Ch. 69

-- Zach POV --

While we waited for dinner I was in the process of copying the tapes. Jennifer and Tsunade were playing with the kiddos who were having a great time by the joyous giggles I could hear. By the time dinner was delivered I had made enough copies to give all the local stations a copy along with the 24-hour news networks like CNN.

Once dinner arrived it was another show. Jennifer was moaning and groaning at the food, which caused me and Tsunade to just stare at her in confusion. The twins loved it; they cooed and giggled in approval.

After dinner, we chatted some more about our options and Jennifer left with the tapes to distribute to the media. She then advised us to turn ourselves in the next day to the police and let everything take its course from there. I can't say that I was too happy with that, but what else can we do? Once Jennifer left I closed the door and turned to Tsunade.

Zach: "What do you want to do? There will probably be a warrant out for both of us. You can go back to your world until this blows over or come with me to the police station."

Tsunade: "What kind of wife would I be if I let my husband shoulder everything?"

Zach: "The kind that has infants."

She stayed quiet at that. I could tell by the determined look in her eyes that she was trying to figure out what to do.

Tsunade: "Shizune's milk has started to flow. We shouldn't be gone for more than a couple of days."

Zach: "Are you sure?"

Tsunade: "We're in this together, wouldn't be right for me to bail when things get a little tough."

I couldn't help but embrace her and kiss her deeply. After our little makeout session, we separated and she went off to feed the kids and I went down to check on the restaurant.

The restaurant was still packed despite the news, but the bad thing was the customers were mainly walk-ins. Almost all the influential people who made reservations before had canceled them. It made me wince thinking about the potential loss of revenue in the future as the new-ness died down and the general public wouldn't be eager to try it out.

With all these thoughts in my mind racing around I needed an outlet. So I did what I do best, beat the shit out of metal. I did have an awesome OP hammer to finish, after all, Stormbreaker ain't going to have shit on this baby when I'm done with it.

After a couple of hours, Anko came in and told me that they were about to close. I thanked her and cleaned up my station then walked out to thank the customers for coming. After answering a couple of their questions I returned to the apartment where I was immediately told I stank and to shower. I might or might not have snatched a fully clothed Tsunade and threw her over my shoulder and dragged her into the shower.

With the long shower out of the way I princess carried a weak at the knees Tsunade to the bedroom and dressed her in her PJs. I then crawled into bed with her and had a restless sleep, tomorrow was not going to be a fun day.

The next morning we got dressed and dropped the twins off with Shizune. When we stepped out of the building we were greeted by a crowd of photographers and reporters that were clamoring for an interview. We ignored them and caught a taxi to the police headquarters. After we paid the cabby and walked into the headquarters we walked up to the counter.

Receptionist: "How may I help you?"

Zach: "I'm Zachary Briggs and this is my wife Tsunade Briggs. I believe we might have warrants out for our arrest and we're here to turn ourselves in."

The woman went a little wide-eyed at that and started to type away at her computer. She then quickly got on a radio she had and called for the detective of the case. It didn't take long for a 6-foot man in a suit to come and greet us. The man looked like a younger Denis Leary and I had a faint idea of who he was. He then reached out his hand in greeting and I took it.

Detective: "Hello, I'm Detective George Stacey. I'm in charge of the case against you. Thank you for coming down voluntarily, if you two would follow me I have some questions to ask."

Zach: "Nice to meet you, Detective Stacey, I hope wherever we're going has a TV and VR because I've got a treat for you."

This was good news, from my vague recollections of Marvel George Stacey was a by-the-books kind of cop. George nodded and then led me and Tsunade to a small office where he left us there telling us to hold on for a minute. A couple of minutes later he re-entered the room wheeling a metal 3 story cart that had a TV strapped to the top with a VCR on the shelf under the TV. He then plugged it in and came and sat down in front of us. After taking out a tape recorder and clicking the record he started talking to us.

George: "The date now is March 6th, 1997. I am here with the suspects of case 12656 Zachary and Tsunade Briggs. The current time is 10:25 on a Thursday. Now Tsunade from our understanding everything started with you, could you please tell us your side of the story?"

