. Sometimes I have to say; him being 'Justice Hero' helps us but mostly it only brings trouble.

"You still want to fight, huh. Well, nothing less from the Hero. But before you should; look at this." The demon woman said.

We all look behind her, where the minotaur look-like monster has Meld-san in its grip. Seeing him at his last breath pains me but I can't do anything with how I am right now. I grit my teeth on my own powerlessness. I know being weak is a sin. That is what I learned the hard way. If not for Wang Lei, I wound probably have been rapped and thrown in some sewer. That day I learned that if I want to protect myself or those I care, I need to become stronger. That's why I trained hard, harder than any disciple of Yaegashi style. Yet, I am weak. I can't protect anything. Right now, I am feeling the same powerlessness I felt 'that' day. 'Are we really going to die here?' I bit my lips as the blood started to drip from them.

"You damn demon! Release Meld-san!" Shouted Kouki as he rushed towards the monster but before he could reach him, he was punched to the ground by another monster.

""KOUKI"" I and Kaori shouted together.

"Hahaha! What an idiot to fall for such a trick!" The demon woman said laughingly.

"What should we do Shizuku-chan?" Kaori asked me. 'If I knew then we wouldn't be in this situation' is what I would like to say but, "If we are still alive then you must have something store for us, right?" I said to the demon. She had many chances to kill us and yet she hasn't, she must have a purpose.

"Ho~ finally someone who can think with their brain. Well, it is quite simple. I want you all to join our side." She said.

"N…ne…never will we… join demons," Meld-san said between his breath. What he said is right, we can't join the side of the enemy for which we were training to defeat. In the first place, we are humans. To betray our race and become the lapdog of demons who want to exterminate our race is idiotic in itself.

"I think we should take her preposition!" We all looked towards Eri with surprise expression.

"Nakamura! Have you gone mad?! You want to betray us?!" Ryutarou shouted angry while griping her collar. "Eeek! I just don't want all of us to die." She said scared. I mean, anyone would be if a bear-like man grabs your collar and shouts at you.

"I am with Nakamura in this" Hiyama-san said.

"Hiyama you coward!"

"Coward? I think I am thinking rationally here. The moment Amogawa lost, our defeat was inevitable. If we can live out of this mess, then we will have a chance or you can just die in this hell pit!" Hiyama-san said.

"You guys…" We look towards Meld-san as he touches a locked on his neck. It started to shine and he started to run towards the demon, "Don't worry about me, just run away from here!"

"Hm? Self-destruct? Heh, ~ Abund, devour him!" the demon said. A different flying monster came and penetrates Meld-san's chest and leaves him on the floor to die.

"Meld-san! "Kouki shouted as his eyes started to shine. He looked towards him as he attacks the monster, dividing him into two parts.

The demon woman looks towards him with horror in her eyes, "Silver eyes?! Kill them, no need to delay it!" she shouted as the monsters started to attack us. I started to fight with the monsters. We were at a disadvantage as we were surrounded by the monsters 'We will definitely die!'

"Shizuku!" I heard Kouki shouts. I can tell what he is trying to tell 'There is a monster behind me!'. He reaches me and slashes the monster's hand off, just as he was about to attack again, he collapsed. 'Did he overdrive his mana?!' I speedily pick him and run towards my other classmates but a different monster throws his punch at me. With Kouki in my hand, I couldn't dodge, all I could was put my sword to the side where the punch was going to hit. 'If this punch hits me, I am dead. Dammit! Are we really going to die here? I still haven't confessed my love… Wang Lei' I thought as suddenly everything stopped—no! the time! The time itself stopped!

"You really like to get yourself in trouble, little Shizuku" I heard his voice in my head. I can't understand, why or how or what is happening. And the fact that I neither can't move my body nor my mouth. The only thing that is working in my brain.

