Shizuku's Underworld Visit.

As the curtain of morning rose, Wang Lei opened his eyes. Feeling the weight that he has been used to feeling these days, he smiled.

Looking down, he saw his pervert maid silently sleeping with a little amount of drool coming out of her mouth.

Her golden hair gently dripped all over his chest and her back, only showcasing her heavenly face.

Wang Lei's eyes landed on her cat ears that were twitching from time to time. His eyes narrowed a little before he gently rubbed them, feeling its softness transmitting to his brain. They felt soft to touch.

"Mumumu~, master~," she purred as she rubbed her face with his chest while her tail danced behind. Even though she tried to hold her cat instinct most of the time, it was definitely not possible during her sleep.

Her hand moving to his neck as she shifted her position. Now, she was sleeping on his chest with her body placed on him.

Her legs locked to his while her face inched close to his neck.

Meanwhile, this was happening, the young fox was looking at her with amusement.

"Sniff* Sniff* Hehehe~, master's smell~," she giggled while sniffing his neck before her small tongue gave his neck a gentle lick.

Wang Lei was amused by her reaction but definitely didn't hate it. In fact, if not that she was soured from all the exercise they did, he would have started again.

That is how much cute and innocent she looked currently.

His left hand moved as he placed it at her waist while his right hand reached her head, softly patting her. This made her even giddier as she unconsciously started to giggle and wiggle on his body - her tail excitedly moved left and right.

'God, she is cuter than I thought! Should have closed the deal faster, if I knew she would act like this in the morning,' Wang Lei thought while he continued to enjoy her soft body as she rubbed with his.

Since they were naked, the feeling transmitting was intensified.

After a minute or two, his little kitty God seems to feel his caressing as her eyes fluttered before opening.

The first thing she saw was the amused smirking face of her master and the man to whom she gave her all.

"Good morning," Wang Lei greeted.

Ying'er nodded before she realized her position and how she was particularly trying to merge with his body.

She was about to move when she remembered his amused smirking face before stopping. She looked at him before she leaned down and gave a small kiss on his lips, "Enjoying what you're feeling, master?"

Wang Lei was even more amused, seeing her acting. Since he could easily see embarrassment visible in her eyes. Her face was almost matching the hair of his other maid's hair in the shade that was currently in her Star Realm. He was even sure that if her cultivation was not sealed, she might blow this city up by mistake due to her energy going havoc.

"I am. I would even more if my cute maid didn't hide her embarrassment and let me see her flustered look," he replied before pinching her at her nose bright, making her frow her brows.

"I am not embarrassed!" She retorted, but her tail was moving way too fast to hide her excitement.

"Is that so? Guess I'll stop patting your head from now on. After all, you don't seem to like it," with a devastating face, he took his hand back much to Ying'er's displeasure.

"... I-I don't mind if you pat my head…" after a little silence, she replied. Her cat ears bowing down in sadness. Seriously, her cat features, except for making her cute, acted as a lie and emotional detector too.

Understanding what she said, she further hid her face in Wang Lei's neck as to not let him see her flustered and embarrassed expression.

Even though she was Brahma Goddess and wanted to make sure she looked as appealing to Wang Lei as she could so she can seduce him to do her biddings (Kek!), she was still embarrassed due to her act.

'How embarrassing for me, the Brahma Goddess, to act like a cat… damn him!" Of course, she will 'resent' him for making her like this.

Wang Lei giggled, completely aware of her inner thoughts as he continued to pat her head. His gaze amused, seeing her ears twitching happily while her tail dancing.

He might be falling in love with his cat God at this point.

"You look cute Ying'er. You should act more like this way," Wang Lei gently whispered into her ear, making her flinch.

"What? Are you falling in love with me, master?" with her face still hidden in his neck, she replied with her somewhat smug voice.

"Oh," Wang Lei tightens his hold on her waist before kissing her neck and whispering, "I might be at this rate."

Ying'er didn't expect this response. Since she has been 'teasing' Wang Lei and him back to her, she thought he might say something else, but not a serious response like that.

