One Punch; A Fragment of Past.

A smirk started to form on Wang Lei's face as he looked down at the young devils, their slightly pale and cautious faces. They were not stunned because Leiyan defeated Zephyrdor, but the fact that Leiyan used Phoenix Flames.

Does that mean she belongs to Phoenix Household? And with how easily she defeated him, she should be of higher stature no? But the reaction of Riser and Ravel told them otherwise. Obviously, she was not from Phoenix Clan and yet was able to use their flames.

Illegitimate child? - Sairaorg thought, but he had no proof to prove it, so he kept quiet. Not wanting to worsen the situation. But one thing was sure; Wang Lei and his maids were powerful and they might have underestimated them.

"What happened? What's with those faces? I thought devils were quite proud of their race and power. Is it that surprising that my maid is stronger than some random devil?" Wang Lei spoke, making Zephyrdor Peerage look towards him with anger and killing intent.

"You bastard! Do you want to die?! Zephyrdor-sama is the heir of Glasya-Labolas Clan! Do you want to wage a war against our clan?!"

Wang Lei raised a brow, "You devils really like the word 'war' huh. Very well, go on. I'll wait here. Go and call whoever you want and show me what they possess for their descendants to be this boastful in front of me."

"No need to call them, I alone am enough for a dreg like ya!" One of his [Pawn] walked towards him and shouted.

"Ying'er," was all he said before the [Pawn] shot directly out of the Amphitheater. Other, seeing this, rushed towards Ying'er but before they could even reach her, they were all grooving on the ground while trying their best to breathe. The pressure that Ying'er released was trying to squeeze them. Their only salvation was that she didn't release her cultivation base or underground might be raised to dust.

"For a lowly mortal, you dogs do know how to bark loud," her melodious voice filled the surrounding, capitating every person. It didn't matter whether it was man or woman, everyone felt their soul tremble from just her voice. They've never heard something so… melodious and enchanting.


Sairaorg slapped his chest hard, a little blood leaking from his lips. His face was pale and horrified. He almost lost himself to her voice alone. The thought alone sent a shiver down his spine. His body trembled due to the shock of his strike. He didn't dare to look towards Ying'er lest losing himself.

"It's enough Ying'er," Wang Lei said, "You will make them brain dead if you keep doing it. Come back."

She humphed before appearing beside Wang Lei again with a slight pout that unconsciously took place on her cheeks. She wanted to mess with them a little before coming back, but Wang Lei stopped her from having more fun. But she can't disobey his orders. After all, she is his 'slave'.

Looking at her pout, Wang Lei nodded while praising himself for giving her catgirl bloodline. He was damn proud of himself. She looked damn cute. If only his sister was here and he would have snuggled in them till he was satisfied.

"*Ahem*," his cough awakened everyone from their dazed state. They all looked towards Ying'er but hastily averted their eyes. She was too devilish.

"Since all the distractions are out of the way, we should get started," he said before standing up from his throne and stepping down the stairs in a slow and reserved manner. His body was relaxed without any tension from someone who was about to fight. It felt like he was taking a random stroll around his garden, uninterrupted by anything external.

A moment later, he reached in front of Sairaorg and smiled at him, "Make your move otherwise you wouldn't have a second chance to do so."

Sairaorg didn't say anything and his body became tense. He didn't think Wang Lei was being arrogant as he could tell, now that he stood face to face with him, he was strong. Even without any impressive aura or any pressure whatsoever, Sairaorg felt like he was standing before an unmovable mountain.

Taking a deep breath, he looked towards Wang Lei with determination. His body started to release a whitish aura that surrounded him. His fist clenched, he took his stance.

"Touki huh… you have a really good control over life force, I must say; it's not bad," Wang Lei nodded in appreciation, seeing the immense life force emanating from Sairaorg.

"Thank you. It is the result of my hard work," Sairaorg said, "I advise you to be ready as I will not hold back."

Wang Lei smiled, "Come then," his posture was the same, without any defense and yet Sairaorg couldn't find a single opening.

Sairaorg has trained his whole life, from childhood till now. He has fought many people and many of them were stronger than him. It wouldn't be exaggerated to say that he had built a form of sixth sense due to it. This sixth sense has saved him many times, and currently, it was screaming at him to run away. He didn't deny it… no, he couldn't deny this feeling of fear and horror welling up inside him.

