Ch. 73

(A/N: Huh, I guess the goblin's name is Ragnok. Whoops, sorry not sorry? Speaking of sorry not sorry, going back to work in the office sucks. There are rumors that we're about to go back into the office 75% of the time. If we do I can tell you releases will slow down a lot. Hour commute each way is not fun. Anyways, love you guys and girls thank you for so much support.



-- Zach POV --

I was in a heated debate with Ragnok when Minerva interrupted it with her outburst. I looked over at her in shock and back to Ragnok who's eyes questioned the same thing. I didn't know what to say at that because I really didn't know myself. Was I a demi-god, or maybe even a god in this universe since I could probably beat the shit out of Odin and them? But before I could answer this dilemma my lovely and smart wife saved my bacon.

Tsunade: "We're both humans. I was the head of a great ninja village when I married Zach. Zach on the other hand was trained by a grandmaster blacksmith."

Ragnok: "Makes sense, his craft is immaculate. You lucked out Zach having a magical grandmaster blacksmith to teach a muggle like you."

Zach: "You're telling me! He also helped me in scoring my wife who is way out of my league."

Tsunade gave me a loving gaze as I said that and I replied with a warm smile. Minerva on the other hand was digesting all that was said. Not minding her me and Ragnok continued to barter for the next 30 minutes until I felt that I got as much as I could from him. Now mind you, I have no fucking clue what a galleon, sickle, or knut is but the amount we agreed on sounded like a lot.

It took us another 30 minutes to get a family vault set up and withdraw the needed galleons for the kid's supplies. The whole time Minerva was gaping like a fish and the children giggled at the antics. Once we were leaving with money in hand Minerva snapped out of her shock. She then transformed into a tour guide that had done this a thousand times, we were all captivated as she told us the history of what was around us.

Minerva first led us to have the kids fitted for their robes. The fitting was quick, but what really took time was waiting in the long line of kids and their parents. After that, we went to the shop that had storage trunks with spatial expansions in them. Tsunade literally had to drag me out of the store before I had a hissyfit of the shitty craftsmanship. I mean literally, why would you make space expansion for a trunk, why not just make it a damn spatial storage it's not that far off on the enchantment! You only change a couple of dozen runes and BOOM you've got yourself a spatial storage.

After we waited for the twins and Minerva to exit the shop we then headed to grab their cauldrons and phials, which were ok works but I could do better. We then went to the bookstore to buy their textbooks. Unfortunately with two bookworms, they started to pile up books. Vulcan grabbed stuff left and right, anything that really caught his eye. While Tsunade hit the medical section hard, and halfway through I realized I wouldn't have enough money so I ran to Gringotts and withdrew more. I do have to say, even though the trunks were shotty they did their jobs. I didn't want to use my spatial ring here because it would cause way too much of a commotion, even more than my wife and son are doing.

After the two finally finished and my money pouch was considerably lighter we moved on to the other shops. While Minerva was showing Tsunade and the kids what to pick out I started to set up a mental to-do list of what to make in replacement of this shoddy craftsmanship. One of the last stops was for the kids to get their wands. Minerva guided us to the shop where she said she got hers and it was called Ollivander's.

When we arrived inside I was looking around at the walls stacked with boxes. The majority of them were covered in dust and I had a flash of memory from when I was a kid and read the Harry Potter books. You don't choose the wand, the wand chooses you. No wonder this place is always dusty if he just makes the wands at random. We watched as he was helping the family in front of us and gasped as the wand in the kid's hand started to glow in acceptance of him. I could see the excitement in the children as we waited for the family to pay and their turn to get wands.

Ollivander: "Hello Minerva, I see you're bringing me a new family! Bring them over, bring them over."

Minerva: "Greetings Garrick, this is the Briggs family. The ones needing wands are the young ones, Vulcan and Hitomi."

Ollivander: "Interesting, well ladies first. Hitomi if you would please give me your hand."

Hitomi was excited as she hopped up to the counter and held her hand out to Ollivander. He then took her hand and started to examine it. Ollivander gave a lot of hmms and ahhs with mutters of different types of wood and mythical creatures.

Ollivander: "I think I might have the perfect one for you! Be right back."

He scurried off to the back and came out with a dusty box. He then blew the dust off to the side and pulled out a wooden wand with minimal engravings. I looked over the work and was actually impressed by the craftsmanship for once. He then presented it to Hitomi who slowly reached her hand out to grab it.

Ollivander: "A pearwood with unicorn hair. Pearwood goes excellent with warm-hearted, generous, and wise people."

Hitomi gently took the wand out of Ollivander's hand and held it up. The wand started to glow like the child before. After a couple of seconds, the wand started to get brighter and brighter, and when a minute passed we could hear a cracking sound. Before anyone could think I grabbed the wand out of her hand and threw it at an unoccupied area of the shop. Within seconds the wand exploded and I shielded the children from the debris that flew around.