Ying'er had just lost her only support - her father. She, who has been living her life in order to satisfy him. It could be guessed that she felt lonely, but she would never show such emotions to anyone.

After all, she was not a weak woman but someone who has seen the apex of Primal Chaos in the current era. How can she be weak?

But still hearing something like this made her happy, and the fact that it came from someone she started to trust through her time here.

And she was sure that Wang Lei was not using her, after all, you use people when there is some value in doing so. To which, she was aware that she didn't have any in Wang Lei's eyes.

She could only think that he was after her beauty, but that too felt way too weird. Since if he wanted, he could have had forced himself on her.

She didn't want to brag or anything, but she was aware of how hard it is to hold oneself in front of her. That is how devilish her beauty was.

She unconsciously tightens her hold onto his neck, burying her face further into his neck before softly whispering, "Thank You."

If it was the previous Ying'er, before meeting him and having her race changed, then she would definitely not say something like 'Thank You'.

The words felt way too distant to her, something she has never said to even her father.

But after spending time with Wang Lei, and having her emotions open due to her bloodline, Ying'er had changed without her knowing.

Though it was only for Wang Lei. For the outsiders, she wouldn't even bat an eye before killing billions.

Wang Lei smiled gently, "No problem."

After that, they spent their time in silence in each other's embrace. Enjoying each other's heat and warmth. None said anything as they silently laid there, with Ying'er on top of Wang Lei.

Wang Lei felt her soft breathing and realized that she had again fallen asleep. He shook his head before gently placing her on the bed and leaving it.

Ying'er frowned as she felt the source of warmth left. Wang Lei giggled before taking a doll out. It looked completely identical to his appearance, even releasing the warmth according to the body temperature.

It was a doll that his cute little sister made when he was missing for two years, learning Time Laws.

After other girls found out, it became a kind of merchandise in their group. He was also presented with one.

Since most of his girls were quite clingy, they need something to replace him in his absence and his doll becomes their prime target.

Thinking here, Wang Lei chuckled before tucking his doll in his cute cat's embrace, who happily took it.

Seeing her happy smiling face, Wang Lei gave a small peck on her forehead before heading to take a warm shower.

He also has the duty to cook breakfast, so he didn't waste much time in the shower before walking down towards the kitchen.

Other girls were already awake and were doing their things in the living hall.

Dongxue and Remia were lying on the balcony, basking in the sunlight. His two heavenly dragons were lazing around in the corner while eying each other.

Hong'er, You'er, Evil, and AnBai were in a group as always with AnBai taking care of them.

Su Ling'er, Myu, and Nuwa were not present as they started this habit of going on a morning walk. Wang Lei didn't mind and let them do whatever they liked.

Chocola and Vanilla were playing tag when they smelled Wang Lei and ran in his direction, "Master~!"

Their cheerful voice brought everyone's attention to him. Everyone smiled seeing him playing with the two catgirls before greeting him.

Wang Lei greeted them back before going to the kitchen with the two catgirls in his arms.

"I want to eat fish!" Chocola suddenly shouted.

"Um. I'll eat whatever Chocola will," Vanilla nodded.

Wang Lei smiled, "Alright, alright. I'll make fish for my two cute cats."

"Yah~!" Chocol happily exclaimed before kissing his cheek.

"Yah~!" Though monotone, Vanilla copied Chocola and also planted a kiss on his cheek.

Wang Lei giggle before kissing both of them and placed them down before started to cook.

He didn't need to take ingredients from the fridge as he had many of them in his inventory. His inventory literally had everything that one could ask for.

It didn't take him long as he finished cooking the food. Myu, Nuwa, and Su Ling'er were also back by the time he finished.

Dongxue and Remia helped him in setting the table before everyone started to eat.

"As always, daddy's food is the best!" Myu said as she digs the food in.

Wang Lei smiled but didn't reply and continue eating his share.

"Ah, I remembered!" Suddenly, Dongxue exclaimed.

She looked towards her son and said, "Leiyan (Phoenix) said that she will be coming here today."