Ha~* Exhaling his breath, his knees bent before he was launched towards Wang Lei. From an outsider's perspective, he vanished and appeared in front of Wang Lei. His fist clenched tight as he pulled them back before throwing a straight punch at Wang Lei's face. He didn't hold back. He didn't have the liberty to do so.

*Whoosh* *Boom*

His punch cut the air as a loud blast happened, destroying the structure surrounding him and Wang Lei. A big line of force extended behind Wang Lei as it destroyed everything in its path. From the destruction alone, one could guess the power behind the force of the punch.

Everyone looked at it with bated breath, waiting for the dust to clear. Even if it didn't defeat Wang Lei, it should have given him enough damage, right?

"That was a good punch," a lazy and amused voice came behind the curtain of dust. Everyone's eyes widened as it cleared. Wang Lei stood there with Sairaorg's fist stopped by his hands - no surprise.

Sairaorg was also astonished. He used most of his strength in that punch and Wang Lei stopped it without much discomfort. He didn't want to sound like an arrogant person, but he was sure that even Satan would not come out unscratched from it.

"You haven't even started practicing the Physique? How boring and disappointing," Wang Lei shook his head with a sigh.

"You…!" Sairaorg's eyes widened in astonishment, "How do you know about it? Unless…"

"Unless?" Wang Lei smirked, "Unless it is me who gave it to my wife and she passed it to you - is what you wanted to say?"

Sairaorg took a second or two to process it before jumping back and sighing.

"I see now," he nodded to himself before looking towards Wang Lei with lust for battle and shouted, "Then I won't hold back! Please advise me!"

Wang Lei didn't respond and neither did Sairaorg.

His Touki again surrounded him, but the intensity has increased by a lot. He looked like a beast now with a smirk of one on his face.

With a battle cry, he appeared in front of Wang Lei and punched him with enough force to shake the whole stadium. Within a blink, Wang Lei vanished from his initial position and was launched back. He broke through many seats, destroying everything.


Everyone took one deep breath, seeing the destruction caused by his punch. They knew Sairaorg was strong, but this punch was nowhere near to be described as strong. It was just… monstrous.

"He is not bad. With enough training and cultivation, he might reach Divine Master Realm," Ying'er said.

Leiyan nodded. She also thought about it. If Sairaorg was given a cultivation method he might reach Divine Master Realm in a millennium or so with his talent and preservation. And it was the Divine Master they were talking about. It would take thousands of years for one to reach it and they still might not reach it. Only those who were gifted by heaven could even think about it.

*Tak Tak Tak*

Sounds of footsteps were heard gaining everyone's attention. They looked towards the place where Wang Lei was launched.

"N-no way… right?" Seekvaira gulped and looked at the cloud of dust.

From the dust, Wang Lei came out without any wound or scar. The only noticeable thing was the dust on his robes and nothing else. He seems free and nonchalant about the fact that he was launched and hit by such heavy force. In fact, if not for the fact that there was destruction behind him as proof, they would not even believe that there was some kind of fight here.

"Now that's what I call a punch, it definitely held enough force of one," Wang Lei laughed. It has been quite some time since he enjoyed himself, even though he was just being a punching bag.

He looked towards Sairaorg and smirked, "Since you are done, it's my turn now. But I shall warn you, put your best defense on as it might hurt a little too much otherwise."

Sairaorg's body tensed as he felt Wang Lei's lust for battle. He could understand it. He clearly felt some expectations in his tone and eyes, he didn't want to disappoint him.


A large amount of Touki covered his surroundings, his muscles bulging and veins showing. Sairaorg gritted his teeth and pushed himself to his limit, not wanting to disappoint him.

Wang Lei's smile widens to extreme feeling it. The battle was affecting him. He barely met someone who even dared to stand in front of him after feeling his battle lust, or some did but ended in nothing but disappointment - just typical young masters.

He found trouble everywhere because he wanted to feel the excitement of battle. Maybe, but maybe, someone will be able to entertain him.

His (Wang Lei's) loud laughter was heard as he said, "If you can take my hit, I'll let you live. If not, well, you would be dead anyway."

Sairaorg also had a battle-thirst expression on his face as he shouted back, "Please! Don't hold back!"

