Ch. 55

--Zach POV--

I woke up before Tsunade did and very delicately extricated myself from her clutches. Making my way down I spread out my senses to see if anyone else was awake. Finding that I was the first up I made my way to the kitchen to start making breakfast. I had decided to make 6 batches of cinnamon rolls. It was quick and easy, would last for a couple of days, but also permeated the mansion with an enticing smell.

About halfway through baking the rolls the first trickle of sleepy heads walked in. Kayla, Karin, and Izumi were the first up and in the kitchen. I had a cup of coffee ready for Kayla, and glasses of orange juices for the girls. Shizune was next and grumbled something about missing Jiraiya and made herself a cup of coffee. When I sensed Tsunade was coming down with Nawaki I made her cup of coffee with cream and two sugars then made Nawaki chocolate milk.

Tsunade came in and beelined straight for the mug, grabbed it, and kissed me good morning. Looking at the girls I just sighed at the thought of being outnumbered. With that thought I expanded my sense to find that Naruto was sleeping in a weird-ass position, oblivious to the world. With a sigh, I looked back to the girls chatting away and decided not to bother them and go wake Naruto up.

I hurried up to his room and walked in casually. Me making all this noise didn't even phase Naruto's sleep, and I had a bright idea. I made a bucket appear in my hands and walked out, almost stomping my feet to wake him up. I made my way to the bathroom, filled the bucket up with water, and then stomped back into his room and stood next to his bed. With an evil smile, I emptied the bucket on top of Naruto who started to flail around and sputter.

Zach: "Wake up Magicarp, I choose you."

Naruto: "W-wha- WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!"

Zach: "Some ninja you are, I've been stomping around trying to wake you up.

Naruto: "Maybe I heard you and just didn't want to wake up!"

Zach: "Oh? And what did you think when you heard me running water and the sound of it hitting metal?"

Naruto just grumbled at that. Before I could taunt him a bit more the scent of cinnamon rolls hit his nose. You could tell by how his face melted and drool started to drop from his mouth. After placing the bucket down I walked over to his dresser and brought out a clean set of clothes, underwear and a towel then threw them at him.

Zach: "Dry off and come down, I have Chocolate milk made for you."


With that, I left the room and closed the door behind me. When I got back to the Kitchen the girls that were chatting away stopped and looked at me. Tsunade had her coffee mug to her lips and raised one eyebrow at me. For some reason that look always did something for me, and I saw a grin crack behind the mug as I shuttered briefly.

Zach: "Kid will sleep through anything."

Tsunade: "Is that why you were pretending to be a T-Rex?"

Zach: "That was a warning that he'd better wake up before getting drenched."

The girls all chuckled at that and went back to their conversation. I went and made the glass of chocolate milk and finished just in time for Naruto to run into the room. He grabbed the milk then ran and sat next to Karin forcing himself into the conversation. Grabbing my cup of jo I leaned myself on the counter, sipping my coffee and listening to them talk.

I couldn't help but smile and enjoy this peaceful family time. Even though this is a big, strange, and adopted family. But it's a wonderful family that I wouldn't trade for the world. When my mind started to wander to our talk last night a frown slowly started to form on my face. We would be leaving our family and it didn't sit right to me. Before I went down the rabbit hole of thoughts my ever better half caught my attention and slightly nodded her head back and forth. Letting me know that now is not the time and we'd talk about it late.

All I could do was sigh and think about better thoughts at the moment. By now the rolls were finished and I went to fish them out of the oven. As I was bringing the last baking dish out a group of 7 people entered the kitchen.

Jiraiya: "Oh hell yeah! Cinnamon rolls my favorite!"

Before I could say anything I felt daggers flying across the room. Looking over at the group of girls I saw Shizune staring daggers at Jiraiya.

Shizune: "No, 'Oh Shizune dear I'm back and I've missed you oh so dearly'?"

