Ch. 63

--Zach POV--

It's been a week since the twins were born, Tsunade and them stayed in the hospital for a couple of days before they came back to the Marvel world. The first thing we did was take them to the hospital in our new world in order to get their vaccinations. Even though they won't need them, the schools we would be sending them to until we get the Hogwarts letters would require them. I expected for there to be a hassle about insurance and residency, but true to her word Hecate had everything already taken care of and it wasn't a hassle.

Over the last couple of days, I had been preparing the bar and forge for opening. Kushina was going to be the back of the house manager, while Mikoto would take over the front of the house. Kushina had talked Ayame into becoming the head chef, while I slipped a bit of my blood in Teuchi's celebratory drink so that way she wouldn't have to worry about taking over his shop for a while. Anko had agreed to be the head bartender but would be on light duty until her child had been born. We had great interest from the retired jonin and some of the active ones. But the most interest came from the chunin who felt like they could never move up.

By the time we finished with the interviews, we had almost an even split of men and women. We hired all of the jonin that applied, they would be mainly the frontline staff. While the chunin that we hired would be working in the kitchen and bussing the tables. When we were talking about salaries there was a bit of rub when the back of the house staff was making more than the front of the house. I quickly explained the culture of tipping in the United States, and how they'll be making around the same if not more it would all depend on them. That lit a fire in the jonin's eyes, while the chunin were happy that they had a guaranteed paycheck.

After the salary talk, I had brought everyone to the locker room of the bar. On display were a couple of outfits for the staff to wear. The male front of staff would wear a butler outfit with the lining being white along with a white tie, gloves, and handkerchief. It was the outfit the Sebas from Overlord wore, and I loved it. While the women who worked the front of the house had a black kimono with white cranes flying away with a couple of red cranes in the flock. The obi was a dark red that also had white cranes in flight. For the kitchen staff, it was the normal white kitchen attire, and the busboys had black button-up shirts, dress pants, dress shoes, and white ties.

Everyone had stars in their eyes at their new outfits, we told them to come back tomorrow and their outfits would be tailored for them personally in the meantime. That night I used my powers to alter all of the uniforms to our staff members' size, while on the kitchen staff I embroidered their names on the chest of the uniforms. When everyone arrived the next day with excitement in their eyes I handed out their uniforms. It took about an hour for everyone to get dressed and presentable.

Once everyone was present I guided them to the dining room of the New York restaurant. Their faces were in disbelief and looking around the luxurious bar and restaurant, they couldn't see outside the windows because there was paper covering it so that no one could see inside yet. I let them take in the sight for a couple of minutes before getting them on track and had everyone take a seat in front of me for the staff meeting. When everyone was settled down I clapped my hand to start things off.

Zach: "First off, I want to congratulate everyone here for getting hired. There are a couple of things I must warn you about though."

I had everyone's rapt attention.

Zach: "Everything outside these walls is an SSS-Class secret, you can tell NO ONE about what you see."

That got a few grumbles but I continued.

Zach: "The reason I'm telling you this is because we are in a different universe."

Shocked gasps could be heard from those who believed me, but I received more than a few glares from those who didn't. I walked over to one of the outer windows and carefully peeled aside the paper to show the bustle of traffic that was Wall Street. The believers were more shocked, while the nonbelievers nearly fell out of their chairs. With my point made I put the paper cover back in place on the window and walked back to the group.

Zach: "It would take too long to explain to you the how and why, just know that it is. There are two different bars connected in the back and another connection in my forge area over there. The other bar is the exact same as this one, but it's located on the other side of the planet. That is why we hired so many of you, with both this place and the other we will be operating pretty much 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Any questions so far?"

One of the men raised their hand.

Male Server: "Will we be able to go out there and explore?"

Zach: "Good question, yes you will. But let me warn all of you first. This world is vastly different from ours. This world is made of civilians, there have never been ninjas like that in our world. The ninjas of this world only had their skills and training to rely on, and anyone here would wipe the floor with them. That being said when you go out, you act like a civilian and don't cause trouble otherwise we will have to deal with you."

A woman raised her hand next and I pointed to her.

Female Server: "What if someone gets handsy with us when we're out there."

Zach: "A slap is fine, but don't cripple or kill. If they persist just knock them out and leave, you're ninjas it shouldn't be hard."

Someone else raised their hand and I picked them.

Male Busboy: "Will our Ryo work out there?"

Zach: "No, the currency out there is different. We'll convert the money you want to go out with for free."

That got everyone talking excitedly. I had to calm them down, after that, I continued with my talk.

Zach: "Now, another perk of working here. This building has multiple floors, and they are set up for housing. You do not have to move in, but if you do want to you will be able to bring your immediate family members."