With that Tsunade told Detective Stacey what happened from her point of view. He jotted down notes and he kept a neutral face the whole time. Once Tsunade was done he turned to me for my version of events, which I gladly shared my side. After I wrapped up my story it took a minute or two for him to finish writing in his notes.

George: "You asked me to bring the TV and VCR. I assume there is video footage?"

Zach: "Video and audio."

I replied as I pulled the tapes out of the briefcase I had brought with me. He quirked his eyebrows at that and I just smiled at him. George took the tapes and made his way to the Tv and popped the first one in then pressed play. As he watched it I could see him visibly tense and the small quivers of rage were evident. After the videos ended he sat down in front of us again and wrote furiously in his notes.

George: "I will not be detaining you two today. Unfortunately, I'm not the one who can drop the charges, that would be the district attorney. May I have these tapes so I can present it to them?"

Zach: "Keep them, we've made copies. They're also being distributed to all the major news outlets, local and national."

George: "Thank you, and for what it's worth I would have done worse if he did that to my wife. If you could please write down a number that we can contact you with."

I wrote down the numbers to our house and the shop. George then gave us his card and led us out of the police headquarters. With a final handshake and thanks we left and headed home in a cab we hailed. On the ride back we sat in silence holding hands and leaning into each other.

When we pulled up out front of the restaurant there was an even bigger crowd of reporters that we had to push through to get to the door. As the door came in sight I saw that Gordon and Tana were there waiting patiently and I waved to the couple. Once we got close I ushered all of us inside while still ignoring the press, nothing good comes from those vampires.

When we got inside I led the couple to a table nearby. Gordon and Tana took their seats and I took the seat next to Gordon and Tsunade took the seat next to me and beside Tana.

Gordon: "Bunch of fucking vultures out there already thinking you're dead."

Zach: "They'll be squawking a different tune tonight. We have video and audio, our lawyer is releasing it to all of the media."

Tana: "Thank the gods, literally."

We all laughed at that, it looks like Hestia explained to her the life they've been thrust in. But luckily they've got me and Tsunade to rely on and relax with.

Zach: "So, when I had a bit of time yesterday and wrote up this contract. You will own 48% of the restaurant side of Kajiya."

Gordon started sputtering and Tana just stared at me. Tsunade gave me a knowing smile and just nodded at that. She knew the big bucks were going to come from the smith and the restaurant was just a pastime for me.

Gordon: "Fucking shite Zach, are you sure? These restaurants, if run right, will be major staples in New York and London."

Zach: "Well make sure you run them right. I'll still be the face over here in New York and you'll be London's, but you'll be in charge of both."

Gordon: "If I'm in charge why the hell am I the one getting 48% and not you?"

I laughed at that.

Zach: "The 2% is for introducing you to not one but TWO Gods."

Gordon grumbled at that, but couldn't complain. We all laughed as he continued to grumble and sign the paperwork. I clapped my hands together in delight and went to make us Bloody Maries with DIO Vodka. I made sure to make both Tsunade and mine with no alcohol. (A/N: IT'S ME D-Pepto. Am I off on these blood jokes and Dio being a vampire? I think I watched like 3 episodes and said fuck it.)

Zach: "By the way, you're starting tonight."

Gordon: "Come on man! I'm living out of a bloody suitcase in a hotel room right now!"

Zach: "Then take the door to London and get you shit!"

There was a loud silence at that.

Gordon: "Oh yeah, I forgot."

I busted out laughing and almost fell on the floor. Tana was hiding her chuckle behind her hand and Tsunade was just giving a straight poker face that was milliseconds from breaking.

Zach: "By the way, we have apartments available for everyone if you want to move in. It's nice and central with access to London and New York. It's also furnished and has washers and dryers. Oh yeah, and it's free."

Tana: "Deal! You had me at apartments! If your restaurant is this nice, what the heck would the apartments be like?"

Gordon just looked distraught at Tana's action. I think I'm going to like having the Ramsay's around, they're good people. We then chit-chatted while everyone finished their drinks. The Ramsays headed out to go grab their luggage and we just went upstairs to retrieve the kiddos. After we got them we went back down to the restaurant and waited for Gordon and Tana to come back and show them where to go, and which room they'd take.