Wang Lei didn't reply but just vanished from his place. He appeared in front of Sairaorg as if always standing there, never moving. It confused those watching the fight, after all, they could still see Wang Lei standing at his initial place, and yet he stood in front of Sairaorg.

Due to his speed, it was as if he never moved and yet moved at the same time - creating a sort of paradox.

"AAAAAA!" Sairaorg kept covering himself with every possible layer of Touki while also squeezing out most of his life force. It didn't matter if he died or anything, all he wanted was to not disappoint Wang Lei. He at least wanted to take a single hit from the husband of his Sensei and come out alive from it, even if death waited after it.

Wang Lei clearly understood his determination and it made him smile in appreciation. You don't find such a good specimen after all.

His fist that was clenched tight behind him, made its way towards the cross guard of Sairaorg. As if nothing but thin paper, it ripped through his Touki and met with his arms. A loud crack was heard with a deafening sound before Sairarog was launched backward.

Making sure he took the hit even with his broken body, Sairaorg's legs firmly planted themselves on the ground as he slid backward with unstoppable momentum. His eyes were bloodshot with blood leaking from his seven orifices. His gums were bleeding due to the pressure put by his jaws on his teeth. But all of this didn't matter to him. There was only one thing in his mind currently - stop the attack and nothing else!

He kept sliding back before his back touched the walls of Ampitheater, stopping him for nothing but a second before cracks started to form and it broke without much struggle. Sairaorg's shout becomes louder as he stomps his feet harder on the ground than before.

Other Kings looked at him with fists clenched tight. His determination and fighting power was affecting them. Looking at his determined face, they wished that he could stop the momentum left by Wang Lei's fist.

'Not bad,' with a wide smirk, Wang Lei looked at him with amused and appreciative eyes. He felt like Shizuku's decision was not wrong in making him her disciple. It was good. He had many techniques in his mind that he wanted to experiment on some people with special physique, he wondered if Sairaorg would be able to learn them and what result he will produce.

"He will die if he kept trying to force his life force like," Ying'er shook her head. Since she has done a lot of experiments on Primordial Seal of Life and Death, she was quite familiar with life aura and could tell that Sairaorg was squeezing it out forcefully from his body to sustain Touki around him. If this continued, then it wouldn't be too late before he would die due to excessive use of life force, "And he was such a good experimental rat too."

Everyone looked at her with a glare but she doesn't seem to mind it and ignored them. These mortal weren't worthy of her time.

Sairaorg was also aware of this fact, and seeing that he would die if he continued, he decided to use his trump card.

"[Regulus Rey Leather Rex]!"

He called the Balance Breaker of his Sacred Gear, Regulus Nemea. A golden aura came from him before it covered him and created a golden lion armor around him. As it formed around him, his defense increased by many folds evident by him slowing down with time.

Everyone's eyes widen seeing him using one of the Longinus, Regulus Nemea.

"Sairaorg had a Sacred Gear!? How!?" Seekvaira shouted in disbelief. After all, Sairaorg was a devil and he had sacred gear. The only possible scenario is that he extracted it from someone but Sairaorg definitely didn't strick as one who would do such a thing.

After what felt like an eternity to him, he finally slowed down enough to be considered a walking pace before finally stopping. His breathing ragged as he tried to catch whatever oxygen he could. His heartfelt like it would pop out from his chest at any given moment due to how fast and loud it was beating.

His whole body was soaked in sweat and blood, but the smile never left his face. It was the smile of a victor. He never felt so full and satisfied before. He looked above to see Wang Lei but found out that he couldn't even see Amphitheater from where he was. He had long left the city of Lucifaad behind.


His armor cracked before disappearing into golden particles. All the tension leaving his body as he felt tired like never before. His vision started to distort as he felt sudden dizziness hitting his conscious. He felt his chest tighten before throwing out everything he had eaten before falling on the ground.

As he was falling, his surroundings distorted before he fell on the ground of the Amphitheater.

"Heal him, Asia," Wang Lei said to which she hurriedly ran to Sairaorg and used her sacred gear on him.

Seekvaira and others looked towards the place where Sairaorg was launched and saw a long line extending with no end. They could not even guess how long it was from where they stood. They took a deep breath realizing that Wang Lei was probably was Satan-Level powerhouse.

"W-who are you?" Seekvaira asked, but then she looked towards Asia and then to Rias, "You know him Rias?"

