Irina Shidou

AN: An unedited chapter. I hope there are not many mistakes in it. Anyways, this chapter is mostly on Kiba, so do not say that I did not tell ya'. Peace!


Death. Something that everyone will face one day. Something from which one can neither run nor hide, the only possibility left is facing it. But then the question arises, will one will be able to? Knowing that in the next minute, or even second, he will be facing death. Knowing that this would be, or might be, his last-minute in the world, and after this, he would die. Will one be calm at that moment? Will he accept it, embrace it?

Standing at the edge of a steep hill, a boy of about nine stood with flowers in his hand. With every gentle gust of the wind, his short blond hair would wave to his side. His face still kept the little amount of baby fat, with a small mole underneath his left eye. His blue eyes, filled with a different swirl of emotions - pain, suffering, hate, anger, grief, sadness, agony. But the most evident was for sure pain, sadness, and agony - his will and determination for revenge as he stared at the grave in front of him.

If one were to look, then he can only see one grave, but the names written on it could easily pass the dozen mark - indicating that there was not a body buried beneath the said grave.

With his hand tightly clenching the stems of the flowers, tears could be seen threatening to leave his eyes.

"...Wait, okay... definitely... I will definitely take revenge on people of those damn Holy Sword Project!"

He could hardly squeeze the words out of his mouth due to the tight clenching of his teeth.

He could still remember it vividly. The screams of his dying comrades as they prayed to God for the salvation that never reached them. Smiling and heartless faces of those priests as they experimented on them coldly, without any ounce of emotion showing on their faces as they did one cruel experiment after another on them. Faces of despair, helplessness... and hollowness. And the moment when they were deemed unnecessary by them - ordered to be disposed of.

Then the image of a certain redhead showed on his face. The girl who gave him the second chance, but he still could not place his trust in her. Who knew what she might be planning by saving him. And more so when she was a devil... well, he was not in a position to say that anymore, knowing that he has also become one.

Leaning down a little, one of his knees touching the ground, the boy, Yuuto Kiba - or Izaiya that he calls himself - gently placed the flowers above the grave. He did not pray. Why would he? When they were suffering, the only hope they could cling to was God. But did he help them? Did he answer their prayers? And now that he has become a devil, the very thought of praying to God disgusted him. He felt like puking.

Shaking his head, clearing his mind of unnecessary thoughts, he stood up. It was already time for the start of his sword training. Even though his master was kind of acted like a mother, though he never had one, he knew that she was quite a soft-hearted girl. But that does not mean he would let his guard down; especially, after what he has gone through.

"Oya~, what we have here? A little devil boy. Hehehehe! He seems quite tasty~."

A sudden shock ran past his spine as Yuuto Kiba hurriedly jumped back, creating distance between whoever the other person was.

"A woman?" Looking at the woman standing in front of him, Yuuto Kiba's brow raised. But his eyes still cautiously looking at her, examining her every action.

"Fufufu~, don't be so afraid, little boy~. Come to Onee-san~, Onee-san will not hurt you~."

Her playful voice traveled to him, giving him goosebumps. Kiba could feel his body hair standing erect. His mind constantly sending signals to run. After facing death once, he could tell it... if he did not escape, he will die. This woman... she was definitely here to kill him.

"Who are you?" while still maintaining a distance, Kiba asked. His eyes, wandering around him, trying to find a possible escaping path.

'I can't die here! I still have not even started my revenge!'

"Onee-san is a stray devil~. But don't worry, okay? Onee-san is really a good person. Onee-san loved her master. She loved her soooo~ much that she was ready to sacrifice her life for him," her voice sounded pitiful, like that of a defenseless girl, as she continued, "But Onee-san master loved someone else. How could I accept that? I gave my whole being, my humanity, for my master! How could he not love me? That's why Onee-san killed him! And now, he is part of Onee-san!"

She revealed her naked breast. A terror climbed Kiba's spine. Face! He could see a distorted face of a male on her breast, stitched together with her skin. Kiba felt a sudden nauseating feeling hitting him. He placed his hand on his mouth to stop whatever was going to leave it - trying his best to not look at her... chest.

"See~, now the master and I have become one~! No one can separate us now!" with a fanatical look on her face, she looked at Kiba, her smirk widening, "But you know~, Onee-san still has to kill that bitch that tried to steal my master. But Onee-san is not strong enough to do that. She is from a higher-class devil house, after all. So, Onee-san found a perfect method to do that~, absorb other devils~. The more devils Onee-san absorbs, the stronger Onee-san will become. Then it would be not hard for Onee-san to kill that bitch, you know~. So, little boy, you will help Onee-san, right?"