"Hm? Why so suddenly?" Wang Lei asked.

"She heard about Phoenix Clan in the underworld by someone and was intrigued about it. Her words: This one is interested in meeting a Clan of someone of my stature from another Universe."

"Shaoshang was quite jealous, to say the least. She even protested that her master should go to a world where there is a Golden Crow Clan too. Her words: It is not fair that only that chicken get to meet a Clan of her linkage from another Universe," Dongxue chuckled while explaining the shenanigans of two Divine Beasts.

Wang Lei laughed, hearing it. He missed them quite a lot, but he didn't want to go to ATG since it would mess time a lot.

"It is good then. I'll stay home today, as to welcome her."

Dongxue smilingly nodded.

Nothing else happened during the whole breakfast after that. They ate it and started their day like normal.

Wang Lei sat on his couch with his two heavenly dragons snuggled into his embrace with You'er sleeping on his lap.

Hong'er went back to his sea of consciousness after eating a sword while AnBai and Evil went to the cafe with Dongxue and Remia.

Su Ling'er, Myu, and Nuwa, after giving a small peck to his lips, left for their school with happy smiles on their faces.

As he was watching the TV, he suddenly remembered Shuri, Suzaku, and Lavinia.

After Shuri woke up, they have left for the Himijima Clan with Lavinia going to Magic Association. It seems that the words of the pieces of World Eater being used have spread throughout the whole supernatural world, alerting them.

Due to this, even the five major clans got cautious. Shuri and Suzaku went back to deal with it.

Suzaku stopped her, saying that the clan was her responsibility, but Shuri didn't agree and still left to help her.

As he was thinking about different things, a portal emerged before him from which Shizuku came, who had just left Valhalla.

She looked at Wang Lei, who was sitting with You'er on her lap and smiled.

"It seems like you are enjoying your time," she said.

Wang Lei stood up, much to You'er's and Ddraid's displeasure (while Albion was silent eating her sweets), and walked towards her before enveloping her into a hug.

"It has been two years, what have you been doing?"

With her head on his chest, Shizuku replied, "Nothing but studying different cultures. You should also visit the underworld and different mythologies, they are fascinating to see."

Wang Lei smiled, "I am afraid if I visit them, then there will none standing after that."

Shizuku chuckled, hearing him. After all, he was not lying. She has seen how arrogant those mythologies were, and how they prided and inflated their egos.

She would be surprised if they didn't find trouble with Wang Lei, who literally loved causing trouble.

"What are you doing at home? I thought you decided to teach at a high school?" she asked.

Even though she was not here with him, she still had knowledge about what was going on. She talked with Remia on daily basis after all.

"Oh. Mother said Leiyan is coming here today so she can visit the Phoenix Clan in the underworld. I was waiting for her," he explained while sitting back on the couch, making Ddraig snuggle into him while You'er went back to his consciousness.

Shizuku smiled, seeing Ddraig before sitting on his lap and resting herself on him, "Phoenix Clan? I remember meeting a member of it during my stay in the underworld."

"Ho~, how was it?" amused, he asked.

Shizuku thought for some time before answering, "... persistence, I guess."

Wang Lei looked at her with a questioning look, making her giggle before explaining, "When he first saw me, he wanted me to be a part of his harem,"

Wang Lei softly laughed, "No surprise. My little wife is just that beautiful, and accounting that devils are inherently greedy."

He was not angry or jealous, in fact, he felt proud. After all, this beautiful woman was his wife. It was the same as showing your automatic sorting system in Minecraft to your friends and seeing their awed faces.

Shizuku nodded with a mild blush, "Um."

"So what happened after," he asked.

"Of course, I denied. I already have a handsome husband," she said before giving a small peck on his lips, "Then things happened and it led to a fight called Rating Game. It is a really fun concept, to be honest. We should have such activity in Guild too."

"Anyway, he was quite proud of his immortality factor given by Phoenix Bloodline and boosted a lot about it… just to get his ass beaten blue by me."