Jiraiya froze at that and the Uchihas stepped away from him along with Kakashi and Guy. Jiraiya then did what he did best and acted shameless, groveling at her feet and kissing her leg. Tsunade gave me a wanting look and I stared her down and gave her a firm no. She pouted at me and I was undaunted, I may give on a lot of stuff but I still have my pride.

Zach: "Come everyone, ladies and kids at the table. Guys, since there is not enough room at the table we're relegated to the Island."

Mikoto and Sasuke made their way to the table with smiles on their faces. Greetings were exchanged, and a more festive environment. I expected Izumi to come running to Itachi, but she was extremely hesitant and avoided eye contact. Itachi started to make his way to the table to try and talk to her, I stopped him by grabbing his wrist. He was shocked at the speed and strength I displayed and looked at me a little menacingly. I leaned in and whispered into his ear.

Zach: "Give her time. Get some good grub and be patient, we'll all have a talk after this."

Itachi nodded his head and relaxed. I then proceeded to dish out breakfast for everyone and grabbed a bite myself. Standing around with the guys enjoying a meal was nice, for a change I wasn't surrounded by women.

Zach: "So how did it go?"

Jiraiya: "Well, we brought you a present."

I looked at him questioningly.

Jiraiya: "Captured Kisame Hoshigaki. Figured you could use em if you know what I mean."

My eyes shined at that, it fixed 1 of 2 problems. Giving Jiraiya a thumbs up I continued to eat the cinnamon rolls. By the time everyone finished, all the kids except Izumi had gone off to train or study. When I was done collecting all the dishes Tsunade had her "I'm Hokage Now" look and I just smiled then walked over to help her stand.

Tsunade: "We have a lot to talk about Mikoto, Sasuke, Izumi. Jiraiya, Kakashi, and Guy I thank you for your help. We'll be doing the time chamber tomorrow so be ready at daybreak. Let everyone else know, you are dismissed."

The three bowed and two scampered off. Jiraiya made his way to Shizune and scooped her up then ran off. Kayla dismissed herself and probably went to go study with Karin. I just led Tsunade to the receiving room with the Uchihas quietly in tow.


I love how Zach can read my expressions so easily. It makes life so much simpler when he can fit the role I need him to. This talk coming up was not going to be a fun one. I gripped Zach's arm harder in my anxiety and he replied with a pat on my hand reassuring me to let him know he's there.

When we sat down Zach was to my right. Facing the couch across from us Shisui and Itachi were on the left, Mikoto and Sasuke in the middle and Izumi on the far right. With a deep breath and release, I started the conversation.

Tsunade: "First of all, I want to introduce you to my husband Zachary Briggs. He is the Champion of two Gods and taught by a Goddess of Magic. That is how he is able to bring you back to life."

Zach: "Let me clarify, I took the Impure World Reincarnation and re-wrote it. It still takes a living being to sacrifice, but none of the negative stats would be applied to the reincarnation. I call it the Perfect World Reincarnation"

Mikoto: "Yes, that is what Jiraiya told us. He filled us in on a little, but it left even more questions."

I nodded solemnly at that.

Tsunade: "Good, we have plenty of time today. Feel free to ask anything, I can't change the past but I can at least answer your questions."

The 5 Uchihas slightly nodded their heads and thought for a second. Shisui was the first one to have a question.

Shisui: "Why us three? I love you Aunty Mikoto and Izumi, but there were stronger Uchihas than them."

When I was about to answer, Mikoto answered it in a matter-of-fact tone.

Mikoto: "They want me and Izumi to repopulate the clan. They hoped that Izumi and Itachi would create more prodigies, and an added bonus if Me and you had kids another prodigy."

I had a strong urge to facepalm at the overthinking. Before I could stop him Zach did a facepalm. I could see Sasuke looking at his mom like she had gone crazy.

Sasuke: "Mom, they're not like that."

Mikoto: "Really? Or maybe they realize that the Uchihas were more valuable to the village alive. That's why they got rid of the elder council and reincarnated us."

Before I could chime in I heard Zach moan in agony at this twisted logic. When I put my hand on his thigh to settle him down I could feel him shaking slightly in anger. He then pulled his hands down his face and placed them in his lap.

