Ch. 53

(A/N: Sup cuties, miss me? I love you too and missed ya'll.)

--Zach POV--

I stared at Tsunade getting flustered and blushing. It took me a second to connect the dots of what she must be thinking. That caused me to chuckle a little bit which caused her to glare at me. I raised my hands up to placate the lovely woman.

Zach: "Dear, they don't want to watch us have sex. They want to watch me resurrect the 3 Uchiha."

Dionysus: "Zach's right, but I wouldn't mind doing the latter."

Heph: "Agreed!"


Before any of us could react Tsunade had slapped the two Gods. Everyone present froze as the red handprints started to form on their faces. I looked in abject horror at Tsunade who didn't have any remorse at her actions. That made me admire her even more, so I turned to the gods and gave them a smug look.

Heph: "We did deserve that. It's kinda refreshing that someone is able to resist the temptations of us Gods."

Dionysus: "That's true, most of the time people would be clamoring to have a romp with us."

Tsunade: "I'm tired of all you Gods trying to get into our pants! This is the last time I will tolerate it, you tell Aphrodite and Hecate to stay away from me and my man! Zach has filled me in on all the Gods and Goddess of the pantheon and the next time anyone tries to tempt either of us I WILL pray to Hera!"

I looked over at the two Gods and saw them sweating a little bit. That made me start to laugh out loud. Everyone else just gave a nervous chuckle. I couldn't blame them, my wife did just smack two Gods and threatened them. But we're getting off course so I decided to break the tension to get this ball rolling and coughed.

Zach: "Yes, you may join us in bringing the Uchiha Clan back."

Heph: "Great!"

Heph tossed the jar with Shisui's eye in it to me. With a surprise, I bumbled the bottle and eventually caught it. Tsunade sent me a death glare since I almost dropped the jar, my reply was just to give her a shrug. She then gave a loud huff and turned to walk towards the door.

Tsunade: "Boys, grab the prisoners and bring them to the training area."

Zach: "Dio, Heph, ya'll want to walk over with us or just meet us there?"

Dionysus: "We'll meet you there."

With a wave to the Gods, I walked over and grabbed Donezo by the arms, and escorted him out. Kakashi and Guy grabbed the other two and we made our way to the training field. With a quick jaunt to the training field, dragging the prisoners, we arrived at the array that I set up. Tsunade, Heph, and Dio were there waiting for us.

I drug Donezo over to one of the circles and dropped his ass in the middle of it. I motioned for the other two to be brought to the other circles. I then placed Shisui's eye in the spot that would require Danzo's death. Kakashi and Guy went to the other elders' areas and placed Mikoto's and Izumi's remains at their proper spots.

When everyone was done they spread out to get a good view of what was going on. I was about to start the whole process when I felt that something was missing. Turning to the side I looked at Might Guy.

Zach: "Guy, can you go grab Sasuke. He really should be here so he stops brooding."

Guy did a silly salute and yelled something about restoring youth and ran off. We all just shook our heads, but Kakashi was looking at me funny.

Kakashi: "Why didn't you ask me to go get him? He is a part of my team and somewhat respects me."

Zach: "Well Kakashi, we're about to bring back 3 Uchihas that probably don't know our faces. So I need you to keep your peeper out and that trademark white hair. They at least will know you and know that we're not trying to screw them over."

Kakashi nodded at that and raised his headband. With that, I brought out all the quartz that contained the saved up essence and placed them on the symbols on the ground. I patted my hands together to clear the non-existent dust then got on my knees. As I leaned over I took a deep breath and quickly placed my hands on the symbols and they started to glow gold. The power draw was extreme, and I felt myself bottom out multiple times. But when I thought all was lost I'd be topped off as I drew off of the quartz. During the constant depleting and refilling of my Divine Essence, I could feel the pool growing bigger and bigger.