Without even answered her, Kiba ran towards the forest. His mind thinks of solutions at a fast pace. He did not have to think to find that the woman was crazy, a psychopath! If he stayed there for even a second, he was sure that only death would await him. So, without thinking much, he ran towards the forest, hoping that the tress will obstruct her.

The woman, looking at the running Kiba, her face distorted, "AH~! HOW COULD YOU RUN AWAY FROM ONEE-SAN!? COME HERE! COME BACK TO ONEE-SAN!"

Her shout rung throughout the silent forest, alerting the animals.

"FUCK!" Kiba cursed aloud. He was wondering how his luck became so rotten. He had to meet a psychopath of all people.

'I can't die!'

With determining heart, Kiba, unconsciously, started to use his demonic force, propelling him faster towards the other side of the forest. While only the same thought ran through his mind, 'Run, run, run! You can not die here! Run!'

"COME to BACCCCKKKK!!" hearing the shriek of the woman, Kiba forcefully bite his tongue. His mind was filled with terror.


His eyes widen to the extreme, Kiba saw the face of the woman right next to his, only some inches apart. Her looking at him with fully opening eyes. Her dark sclera and golden pupils, staring right at him - as if to pear ever secret out of him.

Before he could think anything else, he felt his head being pushed down, distorting his vision as if sitting on a bullet train, all he saw was some blurred silhouette.


A cloud of dust covered the area around him, destroying the nearby trees.

His face full of wounds, with blood coming out of his seven orifices. His vision turning red as he saw the crazy laughing face of the woman.

'Why?' as if he could not see the face of the woman, Kiba questioned, 'Why? Why is the world so cruel to me... to us. Why can't we live a normal life?'

"Now stay there like a good boy, okay~? Onee-san will get angry otherwise~."

Kiba could barely hear anything due to damage to his ears.

'I... I still have not taken revenge... what's the point of me escaping? What was the sacrifice of my comrades worth for? I can't die... I don't want to DIE!'

"I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" with tears falling from his eyes, Kiba shouted his feelings. He did not want to die. He at least wanted to revenge his dead comrade. If he died, how could he face his comrades, who sacrificed themselves to let him escape? He felt it. The hopelessness, the despair.

"Someone... Someone... please... save me," with the constant falling of tears as if a dam broke, Kiba cried for help within the constant laughter of the woman.

"Please...*sniff*... someone... please... SOMEONE!"

"Shout all you want boy, but no one will save-"

Stop. Everything stopped. The falling of leaves, the wave of grass, the flying dust, the blowing of the wind, it was as if everything as been caught by something or someone.

"What are you doing? Trying to hurt my disciple?" a voice that Kiba was completely familiar with, yet it felt the coldest thing to exist. The gentleness and playfulness that he was familiar with were nowhere to be found, only eternal coldness and emptiness - as if it was coming from the depth of an abyss.

The woman looked above and saw a girl standing there, with Kiba in her hands. Her face, if seen in normal circumstances, would have been a sight to behold. But, right now, the coldness was laced on it as she looked at the tettered body of Kiba.

A gentle wave of energy left her body and entered Kiba, beginning to heal him.

Kiba could feel a soothing feeling washing over her body, relaxing it as he felt the pain vanishing. With tears still evident in his eyes, he looked at her supposedly master. The one he never acknowledged. When he met her a week ago, all he wanted was to learn swordsmanship from her. But due to the trust issues, he never acknowledged her as his master - same with Rias.

But now, seeing the same woman, who he never trusted, saving him and caring for him, he could not help but feel warm - something that he has long forgotten.

"Thank you..." a small voice of gratitude left his mouth. He was really grateful for her saving him. At the same time, he felt guilty and shame for even suspecting her and not giving her his trust. Even though she was his mentor.

Gently caressing his head, Shizuku smiled, "You should rest, Kiba-chan. Leave everything to master, okay?"

Kiba could only nod at his master's words and stood behind her.

Seeing as Kiba was alright, Shizuku looked back at the woman, who was cautiously looking at her. Even though it looked like from her behavior, Shizuku was not naive.

Even in Arifureta's universe, when they were summoned, she might be the most sensible after Hajime. And now, many years have been passed since then, though she still contained her childish innocence and still would act like a mother some times, she was completely matured.

After leaving with other girls, who were from the cultivation world, she was quite obvious of the fact that only power can help you. Things such as justice never existed, only power. If only her friend Kaouki was able to see it.

Anyway, she was matured and was not new to killing. In ATG verse, she has killed many people, after all.

"You have quite guts to try to kill my disciple, girl." and it seems like she was catching Wang Lei's, Xuanyin's, and Caiyi's arrogancy.