It didn't take long for the couple to show back up and along with them was Jennifer. I could tell she was a foodie before, but not it confirms it as I see her chatting Gordon's ear off. He gave me a desperate glance for me to save him, but I just grinned. But when Jennifer saw the twins she quickly changed targets.

Jennifer: "My favorite two babies!"

That caught Gordon and Tana's attention to Tsunade's arms and the little red-head and the brown-haired bundles. All three went up to Tsunade to greet the little ones and try to make them smile.

Tana: "Tsunade, Zach they are adorable! I can't wait till we have some of our own."

I could see Gordon sweating bullets at that. I leaned over and whispered in his ear.

Zach: "I will tell you this, everything is worth it. I would trade EVERYTHING for them. Plus, pregnant sex is the best."

Tsunade must have heard that last part because she glared daggers at me. I just shrugged and smiled, I had nothing to be ashamed about. The proof that I got laid was being held in her arms.

After everyone greeted the twins I brought the three up to the 4th floor that the staff seemed to have avoided. They had mainly filled the top floor and the one right below it. My theory was so that they could get a better view of this foreign world. I led them to the largest apartment on this floor, it was the same size as Kayla and Shizune's apartments. When I opened the door to show them the room all three of them just gawked at the luxury and modern look of it. I just smirked and enjoyed the gazes.

Tana was the first to go in and start exploring, she called Gordon to check something out and that's when he was knocked out of his daze. Jennifer followed behind taking in the room and I could see a bit of longing in her eyes. I thought for a second and came to a conclusion.

Zach: "You know Jenn, I hope you don't me calling you that. There could be a way for you to get one of these apartments."

She turned around and looked at me. Her questioning face turned into a frown as she took in my words.

Jennifer: "If it's what I think you're going to say, no I won't sleep with you to get something like this."

I stared at her shocked about what she said. That was the farthest off from the thing I was going to offer. Tsunade just looked smug at me and nodded her head.

Tsunade: "I can't believe you'd offer that to her. Am I not enough for you?"

Tsunade started to fan the flames of the fire with mock anger. I looked at Tsunade in shock and betrayal.

Zach: "No! I mean no. DAMMIT!"

Tsunade couldn't hold it anymore and started cracking up.

Zach: "Jennifer, become our lawyer."

She looked at me questioningly.

Jennifer: "I'm already your lawyer."

Zach: "No, what I mean is be our lawyer on retainer. Tsunade will be starting her medical practice here soon, and I have the restaurant and forge. We'll need someone that we can trust to have our backs when it comes to the law."

Jennifer thought about that for a couple of minutes before she shook her head.

Jennifer: "I don't think I can do that. I'm flattered, but I became a lawyer to fight for the small guy. If I'm tied to you guys, who would take care of those who don't have a voice."

Zach: "I never said you would have to stop helping others. Hell, we'll even change one of the floors into an office in the front and your apartment in the back."

Jennifer was hesitant.

Jennifer: "How much would it cost?"

Zach: "Nothing."

Jennifer: "There is no such thing as a free lunch."

Zach: "You're right, it won't cost you anything monetary. We wouldn't pay anything for legal unless necessary. But you wouldn't have to put a dime down for the floor. I can assure you that we don't plan on doing anything illegal, I have kids. But knowing how great our lovely country is and how it's already trying to fuck me in the ass, I'd like to have someone at my back all the time."

Tsunade: "Plus, you're great with the kids and an extra babysitter hanging around is nice to have."

That broke the tension Jennifer had and she started to laugh.

Jennifer: "I'm starting to think that Tsunade's response is the real reason you want me on retainer."

I just shrugged.

Zach: "You are great with the kids, so it's a win-win."

Jennifer just laughed at that and shook her head. With a deep breath in and a loud exhalation, she replied.

Jennifer: "Fine, I'll take the job. The officer and apartment better be furnished! You said I wouldn't have to pay a dime!"

Laughing, I shook my head and smiled. I then reached my hand out and she took it. We shook on it with grins on our faces. Gordon and Tana appeared and saw that we were shaking on something.

Gordon: "Oh looks like we have another partner in this new corporation you're building. You going to introduce her to a God too?"

Me and Tsunade froze at that and Tana just facepalmed.

Jennifer: "A God?"

I gave a nervous chuckle.

Zach: "We're under attorney-client privilege right?"