That got a lot of people excited, it was a new world and they would be able to share it with their families. After a couple more questions and outlining how I expected everyone to act I broke the employees off into their perspective teams. The kitchen staff and busboys went to the back with Kushina and Ayame to familiarize themself with it. The wait staff stayed in the front of the house with Mikoto, while the bar staff and Anko made their way to the bar where Dio was waiting.

I stayed with the wait staff and started to teach them the little I knew about how to serve. Luckily Dio had thought ahead and after he let me sweat a bit the maitre d of one of his restaurants showed up. I thanked him profusely and joined in with the servers ready to learn in case I had to step in.

The first couple of days of training I stuck with the servers. After that, I went to the bar and learned from Dio who was more strict on me than any of the others, which raised the spirits of the bartenders. I went into the kitchen for the last couple of days and shared tricks I had picked up over the years being a bachelor cook. I was quickly admonished by Kushina and Ayame for trying to teach everyone bad habits and was promptly re-educated to their standards.

Even though I was working hard this last week, it was nothing compared to raising the children. The dread and joys of parenting were in full swing. Sleepless nights, changing diapers, cleaning up puke, but it was all worth it for the sheer joyous laughter they would give when you played with them. Tsunade would take care of them while I was downstairs working, but when I came home I'd take over to give her a much-needed break. We would rotate at night of who would get up to change diapers or feed the littles ones. I enjoyed every minute of it and thanked the Gods who made it all possible.

On the second day after Tsunade came home, we decided to check out the 2nd floor of the building. When we arrived and opened the door to it I was in shock. Tsunade looked at me questioningly because she had no idea what a room with a bunch of chairs around the wall and a window that had a chair behind it meant.

Zach: "I do believe the Gods made you a doctor's office dear."

Her eyes widened at that and I took Vulcan who she was carrying out of her hands. Once the baby was free she started to rush through the door and explore. She looked like a kid waking up on Christmas morning and running to the presents. I slowly followed behind her as she checked out all of the advanced medical machines, exam rooms, and patient rooms. I couldn't help but smile and shake my head, I had been worried about what she'd do in this new world. Tsunade was not the type of person to just sit by and be a stay-at-home mom, this is the perfect thing for her to do. Plus it would give Shizune and Kayla a reason to visit more often. I was broken out of my musings by Tsunade.

Tsunade: "Zach wait out in the lobby for me! I'm going to go grab the girls!"

Before I could even respond the love of my life ran out of the room and I just sighed. Walking with the two other loves of my life in my arms I went to the waiting room and sat down. They were being perfect little angels as I bounced them in my arms and made silly faces to their little laughter. It didn't take long before Tsunade dragged her two proteges and their three apprentices Hinata, Sakura, and Karin.

Everyone but Tsunade had the same questioning look that Tsunade had when they saw the room. Before they could ask questions Tsunade just went through the door and they followed. I decided that it would be too much trouble to follow them so I stayed seated with the kids. Do you know that shrill scream women do when they see something they love? Well, there was plenty of that, Tsunade didn't do it when I was with her because I couldn't appreciate the equipment. But with her peers, she could geek out and brag about it.

It is my theory that the Gods believed that Tsunade would recruit Shizune and Kayla to work in the office. Because the 3rd floor which was our home was divided into 3 separate units. Half of the floor was our house, while the other half was separated into two units. With the girls screaming like that it had made my guess 100% spot on. It was confirmed that they'd move into the two spaces as I heard them chatting when they came back into the lobby. Tsunade had tasked the women to get a couple more medical-nin and some receptionists for the clinic.

Everything had been running smoothly in the training phases, and today I was hanging out in the dining room with Tsunade and the kids and roleplaying as customers for the wait staff. During one of the switches to another waitress, there was a rhythmic knock at the front door. If it was just a normal knock I would have ignored and pretended that no one was there. I extended my sense and was a little shocked at who was at the door. Tsunade started to gather the kids at the sight of my shock, and the ninjas nearby got into a ready stance. I shook my head to let them know not to do anything as I got up and walked to the door. With a look at everyone I nodded my head and I opened the door to see who was outside.

Zach: "Hello Yao. Come in if you would please."

The Ancient one was a bit surprised that I called her by her name. She quickly regained her composure and walked in silently and I closed the door behind her. I then guided her to the table where Tsunade and the children were and pulled out a chair. After she took a seat I sat back down next to Tsunade and we had a stare off the Ancient One.

The staredown lasted until Dio brought a whiskey and coke for me, a glass of milk for Tsunade, and some scotch for Yao. Tsunade took the glass without looking and sipped it, a frown formed on her face as she didn't taste any alcohol.

Tsunade: "Come on Dio! At least treat a girl to a White Russian."

I started to bust out laughing at that and couldn't hold my poker face any longer.

Dionysus: "Tsunade, as much as I would LOVE to serve you alcohol. You're still breastfeeding the little ones. Also Yao, you probably should look at different ways to draw power other than the Dark Dimension. Maybe pray sometimes, you never know who would answer."