"Stay out of my way, or Onee-san will have to eat you too~," back to her playful voice, the woman said. Even though she was cautious, she still did not show it on her face.

Shizuku just coldly looked at her, one hand reaching the hilt of .

Seeing it, the woman took a defensive stand. But all of it was for naught when Shizuku, without anyone present registering it, slashed her sword.

"Let's go, Kiba-chan. Wang Lei should be waiting for us. It's breakfast time, after all." she said before taking Kiba's hand and started to walk towards the Himejima state.

"But..." Kiba wanted to ask about the woman, but he got his answer the next second. With his eyes filled with astonishment, he saw a long ravine stretching at his back, all the way to the horizon with no end.

He could literally see lava down there! 'What the fuck!?' was the only thought inside his mind. She literally almost destroyed the planet with her swing.

"Hm, this world's laws are quite weak... even with my holding most of my powers, I almost accidentally bisected the planet. It seems like I need more training." Shizuku said, nodding as she continued her walk. With his mouth open in 'O' shaped, Kiba could only silently follow his master.


"What the fuck?! What is she?! Even Onii-sama can't do that!" Rias shouted as she looked at the massive ravine down in the jungle.

She was standing in the air, with Wang Lei, Akeno and Shuri, Nekomata sisters, and Grayfia. All of them had their eyes opened to the extreme.

Just one slash, one slash was enough to almost destroy the planet... then what would a full-powered one was like? Destroying the Universe?! The whole concept was new to them.

"Hai~, if I did not stop the slash, then it would have destroyed the echo system..." Wang Lei said before waving his hand and using

"Let's go back, I am hungry." Wang Lei said before leaving with the astonished faces of the girls. The other reason being that he had promised to go out with Lavinia today. It was his first date after being reincarnated, he was quite excited about it.

The concept of date did not exist in ATG, while girls from Arifureta, mainly Shizuku, never asked for one as she would normally be busy with her household.

But here was different, he could go on as many dates as he wanted with girls. He was definitely thinking of going to date with every girl.

'Should I use shadow clones?... Nah, it just does not sit well. But, am I forgetting something?' he thought before leaving with everyone while humming a song. It was his first date, after all.


"Achoo!" a young man with silver hair sneezed as his finger kept on tapping on his keyboard as different codes of different High-Level Language passes in front of his screen.

"Damn you, Wang Lei! That bastard, did he finally remembered that he came with another person in this world?" the silver-haired man said, but his finger did not slow for even a second.

"Haa~, I am tired. If only Kaori was here..." he thought before looking at his behind, to the uninvited guest sitting there and watching TV.

"Can you not enter my house without my permission, Irina? It is quite annoying for me to take care of another tenant, who I do not even know."

With annoyance laced in his voice, Hajime said. He had met her on one of his business trips to England. Even though he had the powers to change the very direction of the world with his creations, he did not.

First, he has not completely got his powers. Second, he had close to no knowledge of the superpowers of this world. He did not know what was the level cap of this world. Third, he knew that superpowers were trying hard to hide the existence of it from normal humans, so he also did not want their attention by creating some overly powerful gadgets. Anyway, this world was going to come under them at one point or another.

"How can you say that, Hajime-san?! You will break my heart! Also, I have told you that I have been assigned by the church to follow you; since you already know that, I can just stay by your side. I can easily spy on you that way!" she said, quite proud of herself.

Hajime wanted to smack her head but controlled himself. In the first place, he could only blame himself for letting the church know about his existence. He just could not hold his curiosity when he saw a flying black crow or was it a fallen angel?

Thinking that he finally came in contact with the supernatural, he captured him and started to tor-I mean, ask him some questions. It was then he met her, Irina Shidou, the cheerful and spirited girl... and annoying.

He saw her using something Excalibur, so he created an exact copy of it. It was even better than the original. He was a creator of different top-class weapons, after all. Creating a sword was not that hard for him.

After that, the church sent many different people to try to capture him; he even met angels. But after they found out that none came out alive, even four paired winged angels, they started a pacifist approach. And the present was the result of that.

"How many times am I supposed to tell you that I will not join the church?"

"Then I will not leave either! Not until you follow me back, or they call me back!" Irina said before pouting and continuing watching anime on the TV.

Hajime wanted to shoot a bullet through her head but controlled the urge. Shaking his head, he went back to the computer and again started typing on it.


AN: Before you guys say anything, you can think of it as the church has sent her because they knew that Hajime would not kill her or attack her. I know she is a child right now. But you can think of it as it is part of her training.

Or do you guys want a whole chapter of BS to justify it?