Just like with Orochimaru, the elders started screaming in agony. Also just like last time, no one gave a shit. After a couple of minutes, the elders started to form 3 golden cocoons. If I had time I would see that everyone except Jiraiya's eyes were saucers. The Gods looked on, impressed and giving fist bumps to each other.

Once I felt the power drain stop I slowly stood up. Once I was standing I stumbled backward from the exhaustion to be caught by Tsunade. She wrapped an arm around me and helped me stay on my feet. With exhaustion setting in I decided to rest my head on her shoulder, and my right hand on her right ass cheek. That got me a light swat to my side, but my hand was too comfortable where it was.

Everyone watched on as the miracle was happening in front of them. When the golden eggs started to dissolve from the ground up three different-sized feet were shown. As the light started to dissolve the forms of a young girl, a mid-teens boy, and a coug- Tsunade pinched my side hard. A well-to-do housewife was standing there with their eyes closed. We all let out the breaths that we were holding when they opened their eyes and started to look around.

Mikoto: "Where.."

Izumi: "What's going on?"

Shisui: "Kakashi, you got old."

At Shisui's comment, I looked over to Kakashi who collapsed on the ground. The two female Uchihas saw the infamous copy-cat ninja collapse to the ground and giggled. After a couple of seconds of giggling the girls started to look around at us. Izumi slowly made her way over to Mikoto and angled herself to hide behind her. Mikoto's response was to wrap her arm around Izumi to reassure her. Mikoto then looked over to me and Tsunade and stared at us.

Mikoto: "Tsunade-hime, what is going on?"

Tsunade patted my stomach and I stood on my own, though my hand wasn't as comfortable anymore.

Tsunade: "Mikoto, there is a lot we need to go over. But first off, you have all been dead for 6 years. My husband made a fuinjutsu that will completely reincarnate you to the time of your death."

The Uchihas just stared at her, throwing in looks at me as they processed that information. The first one to talk was Izumi.

Izumi: "Where is Itachi?"

Tsunade winced at that question, and it didn't get past Mikoto.

Mikoto: "What happened to him? Where is Sasuke at that?"

Tsunade: "Itachi is complicated."

Mikoto: "Well un-complicate it."

Tsunade: "After Itachi massacred the Uchihas he was dispatched as a missing-nin to join a terrorist group called The Akatsuki. Sasuke is currently in the village and Might Guy is bringing him here"

Mikoto processed that but you can tell she didn't like the first answer she got. By this time Shisui got the courage to talk.

Shisui: "How do we know you're not just using us for our Sharingan's?"

I decided to take this one.

Zach: "Because of the fact that we used the ones who caused the whole fucking mess. Because of the fact that the Senju clan went through the same thing as the Uchihas. It might not have been as instantaneous as the Uchiha Massacre, but positions were leaked and betrayals on missions."

Shisui: "Danzo?"

Zach: "Used em for your body. Thought it would be fitting. He took your eye, you took your life back from him. I call it poetic justice."

Shisui let out a dark chuckle at that and nodded. Before we could continue the conversation Guy came back. But we all frowned as he came back empty-handed.

Tsunade: "Guy, where is Sasuke?"

Guy looked down in disappointment at not being able to bring him back.

Guy: "Lady Tsunade, he was not in the Uchiha compound. When I went looking for him I found the pink-haired banshee knocked out on a bench. I used some smelling salt to wake her up and she told me Sasuke left the village to search for Orochimaru."

I doubled facepalmed at hearing that. Maybe we should have told the village that Orochimaru is dead. Looking over to Mikoto I started to feel scared. Her hair was floating in the air and she was pissed, I swear she could go Super Saiyan any second.

Mikoto: "Why would he go running straight for the pedophile?"

I looked at Mikoto in shock. Huh, he must have been showing those tendencies early on. But then why the hell was everyone ok with Nawaki being in his group? Oh right, Donezo. Before we could continue the sequence Mikoto disappeared in a flash, followed by Shisui. Izumi was just standing there like a scared rabbit.

