Throne Room

When Mack finally caught up with Boromir, they had both arrived at a giant space inside Torkunta Mountain that seemed to have been molded in the shape of a large throne room.

To their left, at the far away wall, was a giant door made of solid metal, intricate carvings showing dragons battling against other species such as angels and demons decorated it's structure.

Following in front of it were a series of pillars forming a hall, all of which had a sculpture depicting a dragon crawling his way to the top. The first and closest to the door showed him at the base and, as one got farther away from the gate, the dragon would climb higher and higher until, at the bottom of a giant set of stairs carved in the mountain itself, the dragon stood proud atop the pillars, his wings wide open.

The stairs were flanked in both sides by streams of lava produced by a massive waterfall that flowed down the right side of the space. Weirdly, the lava only fell at the edges and not in the middle, creating a contrast of both colors and light.

Under the waterfall was a giant pool of lava and, sitting in the middle of that pool was a throne made with the same material as the stairs, an air of majesty enveloping it.

Mack couldn't believe his eyes, an entire throne room, no, maybe an entire Castle, built inside an active volcano! He really wished that had been part of information he had received earlier.

A notification soon rang in his ears.


< Congratulations! You have discovered "Boromir's Throne Room"! >

< World Reputation increased by 50! >

While he read through the message, Boromir took the chance to move towards the stairs, climbing them and finally facing face the throne sent waves after waves of memories that filled the dragon's head.

Breathing deeply, he strode through the pool of lava as if it was lukewarm water and sat at the throne.

As if sensing that his rightful owner had returned, the entire room lit up in all shades of colors, making Mack focus his attention on his surroundings. The lights continued for a few seconds before dying down, leaving the entire room with a more bearable atmosphere, something the boy inwardly thanked.

Seeing the dragon sitting on the throne, he hurriedly walked to the middle of the hall before falling to one knee in a demonstration of respect.

Acknowledging the boy the dragon finally spoke using his mouth rather than telepathy, a sign of both respect and his authority.

"Human, you returned to me what was mine despite the fact you could have used it for your own gain, you showed no desire for my power, even when I offered it to you, and followed my rule despite not being forced to do so. As a symbol of goodwill I shall present you with a worthy reward."

Mack's heart started to beat faster. This was the best chance for him to get an edge against the other Players, but being too greedy would be akin to suicide at this point.

Boromir was known for giving to others what was theirs and only that, if he were too greedy there was a good chance he would be cursed, or worse. Dragons like Boromir were never easy to deal with; when they offered something it was most probably a test to judge the other party. One misstep and Mack could be finished, for good.

"I thank you, your lordship, but I cannot accept it."

"Ho?" The dragon showed a perplexed expression and quickly asked "Why is that? Isn't every human's desire to have power?"

"While it's true that every man and woman desire power, but your power is yours whilst my power is mine. I wish to grow my own strength just like you did, like it's shown through these pillars," he said while motioning to the climbing dragons, "I want to grow my own character and prove myself, to show the word that I earned it through my own efforts. For that reason, I cannot accept your offer."

Mack's words were solid; at least they sounded like that in his mind. Time seemed to stop as both parties stared at each other, one showing amusement while the other had a knot in his stomach.

Funnily, the one to break the deadlock first was the dragon, who started laughing like he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Human you are very amusing!"


< Your Relationship with "Calamity Dragon, Boromir" has increased by 100! >

< Your Relationship with "Calamity Dragon, Boromir" has increased from Neutral to Friendly! >

"Very well. Since you refuse my power even now by using the sacred vow, there is nothing I can do to force it upon you" Mack inwardly sighed in relief, "except, turn it yours."

His eyes widened when he heard those words


Boromir stood up from his throne and, with a loud and imposing voice, declared "From today on, make it known that this Human is my protégé! Any who stands in his way will be standing in my way, any who degrade his image will be degrading my image! My power is his and his is mine!"


< You have received the Title "Boromir's Protégé" >

As soon as the message popped up Mack checked its contents.

Boromir's Protégé [Title]

All Factions fear or revere the Calamity Dragon, Boromir. As his protégé, none shall stay in your way. Kings bow towards you while Sovereigns lower their heads.