Rias looked towards Wang Lei before sighing, "Everyone… meet my master… Jiang Wang Lei."

Wang Lei smiled. It has been quite some time since someone used his full name… no, no one ever really called his full name before.

'It is kinda big I guess,' he shrugged his shoulder.

"Your master!? He!?" Seekvaira pointed at Wang Lei before asking, "Then why did he created all this drama?"

Rias didn't know how to answer so she looked towards Wang Lei, thinking he will answer it.

"What? I was just bored and nothing much. It's not like anyone died or anything. I even held back," Wang Lei said lazily before walking to Sairaorg who was gaining his consciousness.

The first thing he was was the black sky and the moon before suddenly laughing while coughing from time to time.

"Please don't laugh or your wounds will get worse," Asia worriedly said, but Sairaorg didn't stop but he looked towards Wang Lei as if he accomplished something.

Wang Lei smiled, "You did great. Since you are my wife's disciple, it would be rude if I didn't give you anything. Tell me, what is that you wish?"

Sairaorg became silent. He had many wishes, after all, he was a devil himself. There was no way he didn't have any. He could ask for strength or a wish like making him the next Satan, but he smiled before asking, "Will you complete it no matter what?"

Wang Lei nodded. It didn't matter to him. Since he has given his word, as long as it was not asking for his head and or his loved one, he didn't mind completing it. Hypocrisy at its peak, but he didn't mind. He had the power to be a hypocrite.

"Then… save my mother," Sairaorg replied with melancholy in his voice.

Wang Lei nodded, "Being filial is good."

Sairaorg looked at him with confusion and doubt, "You wouldn't ask what happened to her?"

"What is there to ask? Just a decease, not enough to reach the apex," he said.

Rias and Akeno wryly smiled. It was so Wang Lei type answer.

"What in Lucifer's name happened here?" everyone looked towards the person who said it, before looking back at Wang Lei who was lazily walking back to his throne.


"Mo E! You bastard! You were planning this from the start! Do you have any idea what would happen if you did something like this!? It would start a war!"

"Devils shouldn't exist, to begin with. Your race is corrupting the world with its dirtiness. As the leader of Creation Gods, it is my duty to eradicate the ugliness of this world."

"Ugliness? Hehehahaha! Stop spouting that bullshit, you bastard! We are all part of Ancestral Goddess, if we are the ugliness then you are the same! Just because devils use dark profound energy, you called them evil? Does your hypocrisy no bounds?!"

"You are wrong, Jie Yuan. We are the light while you are the darkness, and light always remains dominant to darkness. After the invasion of Dark Overlords, it is already known to all that darkness should never exist in Primal Chaos. I'll personally erase your race from this world."

"Erase us? Hehehehahaha! That is funny! Mark my words Mo E! I'll return! And once I did, that would announce the doom of the God Race! Primal Chaos will burn with our anger!" Her voice echoed throughout the whole Primal Chaos, sending shivers down the spine of anyone listening. Her wrathful and resentful voice left a deep mark inside everyone's heart as she, one of the Four Devil Emperors, Jie Yuan was thrown outside the Primal Chaos.

"... It is impossible to come back from that place, Jie Yuan… and even if you did, it would be already too late. Only you will be left, and a lone lion can do nothing in front of the horde of predators."

Silence regained throughout the whole Primal Chaos before mayhem erupted like an awakening volcano. Devils became enlarged after knowing about the banishment of their emperor outside the Primal Chaos, while a certain man's fist clenched as he looked in the direction of Primal Chaos Wall.

"Why… Mo E!" He shouted before teleporting to him, his body boiling with anger. He didn't care if the one he was going to fight was the leader of the Creation Gods, neither the fact that he held the strongest Heavenly Treasure.

"Ni Xuan… for you to intercourse with a devil… you've disappointed me."

"You need to be proud to be disappointed, and I don't remember you having proud of us, Mo E. All you care and cared for is your distorted sense of Justice and nothing else! Your infatuation is ugly Mo E!" Ni Xuan shouted, barely containing himself from lashing out.

"Maybe it is, maybe it is not. After all, it depends on an individual sense of values. What I believe is justice can be evil to some and not to others. But in the end, it doesn't matter what others think - devils are evil is all that matters," without any emotional fluctuation to his voice, Mo E said.