Ollivander: "Huh, that's never happened before."

Not bothering with him I checked the children over for any injuries and came up empty. I then looked at Tsunade who was looking over Minerva and shook her head to me. By the time I turned back to Ollivander he had gone and grabbed another wand for Hitomi to try. This time she was even more cautious as she took the wand. Not even a minute later the same thing happened. He wanted to grab a third wand but I stopped him, if my thinking was right none of the wands would be able to handle my children's energy.

Ollivander: "I… I am sorry. Vulcan, how about we try yours?"

Zach: "Ollivander, I believe the same will happen with him as well. They are twins after all."

Ollivander: "B-b-but I've never failed at finding a wand for a witch or wizard. I don't want to fail twice in one day!"

Tsunade: "Ollivander, if you don't check him it won't count as a fail."

By now Ollivander was starting to tear up. I kind of felt bad for him and left him a fist full of Galleons on the counter as he started to ugly-cry. We left the shop quickly and I could see that the kids had a dejected look on their faces.

Zach: "It's ok ya'll, we'll have uncle Heph and aunty Hec help us make you personal wands."

Minerva: "How would they know how to make wands?"

I had forgotten for a second that she was with us.

Zach: "Uhh, Heph is the one who taught me to smith. While Hec is eccentric, and now that I think about it, a witch."

Minerva: "Fascinating, normally witches and wizards want nothing to do with the muggle world. You'll have to introduce me sometime."

Zach: "Uh, sure?"

I didn't know what to say. I'm pretty sure she would have a heart attack at meeting either of them. But all I could do was give her an empty promise. Hitomi and Vulcan were excited to possibly have a project with Hephaestus and Hecate. With renewed vigor to the group, Minerva guided us to the Owl Emporium. This was the one place I was least excited about, I had never had pets before and was dreading getting two. I was reassured by Tsunade who just held my hand tightly as we followed Minerva and the twins into the store.

Hitomi found the one she liked right off the bat. It was a smaller owl that was predominantly red and had white streaks in its feathers. When I went over to her and read that it was an Eastern Screech Owl. I watched the owl and Hitomi interact for a bit and saw that it had taken to her like a fish to water. The bird was doing movements like it was dancing, and Hitomi joined right along with it. The dances both intensified as they did it together and all I could do was smile at the pair. Once they tuckered out a little I grabbed the cage and brought it down for Hitomi to carry.

Zach: "What are you going to name him?"

Hitomi: "It's a girl! I'm going to name her Amber."

Zach: "What a wonderful name."

It was an ok name, but who am I to judge? The author's naming sense is horrible, hell he named his cat Megatron for crying out loud. When we turned around to go look for Vulcan and Tsuande we found them both with Barn owls. Somehow it fit them really well, the owls had a look of wisdom and intellect.

Suddenly I felt the odd man out being the only one without an owl. As if something was calling me I turned to an owl that took my breath away. This guy was huge, his wingspan was easily 3 ft. long and his coloring dark brown and beige. His orange eyes were accented with two antenna-like batches of black and beige feathers. When I got close I read that it was a Eurasian eagle-owl, and I couldn't help but stare at it. The owl was looking over the others like it was a father watching over his children and I felt a connection to it. When he looked at me he cocked his head to the side and stared right back at me in my eyes. That's when I understood what the children and my wife felt when their owl picked them.

Zach: "Icarus."

Icarus: "Hoo-hoot."

With that, I gently grabbed the cage and turned to my family and Minerva. The kids were excited and Tsunade just smirked at me. Minerva just looked on curiously but shrugged it off as another one of our weird quirks. It was probably easier that way instead of constant questioning that we'd avoid somehow. We then went to the front and paid for all of the owls, and the kids cheered at the fact they were finally able to get pets. Now we just have to figure out how to feed them in the city, maybe we can just let them loose in the Naruto world to hunt. Or I could build a portal to a forest somewhere and they can hunt there. That might be the best bet, who knows what those crazy ninjas would do.

After we left the emporium Minerva guided us back to the Leaky Cauldron and bid us farewell. We went and tapped the same bricks that she did and the exit appeared. Then we made our way home getting a bunch of stares when we walked to our car with 4 owls. Once home we let the owls out of their cages so they could explore the place, and I opened one of the windows in case they needed to go outside.

Zach: "Ok owls, gimme a bit and I'll make ya'll something to go hunting and to the restroom."

Don't ask me why I was talking to them like I would a normal person. But to my surprise, they all nodded their heads at my words. The kid's owls landed on each of their new owner's shoulders and they went to show them the house. Tsunade's owl perched on her shoulder while mine went to the window ledge and landed there looking out at the new city it was in. I kissed my wife before going downstairs to make portable portals for the owls.