• This title is kept hidden under the Player's will. Once revealed, no Faction shall oppose you, but those who are hostile towards Boromir will become hostiles towards you.

"Your Lordship, this-"

"I am aware of the implications of turning you my protégé, and I believe I don't have to tell you that now you bear responsibilities like no other."

"Yes" Mack answered while lowering his head.

"Good. Now, for your powers, I will respect your decision to grow on your own, but as a gift and symbol of my gratitude, I will give you a little help." Smiling, the dragon sank one of his claws inside the pool and dragged something from its bottom and, with a flick of his hand, threw the round object in front of Mack.

The object exploded upon contact with the floor and, in its place, was a cute little lion cub with bright red fur.

The cub stretched itself while yawning like a lazy cat before scratching his ear like a dog.

"Your Lordship, this is-"

"You said earlier that you came here to contract with a beast, well, he is the most powerful creature you will find in this whole area, besides me of course." The smile on Boromir only grew wilder as he said those words.

Mack was baffled. This little guy was the second most powerful creature in this volcano? He looked like he wouldn't be able to kill even a fly!

But, as the saying goes, don't judge a book by its cover. If Boromir said he was strong then there should be some truth behind his words, so Mack walked towards the little lion. The cub noticed him and immediately stood up.

When both were just a few inches apart Mack kneeled down and stretched his hand.

The little guy sniffed the weird form in front of him and, seeing it wasn't a threat, he started nuzzling the palm. Mack smiled at the gesture and a blank card appeared in his other hand followed by a prompt.

< Would you like to establish a contract? Yes/No >


The card started glowing softly and soon the glow enveloped the cub, followed by a flash of light. When the light died down the cub was still nuzzling himself against Mack's hand, but the card in his other hand was not blank anymore.

A red and black frame decorated the front of the card while the center showed the little cub standing on a volcanic field. Flipping the card, the other side was decorated by golden lines that formed a weird rune.

Calamity Beast - Leo [Growth Type]

Grade : Unknown

Level : 0

ATK: 5 – 10

PhDEF: 8

MgDEF: 8

Checking the information on the card Mack was stunned. No wonder Boromir said this little fella was weak only to him, turn out he is a Calamity Beast!

Like the name implies, he was created by Boromir to be one of his heralds during battle, and since he was a growth type summon, it could be said that his potential was limitless!

"Take out another of your cards"

Dispersing Leo's card, Mack willed for the second blank card to appear in his hand. The card flew into the air and stopped right in front of the dragon, who started to draw something in the air.

Suddenly, three red circles almost as big as him manifested themselves in front of the card, each inscribed with a different pattern of runes that seemed to constantly change. The circles started to shrink one after the other until all three fitted inside the card.

A red flash followed the process and the card changed just like the last one. Taking it in his hand, Boromir flicked his hand again and sent it to Mack, who promptly inspected the changes.

The card had become just like Leo's, with exception that the rune on its verse, alongside with the edges, were purely red.

Fire Storm [Growth Type]

Grade: Rare

Cost: 50 Mana

• Creates a storm of fire in a 3×3 area, dealing a fixed amount of 15 points of Fire Damage every second for 10 seconds

Cooldown: 1 Min

A Spell card, and a growth type one to boot!

Dispersing the card, Mack stood up and deeply bowed in a sign of gratitude, "thank you Lord Boromir!"

The Dragon chuckled before speaking, his imposing tone switched by a more soft one. "This is nothing Childe. I am merely giving you a foundation, as to if you can put it to good use will depend solely on you."

"I will send you back to your town, I just need its exact location."

Mack told him the coordinates to the outskirts of the town where he had spawned earlier, a small village called 'Town of Gue' in the outskirts of the Moon Kingdom. As for how he knew the coordinates, a simple look at the System Map did the trick.

"Thank you once again for your help. I will not disappoint you."

Boromir gave a small nod and twirled his finger; a white circle appearing under Mack and Leo's feet. With a bright flash both disappeared from the throne room and appeared close to the forest that boarded the town.