Ch. 71 Pt. 2

(A/N: I decided to break it into two parts since time skipping)

-- Zach POV--

They say the older you get the faster time flies. I can completely agree with that. Over the years many things have happened. Gordon and Ramsay had been busy making their family bigger, they were up to four kids now. They even had twins of their own on their second pregnancy.

Shizune, Anko, and Jiraiya are still together with their two kids Issei and Ichiro. Unfortunately, Issei is turning out to be a pervert like his parents, while Ichiro is a well-mannered little boy. Their family decided to keep with the ninja way and the boys were enrolled at the academy at the age of 6. To say they took to it like fish in water was an understatement, the boys were really gifted.

Speaking of the ninja world a LOT has happened in there. Thankfully with the preparations, and people I had revived they were able to weather everything. When Payne attacked the village I shut down the restaurants and helped shelter civilians. Afterward, I went out and bought building supplies and shipped them through my spacial ring to help rebuild. All the major incidents in the Anime/Manga seemed to have happened one way or the other. It was interesting finding out that as much as you change, there will always be fixed points that you can do nothing about. But in the end, the Author intervened and made it a happy conclusion.

Back in our world, the unfortunate event of 9/11 did occur. Right before that, I told the people I was fond of to tell whoever they know not to go to the World Trade Centers that day. That morning I had our staff geared up with anything identifiable covered up, once the first plane hit I led them to the towers. We rescued as many as we could before the towers fell, but in the end, there were just too many people. After the towers started to fall everyone got out, we reconvened back at the restaurant. The long day for many had just started, so we fired up the grills and started to cook lunches for the first responders.

Tsunade wasn't idle at this time either, she had her practice already running. They catered more to the high-end clientele, but wouldn't turn a person in need away. She had called an all-hands on deck with Shizune, Kayla, Hinata, Karin, and Sakura. They became so inundated at one point that I ran to the hospital in Konoha to get more medical-nins and doctors to help out. All-in-all it was a chaotic mess, and it was one of the worst feelings in my life.

The clean-up was really where the hurt sank in, the two buildings that once towered this lovely city were gone. Mothers, Fathers, sons, and daughters were either trapped or dead in the rubble. All we could really do was watch on and support the workers and rescue crews as best we could. It was then that I implemented an order to never charge the first responders if they're on the job. I even created a job where someone would deliver the food to the station or to their location if need be.

Now with the tragedies out of the way, by the age of 3, the kids started to grow into their powers. It turns out that they can harness both chakra and my divine essence. We decided to teach them about their powers ourselves. Hitomi's favorite pastime was being in the forge with me while I worked. Heph and I came up with a special headset that would let her hear anyone talk but would block out the loud noises caused by smithing. Vulcan on the other hand turned out to be like his mother, I could always find his nose in a book.

Now unlike their mother, the twins are the luckiest beings I've ever seen. One year Tsunade had been invited to a medical conference in Las Vegas. When I heard that I was sweating bullets, I had kept Vegas hidden from her for a while now. My punishment was no sex while we all were in Vegas. But I had a plan, I knew she'd lose everything and ask me for more money. Is it prostitution if you're paying your own wife for sex? But that plan fell flat, when she lost everything the twins somehow found money on the ground. That money made Tsunade lucky for a little bit, and then she'd lose it all over again. That cycle repeated the whole week, and thank the Gods that Tsunade actually left breaking even.

When the kids turned 6 we enrolled them into one of the prestigious private schools one of our customers ran. Hitomi was the popular one of the two, while Vulcan found a couple of friends that shared his thirst for knowledge. When the kids started to bring home homework I was baffled at how different it was since I was a kid. Before 2+2=4 and that's all you had to do, now these teachers want the kids to explain how they got to 4. Luckily I had Vulcan there to help me re-learn their homework and to help his sister out with questions she had.

In other news, after the Fourth Shinobi World War, we had a couple more new hires. The copy-cat ninja Kakashi decided to retire after Obito had really died. He joined us as the first responder delivery man. While the Green Beast of Konoha retired and moved into the building. Might Guy is an interesting person, to say the least. Unfortunately for Konoha, the Mighty Green Beast had been tamed by a 5'10" blood-sucking lawyer. I love Jennifer to death, but let me tell you once she came into her own as a lawyer she would suck everything dry for her clients. Staying true to her dreams she only took cases for the people in need, she even used some of the shinobis she made friends with to verify claims. Jennifer has used her contacts so well that she hasn't lost a case yet, maybe I should be charging her rent or at least a finders fee.

T'Chaka from Wakanda comes around a couple of times a year and after a bumpy first meeting, we became friends. We're still not saving your life at all cost friends, more like visiting your funeral and saying sorry to your family kind of friends. Asgard on the other hand hasn't stopped by at all, I believe Odin is either too afraid of this place. Or Loki is playing games to prevent them from having me as an ally. Either way, it didn't matter because I didn't give a shit about them.

As the kids reached their 10th birthday Hecate broached the subject of Hogwarts again. I had honestly forgotten that the wizarding world was a thing over the years. She had informed us that the kid's chakra and godly essence would mix and create a pseudo magic. It would work the same way as the wizards, and they could use all of those spells. But it would be more powerful, and they would have easier control over it since they've been practicing over the years both their chakra and godly essence. We were still a bit hesitant about sending the kids off for most of the year. But when we told the kids what would happen they were extremely excited.

After being reminded about Hogwarts it jogged my memory on something else. The leader of the "white" faction Dumbledore. He had a nasty habit of reading minds, and I didn't want him to take advantage of the twins and possibly learn some of our secrets. So I did what any good father could craft and practically enchant anything onto it. I created each of them rings that would disappear to everyone else but they could still see it. On the rings, I enchanted it with a mind-blocking spell, along with an alarm that would notify me if someone tried it. Along with the block and alarm, I added a function that would let me teleport to the ring any time I wanted, I doubt any wards these silly wizards put up will stop it.

When Hitomi and Vulcan were about to turn 11 all four of us were eating lunch at the London location. The front door opened and a woman in robes walked in. I wouldn't say she was old, but she looked to be getting on in years. She then spotted us and gave a beaming smile as she walked over.

???: "Hello, my name is Minerva McGonagall. May I please have a moment of your time in private?"