Notice: Dropped.

As the crack in the sky closed, everyone dropped onto the ground. The pressure they were feeling from the Baraqiel was definitely not something they wanted to feel again in their life.

Rias, Akeno, and some others have definitely felt the pressure of a demon king, but even that did not compare to the one Baraqiel was releasing.

It was as if they were standing in front of a primal beast that would devour them no matter their struggles.

Shuri, who was standing in the air, felt all her body relaxing as it started to fall down. She had been the tensest throughout the whole scene as she was fighting with Kokakiel.

She had already used all of her mana and after seeing Baraqiel, her emotions had become a mix of something.

She didn't want to admit it, but she definitely felt disgusted when she saw 'Baraqiel'. Of course, she didn't feel disgusted for her husband, but for the one who was residing in him now.

"Kaa-san!" seeing Shuri falling, Akeno shouted worriedly. She was about to go and catch her but Wang Lei beat her to it.

Gently holding her in his arms, Wang Lei smiled, "You have done well, little Shuri. Why don't you rest a little?"

Looking at his face, Shuri blushed. She has been holding these feelings for such a long time because she wanted to, at least, cut her ties with Baraqiel completely.

She wanted to complete her revenge before she could even think of another man.

But Wang Lei was not just another man. Even though most of the time, he looked as normal as he could be, but that was his charm. He didn't have to be overbearing or strong.

He didn't need to show others how strong and successful he was. His normal and ordinary appearance was enough for her.

Though she said ordinary, in this world, Wang Lei definitely was not one. She meant as a powerhouse. If he were to put in front of a powerhouse like satans, then he definitely lacked in the pressure and charisma department.

"Um," with a small nod, she nestled her head into his chest as a small tear left her eye. She was finally free. The hard work that she put in these seven years paid off and she can finally move forward.

Smiling and gently caressing her head, Wang Lei didn't say anything and let her calm down on her own.

"Is she alright?" worried, Akeno asked.

Wang Lei shook his head, "Nothing. She is just tired and will be alright after some rest."

Akeno sighed in relief.

After some time, everyone calmed down and rested. It was quite a long and hard day for them. But some were definitely not tired.

"Y-You!" pointing her finger at Wang Lei, Sona didn't know what to say. After he had left her a small peck on her lips, she didn't know how to respond to him. Her mind was quite chaotic currently.

Wang Lei, who had Shuri sleeping on his lap while he was hugged by Lavinia , who was playing with his hair happily, pointed at himself, "Me? You should start calling my Husband or Hubby now, Wife."

Hearing him, Sona's face becomes even redder before she stomps her feet on the ground and runs away – too shy to face him currently.

'It is quite fun teasing her,' rubbing his chin, Wang Lei thought.

Seeing that everything was over, Vali, after meeting with Lavinia and Suzuka, decided to take his leave. He needed to report all of this back to Azazel, "I'll take my leave then," he said before vanishing.

"How the kids have grown… he was just a small child when I first met him," shaking his head like an old man, Wang Lei sighed.

Rias and Akeno's brow twitched. If they were to call him an old man, he would definitely say that he is just a young man.

"So? What are you girls going to do?" looking at Xenovia and Irina, he asked, wondering what choice will they make. Unlike in the original, they are still not aware of the fact that God is dead.

He wondered what choice they would make. Will Xenovia become an Angel like Irina, or will she choose something else?

"We will go back to the church to report what happened here," Xenovia said, "We will also be taking Holy Swords with us."

Waving his hand, Wang Lei said, "Take them. I don't really want them in the first place – just some crappy swords."

Xenovia and Irina's brow twitched.

"E-em…" walking some steps forward, Irina, while playing with her fingers, pleadingly looked at him, "Eto… Wang Lei-san… can you change us back to normal?"

She really didn't want to return back to church as a catgirl. She was sure that she would be deserted if she were to do that.

The church was a human organization and didn't take demi-humans or none-humans in their ranks. She didn't want to be kicked out now.

"Hm?" looking at them from head to toe, Wang Lei's eyes narrowed a little, "No. That is your punishment. Don't worry. If you are kicked from the church, my café always welcomes new maids. We have enough space to accommodate you girls."