Dio gave Yao a wink and us a smile as he walked away. By now Yao was bugging out by the sheer divine presence that he gave off, not to mention the fact that everything she was had just been laid bare before people she had never met before. I just chuckled at her and sipped my drink while letting Hitomi play with the fingers of my free hand.

Yao: "He's…"

Zach: "A God?"

She nodded her head.

Zach: "Yup, one of a couple that we're friends with. But we're not talking about this Universe's gods either."

Yao gulped at that.

Yao: "What do you mean?"

Zach: "Well Dionysus is here to help train the staff of my bar and to stock the ingredients."

Yao stared at me in disbelief.

Yao: "So he's a Greek God."

I raised my hand, held it flat in the air, and wiggled it side to side.

Zach: "Yes and no. Yes, he is a Greek God, but not one of this Universe. Our other God friend traded One Above All for ownership of the Universe. It's really convoluted, but it boils down to, we're not from this Universe and I'm good friends with the current One Above All."

The Ancient One eyes started to bug out as she got a bit of a clue who she was dealing with. The stuttering started to happen as she was trying to put her thoughts into words and not piss us off.

Tsunade: "Yao, if you don't mind me calling you that. Me and my husband are here to live our lives with our children. You're probably here to ascertain if we are a threat to the world, am I wrong."

Yao shook her head no that Tsunade wasn't wrong.

Tsunade: "I would say we are certainly a threat in some aspects. But if we are left alone, we will just live our lives. If people want to come find trouble, they'll be met with strong opposition. If people want to come to seek friendship, they will be met with friendship."

Yao took a sip of the DIO brand scotch. Her face softened at the exquisite taste of the drink and I could tell she started thinking while sipping more. She finally came to a conclusion a minute later, and it just so happened to coincide with her glass being empty.

Yao: "I would like to greet you in friendship."

I smiled at that and reached a free hand across the table for a shake.

Zach: "Well Yao, I'm Zach Briggs. This is my wife Tsunade Senju Briggs, and our twins Vulcan and Hitomi."

She took my hand and shook it, and when Tsunade was introduced she held out her hand and they shook. After the introductions I had the wait staff let the kitchen staff know that we would have a live test. Yao agreed to stay and eat with us, so we ordered our food and had a nice dinner with a new friend. When it was getting late Yao got up and bid us farewell, but as she was about to go out the door I yelled out to her.

Zach: "Yao, Hecate is the name you're probably looking for."

Yao stared at me and nodded her head as she hurried out of the door. Not even 10 seconds later Yao's chair was filled with the big-tittied goth herself.

Zach: "Hello Hecate."

Hecate: "Now, now Zach. Thank you for setting up a wonderful underling for me."

Zach: "Well they are sorcerers, so I figured I should send her your way. Don't forget to thank Dio for the opening he gave me."

Hecate: "I think of some way to thank him. There is another reason I came to visit though."

Tsunade raised her eyebrow at that and I looked at Hecate questioningly.

Hecate: "You're so close to open but you haven't finalized a name! Don't you dare call it Mi Bar and Forge! This place is more of a restaurant with a bar and forge."

I looked at her stumped, because I had really been set on that name. I took a thinking stance as I started to sound out names in my head. Of course, Mi Bar was my favorite, then there was Anvil and Fire Bar and Forge, but that was a mouthful.

Tsunade: "What about Kajiya? It's blacksmith in Japanese, but we're located in two English-speaking nations. It will convey that we're a Japanese restaurant and at the same time you're a blacksmith."

Excited by her idea I hopped out of my chair and wrapped her in a hug, kissing her over and over. The kids were laughing and cawing at our antics and a smile and a hint of jealousy could be seen from Hecate's face. Once our public display of affection was over I sat back down.

Hecate: "Good, so that's what I'll put on all the paperwork. Also, Tsunade, what would you like your medical office to be called so I can fill out that paperwork?"

Tsunade: "Senju Medical if you don't mind."

Hecate: "Got it! You two don't have to worry about licensing or anything, it's already taken care of. Tsunade, you Shizune and Kayla all have certificates from the best medical college along with all the nurses you hire."

Tsunade was beaming with delight, she got up out of her chair and ran over to Hecate and hugged her. Hecate stiffened for a bit and hugged Tsunade back.

Hecate: "I'm glad you don't hate me."

Tsunade: "I could never hate you. You've done so much for this family, I might get testy when you try to seduce Zach. But I'd really like us to be friends like how Zach, Heph, and Dio are. One can never have too many girlfriends! DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT ZACH!"

Before my mind could wander to multiple girls Tsunade shot it down. I just shrugged and sipped my drink some more. The kids got a kick out of seeing daddy scolded, and I started to play with them again as Tsunade and Hecate started to chit-chat about girl things.

(A/N: Thank you guys like always! We're making our way back up the power rankings! Be sure to feed me your power stones. I love comments also, they bring me joy and more drive to continue writing.