Looking over at Tsunade she shook her head no. She did not want me to push myself to follow them. Tsunade then turned to Jiraiya and the others and barked out orders.

Tsunade: "Jiraiya, Kakashi, Guy. S-Class mission, keep the Uchihas safe and bring them home!"

They didn't even respond, they just sped away after the two Uchihas. Tsunade turned to little Izumi who didn't know what to do. I could see the maternal instinct kicking in as her face softened.

Tsunade: "Izumi, I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm Tsunade Senju, the Hokage of Konoha. Come with me and we can get my husband Zach to cook us something delicious!"

Izumi's eyes sparkled at that and nodded her head.

Zach: "Woah! I cooked last night, it's your turn!"

Tsunade gave me a death glare that promised pain.

Zach: "I was wrong, I lost track of my days. Chicken fried steak it is then."

--Mikoto POV--

Coming back to life was a real shock. But it wasn't as shocking as finding out Tsunade was pregnant and had a husband. She had turned into a drunk and recluse after Dan died, but good for her. Thinking back on the small conversation we had I couldn't help but get angry at some of the information they were leaving out. But then again, we were standing in a training field and it wasn't the best place to talk.

What really irks me is the fact that my youngest son is so desperate for power that he would willingly run to Orochimaru. The rumors of what that man has done made my skin crawl and my baby boy is set on joining him. Picking up his trail from the village wasn't hard, I was a Jonin after all and it seems like I haven't lost my touch. I could sense Shisui following behind me as we chased the trail left by Sasuke.

After over half a day of chasing the trail, I started to get tired. Deciding to stop and rest for the time being I found a nice hidden area and stayed there with Shisui. We had small talk, but there wasn't much to be said it was all so new. Not even an hour after we stopped we were surprised by Jiraiya, Guy, and Kakashi showing up. Me and Shisui got up and got into a defensive stance.

Mikoto: "I'm not going back without my son."

Kakashi just placed his hands up.

Kakashi: "We're not here to take you back."

Guy: "We're here to help restore YOUTH to young Sasuke and reunite him with his family!"

Jiraiya just facepalmed and shook his head.

Jiraiya: "Hokage Tsunade told us to protect you two and make sure everyone gets back safe."

Upon hearing that they were our back up me and Shisui relaxed and sat back down. Kakashi walked over and sat next to Shisui, Jiraiya sat next to me and Guy sat next to Kakashi, his forever rival. As we were staring at the night sky Jiraiya decided to break the silence.

Jiraiya: "I bet you have a ton of questions."

I just continued to stare at the stars.

Mikoto: "Was it worth it? The genocide of my clan?"

Everyone stayed quiet at that question. It pained my heart that everyone I knew and loved was dead. The only ray of sunshine in my life right now was that both Sasuke and Itachi were alive. Before Jiraiya could say anything Shisui chimed in.

Shisui: "Mikoto-San, most of the village wouldn't know the truth behind it. Danzo had created a secret organization like the Anbu called ROOT. It was his machinations that caused the downfall of our clan and apparently Senju also."

Jiraiya: "It wasn't just him, it was the entire elder council. Since Tsunade came back after the 3rd died things have changed. Her husband is… Well, he is one hell of a man. He uncovered all of the conspiracies that Danzo and the elder council had. Tsunade got rid of that shitty civilian council. To top it all off they even figured out who caused the Nine-tails to attack."

Shisui: "Please don't tell me it was an Uchiha."

Jiraiya winced again at that and I stared him down. But the answer came from a surprising source.

Kakashi: "It was Obito."

Me and Shisui just stared at Kakashi. Light dawned in my eyes at how Itachi could kill the whole clan. Kakashi just hung his head at the reminder that his best friend helped end the clan.

Jiraiya: "We should get some rest. When we get back, get in touch with Tsunade and Zach, they'll have all your answers."

We just nodded our heads and got comfortable. I closed my eyes and wished that this wasn't a dream or heaven. I really wanted to see the men that my two boys had grown into.