No way is he going to change them back. Wang Lei just realized, but he may have a fetish for catgirls.

After playing with Ying'er for such a long time, he really enjoyed playing with her cat ears and tails, even though she would run most of the time. It was still fun teasing her.

I mean, who would have ever seen the Brahma Goddess acting like a cute cat? If before she was beautiful enough to make someone go soft by just her looks, then now, Wang Lei was sure that there would be barely anyone who would be able to stop himself from jumping at her.

Irina and Xenovia gritted their teeth, knowing what waited for them once they returned like this, "P-please…" Irina begged, but Wang Lei didn't listen to her.

Irina could only grit her teeth. To her, it felt like she was talking to a child who didn't want his toy to be taken.

As he was talking or ignoring her, different magic circles bloomed around the school from which angels and devils came.

The silence stretches in the surroundings as everyone looks at them.

"Rias!'' The first one to break the silence was none other than the current lucifer, Sirzech, followed by Leviathan Serafall, who ran in Sona's direction.

"Are you alright?" he asked worriedly while inspecting his sister. Hecate, his wife, silently stood behind him as a good maid.

"I am alright, Onii-sama," Rias replied, trying to alleviate her brother's worries.

"Sona-chan, are you alright!? Did someone try to touch you? Who is it? Tell Onee-san, she will erase their existence from this universe!" While Sirzech acted quite tamed, Serafall acted completely opposite as she bombarded Sona with a different question while feeling her body.

With a blush on her face as she felt her sister touching her at inappropriate places, she pushed her back while saying, "I am alright, Onee-sama. Don't worry about me… stop touching me!"

Serafall pouted while clicking her tongue for not being able to touch her sister anymore.


A sudden cough brought everyone's attention to the person who did it.

There stood a handsome-looking man with long blond hair and green eyes. Twelve golden wings were growing from his back as he stood tall. He was the current leader of the angels and overseer of Heaven, Michael.

"Michael… you are also here…" looking at him, Sirzech said.

During the political talk, Michael did say that he would also send someone from his side since Excalibur was involved in this matter, but he didn't think that he would come himself.

Sirzechs eyes tailed back from Micheal where he saw an extremely beautiful woman with curly blond hair and a voluptuous figure. Just like Michael, she also had twelve wings growing from her back.

She was the most beautiful woman in Heaven, Gabriel, also known as Angel of Innocence.

"You are also here, Gabriel," Sirzech said, wondering whether Excalibur was that important to them that two Seraphs had to make their entrance.

Gabriel gave a small bow to his inquiry.

"Michael-sama! Gabriel-sama!" Xenovia and Irina, seeing them, hurriedly went on their knees and greeted them.

When Michael was about to say something, his eyes fell upon their cat ears and tails, rendering him speechless for a second.

"What happened to you both?" he inquired. He was sure that they were human before and those ears and tails were not any forms of cosmetic.

"This…" both didn't know how to answer his question until both of them looked or stared at the relaxed Wang Lei, who was ignoring everyone and was enjoying Lavinia's caresses.

Lavinia being Lavinia, ignored everyone too.

When Michaels', Gabriels', Sirzechs', Hecates', and Serafalls' eyes fell upon him, it widened for a second before Serafall jumped at him.

"Asgorath-chan~," she shouted before trying to hug him, but Wang Lei stopped her as it would be quite an awkward position with Shuri on his lap.

Smiling softly, he greeted, "It's been a while, Serafall. Also, my name is Wang Lei now."

"Moo~, I've told you before to call me Levi-tan," she pouted, hearing him.

Wang Lei giggled while ruffling her hair, "Of course. How can I forget that you are a magical girl, Levi-tan."

Serafall smiled hearing him, "You should have told me that you are back. We could have filmed the best magical girl video."

Smiling, he said, "Why not? But I am not wearing any magical girl outfit, okay?" he wouldn't mind wearing anything else, but never a girl's clothing.