He looked towards Ni Xuan with disappointment before his eyes became fierce. He pointed his sword at him before saying with a voice filled with power and authority, "Creation God of Element, Ni Xuan. You have procreated with a devil which is considered a sin by Gods! I hereby declare you to kill that child and leave the throne of Creation God!"

"Heh! After killing my wife, you want me to kill my child too!? Make me, Mo E!" Ni Xuan shouted as his aura ragged the surroundings with it. He knew that he would have to duel it out with Mo E, so he didn't hesitate.

"Then you leave me with no other choice, my friend."

No one knew what happened during their fight and who won or who lost, but the only thing that remembered was that after their fight, the Creation God of Elements changed his title to Heretic God and left. No one knew where he went nor did they have time to think. After the fight between Mo E and Heretic God, the war between Gods and Devils erupted that ended with no one's victor but the defeat of both.


"This shitty novel! I hate the fucking ending so much!" A young man shouted while throwing the book in his hand, forward, towards the void that led nowhere.

"You've been saying the same thing for the past month, Your Excellence. Every novel doesn't seem to please you," an old man said as he professionally made tea while enjoying the 'morning wind'. Something quite bizarre as they were in a place where nothing should ever exist.

"That is because every novel started good and then became a shit in the end. Why the hell would the author kill MC out of old age?! It is fucking transmigration! It is common sense to make the MC immortal if he is a reincarnation!" The Young Man grumbled while taking a sip from his tea.

The Old Man shook his head before refilling his cup again.

"How many is it?" after some time, he asked.

"Maybe it is approaching, the last one? Her Excellence Alice said that she will personally lead the last one. According to her: she was having enough of this cat and mouse chasing."

"Cat and Mouse huh…" The Young Man's eyes became hazy as he sighed, "Silly girl, we have all the time in our lives, why so hurry? Everything that is bound to happen will happen, there is no stopping it."

"Maybe she is getting impatient? After all, she also wants to meet you."

"Meet me?" The Young Man shook his head, "I am just a fragment of what I used to be. Once the final is born, I'll probably merge back with him. Just a mere dream living his reality…"

The Old Man didn't reply and silently went back to making tea.


"Mo E you bastard! I'll definitely kill you!" Jei Yuan shouted as she looked around where she was thrown. There was nothing but chaos everywhere. If not for her power, she would have died right away.

She looked towards her clansmen, whose eyes burned with anger and hate while the weaker one evaporated right away. She couldn't find the Primal Chaos wall as they had been thrown quite far away, and it was impossible to navigate within this chaos.

She opened her palm and a spherical object came into her hand, 'Ni Xuan…', her eyes became misty before she steeled herself.

The object in her hand was one of the Heavenly Treasure, World Piercer. She exchanged her Heavenly Treasure, Sky Poison Pearl, with her husband's World Piercer. It was like exchanging vows.

"Fret not my brethren! I, your Empress, shall lead you back to Primal Chaos! We will enact our revenge on Mo E and regain what we've lost!" Her voice boomed and their faces lit up from the distraught they felt as they shouted her name out loud.

There was no concept of space and time outside of the Primal Chaos, only chaos existed here. Jei Yuan had no idea how long it would take them to reach the other side as there was nothing here to lead them somewhere. Her eyes burned with determination before she clenched the World Piercer, reader to use it when something hit her head hard.

She was a Devil Empress, nothing could have been hidden from her perception, and yet she didn't find this object that hit her. Maybe the chaos here caused her senses to dull. But the fact that it hit her and she felt pain meant that the object had the strength of a Creation God, at least.

She looked back at the object as her eyes widened, seeing it. It was a book. Just an ordinary book and nothing else. Her mind became empty for a second seeing the book, not knowing what to think of it.

She opened the book and started to read its content before throwing it away, 'What a shitty story! After all that lovey-dovey shit, you go and kill the MC!? He couldn't even cultivate!'

But then her eyes widened before a thought struck her mind and she looked in the direction from where the book came from. Wild speculation if she must say. Her mind was fighting the decision of whether to do it or not before she shook her head and looked in the direction from where the book came from and said, "Let's go!"

World Piercer shone before it started to make a tunnel towards the direction from where the book came from. Jie Yuan never knew that her decision would not only save her and her race life but also grant her massive fortune.

To be continued...