Zach: "Look, it's nothing like that. We had a way to look at the future and the past."

Zach pointed at Sasuke and then at Itachi.

Zach: "This one would join Orochimaru's group to gain the power of a cursed seal in order to kill this one. Of course, we adults all know Pedomaru is a piece of shit and manipulated Sasuke into being an emo asshole. By the time these two fought Itachi's eyes were so fucked, and he was in such bad health that Sasuke beat you with the help of Pedomaru and Kabuto. Speaking of which."

Zach then made a shot glass appear in his hand and held his other hand over it. Without missing a beat I made a chakra scalpel and cut an incision on his hand and let him bleed into the shot glass. Once it was full he placed it on the table and slid it towards Itachi who just stared at him in disgust.

Zach: "Drink it."

Itachi: "No."

The tension in the air was rising. I had to do something to reign in Zach a bit, he was being a bit too much bad cop, as he would call it. Before I could use my good cop on them he moved quicker than anyone could pick up. Next thing we knew there was an empty shot glass being held to Itachi's mouth and Kunai had been drawn and leveled at Zach. I just sat back and nodded my head from side to side.

Itachi's eyes widened as the blood had been forced down his throat. What he expected was complete disgust, but what he was experiencing was the exact opposite. You could see by the changing of his face. His skin started to get darker and look healthier, and by the looks in his eyes, he seemed more vibrant. You could even see him getting younger as the seconds went by.

Tsunade: "My husband is… Very brutish. One of the Gods he is champion for has a domain under fertility. By you drinking Zach's blood, it will bring your body back to peak fertility. All of your injuries will be healed, and well… Don't be dragging Izumi off anywhere until she is older."

Izumi turned the color of a tomato at that and everyone started to relax a little seeing that Itachi was not in any danger. When the kunai were not on Zach anymore he turned around to sit back down next to me but I shook my head no. He then looked aghast to me.

Tsunade: "Nope. You're sleeping on the couch the next couple of days because of that. "

Zach: "But!"

Tsunade: "No, now go out and do something useful!"

He just hung his head low and moped out. I had to suppress a chuckle at that, I knew he had good intentions. He just went about it in the best way he knows how, but that doesn't help in this situation.

Tsunade: "Now where were we?"

Sasuke: "So I would have actually beat Itachi and gotten my revenge?"

Mikoto just thumped Sasuke on his head and stared him into submission.

Tsunade: "Well considering he wasn't the reason behind the Massacre and only a tool. I would call it shallow revenge. As everyone knows Danzo hated the Uchihas and the 3rd could never tell him no. So Danzo manipulated the Uchihas into a corner that the only way out they saw would be rebellion. Danzo and the 3rd played on Shisui and Itachi's loyalty to the greater good of the village."

Mikoto: "But that doesn't explain why you brought us 3 back."

Tsunade: "It kind of does. But here is it directly. We brought you back, Mikoto because we don't want Sasuke to go down that dark path. Everything works out in the end, but do the ends really justify the means? We brought Izumi back for Itachi since she is the only woman he's ever loved. They lived a whole life together when he cast his genjutsu on her, and well we figured he deserved the real thing. Shisui we brought back for both Sasuke and Itachi, hopefully, with the two of you the bridge can be mended with time."

Everyone was quiet and taking in my reasoning. Izumi came out of her thoughts first with a fierce determination. She hopped off the couch and walked over to Itachi and kissed him. It was kind of awkward watching a 12-year-old kiss a 20 something. She then turned bright right again and ran off leaving Itachi and everyone else stunned.

Mikoto: "She's too young for you right now Itachi, you better not rush things!"

Mikoto was giving him the evil eye and he cowed a little at it and nodded in agreement to her.

Tsunade: "So, what other questions do you have?"

With what's been shared so far I had gained a modicum of their trust. Then the floodgates opened and I was fielding questions like a goalie with no defenders. We talked past lunch and didn't stop until our stomachs growled from hunger and the aroma coming from the kitchen.