"But with your looks, a little bit of make-up would be enough to make you the best magical girl!" Serafall protested. With his long hair, it wouldn't be hard to change him into a girl with a little bit of make-up here and there. They also had magic that would make their work even easier to accomplish.

Wang Lei just shook his head at the pouting magical girl. No way would he allow that… in the open at least.

"Ahem," trying to change the topic, Michael again coughed to gain everyone's attention, "It has been a while As-Wang Lei-san. You haven't changed in the least."

"Of course," Wang Lei nodded, "I am eternal 18 years old."

"Cousin," hearing a soft whisper, he looked in the direction of the Hecate that had a striking resemblance to his maid wife.

Seeing her, Wang Lei smiled, "It's been a while, Hecate. How are you doing?"

Smiling, she walked in his direction. Both stood not so far from each other before Hecate tried to punch him but was stopped by him, "Ma~, what a rude lady have you become little Hecate. Where is the proper etiquette of a maid?" with a teasing smile, he asked.

Hecate gnash her teeth, "Grayfia had to suffer so much because of you!" her voice barely contained her anger.

If in this world there was someone who she loved more than her husband, then that would be Grayfia, her sister. The amount of love she had for her wouldn't even compare to the one she had for anyone else, except for her son that is.

All those years, seeing the crestfallen and longing face of Grayfia made her quite angry at her cousin for doing such a baseless promise to her. If he didn't have done that, then Garyfia might have lived better years.

Hearing her, Wang Lei wryly smiled, "I don't intend to say sorry. Since I meant what I'd said. Me here is proof of that."

"Humph! You should be happy that she didn't find another man, or you would be crying right now. But you!" Again anger bubbled into her as she looked back at Lavinia and other girls, "Even after making my sister wait for such a long time, you are having other girls beside her!"

"Well, what can I say," with a crestfallen expression, he sighed, "I am a sinful man. Women can't help but flock to me like a moth to the fire."

Hecate's brow twitched. She knew that her cousin was a narcissist, but it seems that it increased after his reincarnation.

Looking away from Hecate, his eyes tailed to Gabriel. Without any reserve to the people around him, his eyes tailed from head to toe, without any civility, checking her body.

After a moment of checking her, much to Michael's, Gabriel's, and Angel's (who barely stopped themselves from attacking him) discomforts, he nodded, "Not bad. You've become even more beautiful than the last time I saw you, Gabriel."

With a little blush, Gabriel nodded, "Thank you, Wang Lei-san."

She couldn't help but steal shy glances at him as, to her, he was particularly shining with light. It was oozing out of him, wanting to break free.

Gabriel has seen the light of her father, and she was sure that it was the purest she had ever seen… until now that is since Wang Lei's light was more pure and direct.

While her father's light was gentle and soft. To her, it felt like it would lead anyone in darkness, but Wang Lei's was like a beast and rough as if to devour the darkness itself.

Grinning at her shy glances, Wang Lei looked at Sirzech this time. Both of them didn't say anything but just kept looking at each other until Sirzech opened his mouth with a sigh, "Though I want to fight with you currently, it is not the time."

Wang Lei raised his brow but didn't reply as Sirzech was still continuing, "Are you planning on coming to the underworld?"

Rubbing his chin, Wang Lei contemplated for a second. He didn't have anything to do in the underworld, but a tour never hurt. He was quite free anyway.

So, nodding, he replied, "I will."

Sirzech nodded, "Then let's settle it then."

"Oh~, settle what I wonder?"

"Rivalry," seeing his amused face, he replied, "Even though you have Garyfia, I still want to duke it out with you. After all, it is better to throw something that would hinder you than to hold it onto you."

"Hmm. Makes sense. I'll let you entertain me then," Wang Lei said.

"Since the greetings are over, can someone explain what happened here?" Michael asked. He was wondering how he has been the only one leading the conversation to the right track for a while now.

Hearing him, everyone looked at Wang Lei since he is here, they kind of guessed who defeated Kokabiel but still waited for the explanation.

"What?" seeing as everyone was looking at him, he hid his chest with his hands, "I am just a passerby, stop with that gay staring."

