Chapter 10

Gracelyn dared to go against her parents' orders once more upon leaving the Kingdom though it couldn't hurt for her to see where she could end up next. If she is supposed to be Queen elsewhere in this big world of imagination then she has to see for herself. It questions the fact if Laila would be able to survive without her being around to save the world she knows.

Gracelyn found a sack to pack with her this time that she found an old blanket on the floor and using one of her fancy bed poles to make it more reasonable then used a shoe tie to hold it all together in the best assembled way possible. She could only pack a few spare clothes, her bathroom stuff and few things on the side, she knew that time was wasting and that she had to get out of there before her parents awoke.

She rushed downstairs as her new guard Julian came to her with an angry expression and stood in her way of the exit.

"You aren't to leave this castle, Princess. That is your parents order. Do I need to go wake them and tell them that you are planning to escape or will you go back to bed and be a good girl?" Julian said sternly.

"Julian, don't you ever wonder what is outside the walls and whose out there? Like a future wife?" Gracelyn asked with curiosity.

"No! I like this place much better than where I was before disaster struck with your sister. This job has given me life that my parents couldn't even afford. You wouldn't understand any of this. You are a spoiled princess with a much better life." Julian complained as his black slick hair fell in front of his face.

Gracelyn couldn't help but move his hair out of his face then he grabbed her wrist.

"Don't you dare to touch me again. I am here to protect you! That is my duty." Julian said with fierceness in his voice.

"Sorry." Gracelyn replied softly as a peasant.

"NOW, go back to bed and behave! I will see you in several hours for breakfast." Julian responded with anger behind his voice.

Gracelyn stood their with her stuff that felt like nothing when she knew that Julian is more than Korin at this point. She had the urge to take him upstairs and show him what a woman is worth. Instead, she dropped her things then made her way to her bedroom by herself with no man to be with her as her world became so upside down again. For the first time in years of being raised in the castle that she didn't make herself leave and stayed the whole night without having to face the consequences of the mysterious demon that lurked her window at night.


Gracelyn got up that morning, redo her hair, got out of her filthy clothes that she slept in and got back into her purple gown that Laila gave her as a present. She wasn't going to marry by her next birthday their was no way, she was caught between too many people like Korin, Hildegard and her new interest Julian every person she has met brought something new inside of her. Gracelyn knew she couldn't trust Hildegard but her heart still felt like they belonged. She had no idea what had happened to Korin, she was still lost on that, and Julian she just met last night but it felt like her world was tilting towards meeting another guard who could protect her heart and soul.

Her words stuck that now she isn't a princess for keeps, she is in danger of loving more than one person without knowing their whole story. She has six months left to decide who is worth her heart and if she will dare run back to Hildegard.

To Be Continued...