Wang Lei rubbed his chin. He had already guessed who this dude was. He was just amused seeing that he didn't change much from the canon.

To be honest, Wang Lei never really hated him or his character. After all, he was just thinking of the well-being of the devil clan. Just that he was bit… arrogant and lusty - not a surprise thinking that this a universe where a dude became strong by poking a breast.

All in all, he was a good guy. Wang Lei didn't mind meeting him once he visited Underworld, well, the most reason being that her sister was someone he wanted to meet.

"And so he asked to become my disciple after his father reprimanded him of being too arrogant," Shizuku finished her narrative.

"That was an interesting story. Anything else interesting happened there?" he asked while caressing her hair and enjoying the time he was spending with his wife.

"Mmm," Shizuku made a thinking posture before suddenly exclaimed, "Oh! I remember meeting another boy who wanted to become my disciple!"

Wang Lei's brow twitched. He wondered what is this becoming her disciple thing. For some reason, everyone wants to become her disciple.

"Who was it this time?" he asked.

"Hm. His name was Sairaorg Bael. He was also quite persistent after I beat him."

"Did you go to the underworld to beat people?"

"It is not my fault!" Shizuku pouted, "First, I hid my aura most of the time but people will always annoy me, so I started to project it but the amount increased! And most wanted to fight me or become my disciple!"

Wang Lei laughed hearing her.

'Well, if she projected her aura, I can see why Sairaorg wanted to become her disciple. That dude just wants to become the strongest, and seeing her, who became this strong without any external help, must have ignited his fighting spirit.'

"And? What did you choose?"

"I denied! But he was even more persistent than the Phoenix guy! Going as far as following me 24/7 and even calling me master!"

Wang Lei could feel annoyance in her voice, but at the same time, she didn't seem angry.

"It seems like you quite liked his character?"

She snuggled into his chest after her outburst, "He is not bad. He trained with such dedication that it made me reminded of myself when I was young. So I asked him his reason to become stronger. Guess, what did he say?" she asked.

"Emm. I want to become a Satan and prove that even someone like me, who didn't inherit the Power of Destruction, can become someone that everyone will look up to! I will prove the world my worth!" Wang Lei said with a little dramatic way, making Shizuku pout cutely.

"How did you know?"

"Well, what can I say, I calculated it on my fingers," showing his hand, Wang Lei said.

Shizuku rolled her eyes at his bullshit.

Wang Lei smiled seeing her reaction before he asked, "So? What was your reply to his passionate youth speech?"

Giggling, she said, "Well, I accepted. But since I am a swordswoman, I can't really teach him anything. So…" she tailed her words while fidgeting.

Wang Lei's eyes narrowed at her before he asked, "Did you give him a Physique Scripture?"

"It is not my fault! His mother is in critical condition while her son is dedicating his life to prove his worth, I just wanted to help!" She justified herself.

Still looking at her, Wang Lei asked, "Which Physique was it?"

"Sky Destroying Immortal Physique…" seeing his face, Shizuku hurriedly said, "But I imparted it in his soul and made sure that he will not be able to tell it to anyone! Once he will try, the scripture will delete itself from him. This way, even those who use some kind of mind control or memory reading magic wouldn't be able to find it!"

Wang Lei become silent as if calculating some things, before he sighed, "What is done is done, but make sure to not give Heavenly Scriptures just like that, okay? I don't mind you sharing it with others, since we are not the only one who knows about it. There are many people before you guys or even me who have used it."

"Just that, even if it is not a secret, sharing it with people of the lower world might tilt the balance."

"I am sorry…" Shizuku softly said.

Wang Lei hugged her before giving her a kiss, "I said it, right? No need to be, just be cautious next time."

"Um," Shizuku silently nodded. She knew that she shouldn't give scriptures like that, but since she has already taken Sairaorg as her disciple, she thought it was okay.

It was also the reason why Wang Lei didn't mind her sharing. If it was someone else, he might go and kill that person, but he knew that Sairaorg was not like that who would use it for malicious reasons.

'But still, I think I such give Bael house a visit.'