"You don't have to force yourself, since I have not stopped the time but just slowed it down. Stopping the time is something I have yet to learn. Anyway, I won't waste your time." I attentively listen to him; this is the only chance to turn the table. "First, I am just a split consciousness that would not last forever. After this, I will probably disintegrate. So listen carefully, I can't give you much but just enough power to delay this situation for some time. I feel certain someone coming in this direction, he will probably save you all. Since it is not my real body, I cannot use my all powers." I nodded if we can be salvaged from this situation than anything will work. I asked, "What do I have to do?"

"Nothing, just relax your body. I will take over your body from here on and at least delay the situation outside." Hearing him I nodded and relaxes my body. Suddenly, I felt my control over the body losing. I could feel and see everything but couldn't control my body. "Now let's show these mongrels; how a real swordsman fight!" I said—no, it was Wang Lei who said from my mouth.

All the things return back to normal.

3rd person view:

"Shizuku!" Kaori shouted seeing Shizuku was about to crush by the fist when suddenly she vanished from her vision.

"Take care of him, little Kaori." Kaori looked at her side and saw Shizuku(?) standing there with Kouki thrown on the ground. "Shizuku…" she wanted to ask her but stopped when she saw her smirking like a psychopath.

"Ai~This weapon is too weak, and I can't use . Well no choice then, I have never used it but with her magic power it should be possible" Wang Lei said as he throws her katana and directs his(?) hand in front of him.

Different magic circuits started to form on his/her hand as a long sword formed in his hand. Griping the sword, he does some practice swings and smiles. "This will do. Now…" he slashes the sword at his left without looking and a deep gully of 6 meters' forms. The monster that was about to attack him was divided into two pieces.

The demon or Cattleya wide-eyed looks at him, "Who are you?" she asked as her aura started to rise.

'She probably felt the change in Shizuku aura, huh. Well, I will be surprised if she didn't. I mean, it's obvious' Wang Lei thought as he grins, "You don't need to know, little Cattleya. Just know that; you have failed!" Wang Lei said.

Cattleya suddenly jumps back and takes a fighting stance, "Who do you know me? No, it's pointless. I will get my answers when I take care of you." She said as she ordered the monsters to attack Wang Lei.

"Well, you will have to be disappointed then, Little Cattleya. As you will be dying here! But don't worry, I will not kill you; someone else will." Wang Lei said as crouches down a little, placing the sword at his waist and doing the stance of Iai. He takes a deep breath and exhales, "Please bear with me, Little Shizuku. This move will put a little strain over your body." Wang Lei said.

Others looked towards him as all the monsters have changed their target to him at this point.

Wang Lei closes his eyes as he put his all focus on the sword, he suddenly opens his eyes. he said as he released his sword and swings it horizontally. Everyone saw with horror as everything became silent. Everything was moving yet nothing was. They all felt that space was divided into two segments yet nothing was divided. Thud* With the sound of the head falling everyone came back to their senses as they saw every monster was divided, cleanly, into two parts.

Wang Lei breaths heavily as blood drips from his nose. It was a move that he copied and based it on . Since he didn't have he could only try to make a cheap intimation which was not even 1 percent of real technique but was enough to take care of some mobs.

Cattleya takes a step back but then saw as to how Wang Lei was barely standing while supporting himself with the sword. "No matter who you are, going against our God means death!" she said but just as she was about to attack, she saw Wang Lei smirking. She had a bad feeling that became reality next second as the roof of the Labyrinth falls and a man with white hair and a voluptuous woman enters the floor.

"Am I late?" Said Hajime as he looks around him when he saw all the dead monsters. He raised his brow and looked towards Shizuku who was breathing heavily, "Have you did it?" he asked.

Wang Lei looked towards him, he was at his limit. "I will leave everything to you, Little Hajime"

Hajime who heard him become wide-eyed. But then understanding he nodded. Wang Lei weakly smiles as his body started to fall.

"Shizuku-chan!" Kaori shouted as she rushes to catch her.

"Cough* Cough* Kaori… I will rest a little." Shizuku said as she closes her eyes and lost consciousness.