Every man's face twitched. Seeing that the conversation was not going anywhere, they looked at Rias and Sona since this place was under their jurisdiction.

Feeling everyone's attention on them, they nodded before starting to explain everything that happened. From the moment Kokabiel attacked Baraqiel, killing him and vanishing.

The more they listened, the more their faces became pale and serious.

"To think… he would use the fragment of World Eater…" Sirzech said while taking a deep breath. They might not be alive during the Great War, but the terror that is recorded in the book is enough to tell them to know what they are facing.

"This… might be more serious than we thought," Michael said, "We need to talk with Azazel about it as I am sure that Grigori didn't have any fragments of World Eater with them. Outside forces might be involved in this."

Sirzech frowned. If Michael was right then this was indeed a mess. The time of Peace Treaty was coming close and this incident happened.

If something worse had happened to Rias or Sona, or any of their peerage members, then devil society might erupt into a rage, resulting in another Great War.

Micheal looked towards Wang Lei and said, "Wang Lei-san, since you've already gained your memories, then can you clear that at which side you are?" he asked.

If Wang Lei was a devil, then he wouldn't have asked this question. But now he was a human, neither a devil nor an angel. He had full rights to choose either of these two factions.

Michael wanted Wang Lei to clear that as to avoid future problems.

Everyone's attention was now on him, waiting for his answer with bated breath.

Wang Lei smiled, "None. I am just an ordinary café owner, I can't take the pressure of being part of a faction," sighing like an old man, he looked towards the sky with a small smile on his face and a contemplating look, "I just want to stay home and take care of my kids and wives."

Silence descends on the whole area as everyone looks at him with a face of 'I ain't believing ya bitch!'.

Michael, Gabriel, Sirzech, Sonafall, and Hecate could only smile wryly.

"Since that's your decision then we can only respect that. But can you come when the Peace Treaty is being signed? It would reassure us that there is someone strong to witness it."

Of course, Michael would not say that he wanted him to be there as an insurance of a sort. You never know what might happen during the treaty. Having another powerful ally would assure them, at least.

"Oh, that I can do," Wang Lei nodded, "Once I am free with my café work, just mail me and I'll come."

Michael nodded with a small smile, "Thank you."

"Since my work is done here, I'll take my leave," Wang Lei said while taking Shuri into his arms, "I can't leave my café for too long. Too busy I am."

Everyone looked at him and wanted to say that café is closed at this time but they stayed quiet except Irina and Xenovia, "Wait! At least turn us back!"

"Oh!" looking at them for a second, he smiled gently, "My café always welcomes catgirls. Feel free to drop by."

"But—" before Irina could say anything, he vanished from his place, leaving Irina and Xenovia alone.

They looked towards Michael and Gabriel with pleading eyes as to not outcast them.

Like an angel he is, Michael smiled, "I heard that his café is doing pretty well, you might find the job more enjoyable than you think."

"Michael-sama…" Irina didn't know how to respond to him. Even her idol has told her to join his café.

"Since everything is done here, we should leave," Sirzech said while looking at Michael, "We need to have a meeting to discuss today's matter."

Michael nodded and teleported away with other angels.

Soon, after talking with Rias and Sona, Sirzech and Serafall also teleported with the devils.


Ah, I am back guys! It was a short break… who am I kidding with… I am writing another fanfiction called A Gamers' Life - if you are not aware of it by any chance, it is a gamer genre fic.

Reason? I was tired of writing KSR continuously for almost a year. At the same time, I was reading some Gamer fics and wanted to give it a try I guess.

I will still be uploading that fic, and this one too. I'll try to handle both - if I can - or maybe will focus on this one as it is close to finishing. But I have to say, while I was chilling playing games, I'd an idea of continuing this even after I reach the decided end.

Like letting Wang Lei go to different worlds just for fun. I want to see those worlds with Wang Lei POV I guess.

Anyway, here's the chapter for those who still have this in their library.

PS: My friend is writing a fic called 'Devouring the Heavens (ATG)'. I've read it and it is really good in my opinion. If you can, do go and check it out.

Here's the link:

It is written by Fellbane.