Chapter 18

Amelia wondered around school knowing that she had to find Cecilia to make it up to her and give her a chance. She rounded a corner than backed up seeing Cecilia making out with another girl though she could see tears running down Cecilia's face as Amelia cleared her voice making Cecilia realize she is watching it. Cecilia backed away from the girl and looked at Amelia than walked over saying,

"What do you want? Aren't you done making me feel like crap because last I checked you wanted nothing to do with me?"

Amelia took a deep breath responding,

"Turn's out Anastasia saw how much you actually wanted commitment with me that she'd like for you to prove her wrong that you can keep me since my best friend,ex-girlfriend Brianna is in jail and possibly prison for the next five to ten years maybe longer."

Cecilia stepped closer to Amelia leaving barely any space between them replying,

"So you think this diva is willing to let you have me after making a show in front of everyone?"

Amelia looked up at Cecilia as their eyes glued on one another responding,

"Only because of a letter Anastasia thought would land me in trouble with you since you left her for many other chicks."

Cecilia looked down at Amelia with a smirk replying,

"You need to learn not to listen what is heard around you or at least read in a letter."

Amelia chuckled responding,

"You need to be honest with who you are instead of letting people make rumors."

Cecilia licked her lips inching closer replying,

"Depending on rumors, I'll take what I can get."

Amelia walked back into a wall feeling surrounded by Cecilia responding,

"For a diva you can pull off being rebellious."

Cecilia laughed so hard leaving Amelia smiling. Amelia knew she could get Cecilia to smile somehow someway they had manage to get along finally. Cecilia approached Amelia again getting closer as they feel their breaths near one another that Cecilia finally spoke,

"Amelia, I do apologize for your best friend ending up in jail that has to be hard. I do hope we can date in time as for right now, I am not going to push you. You are to valuable to even be around such a preppy girl like me and I don't want to ruin a good charmer like you especially since you are a special nerd in my eyes."

Amelia raised her eyebrows replying,

"Are you saying that because I finally found a weakness in you? Cecilia, I want date you for many other reasons besides the fact you are popular and I am a nerd, so what? The chain links have nothing to do with dating someone it's what is in your heart."

Cecilia shook her head responding,

"Just don't bother Amelia, trust me, it's for your own good."

Amelia crossed her arms against her chest replying,

"Is that everyone's excuse for me? My parent's did it, my best friend from my childhood did it and now you. When do I decide what's best for me?"

Cecilia grabbed Amelia by the shoulders stared into her eyes deeply as they twinkled in the light leaving them both breathless as Cecilia brushed her lips against Amelia's as they finally reached the hunger of one another and kissed with passion with their tongues twining together that they moan. Amelia finally pushed Cecilia off to give her space and to breath saying,

"That is amazing, sorry for pushing you back, I needed to breath again."

Cecilia blushed replying,

"It's okay Amelia, I can't believe kissing you felt like heaven. So, what is your decision?"

Amelia knew they both should have been in class by now but it wasn't going to hold her attention on the thought of even graduating school with this beauty on her mind. Amelia smiled big responding,

"Believe it or not, I want to run away together, get away from everyone."

Cecilia shook her head replying,

"I can't drop out Amelia let alone run away with you, my parent's are expecting a lot out of me to graduate with the intentions of taking care of the business. I have a lot on my plate and I can't deny my parent's of what is promised for decades to each generations."

Amelia sighed heavily knowing denial would come again responding,

"So is that why you are rich and able to have anything your way?"

Cecilia shook her head no replying,

"No, actually to tell the truth my parent's have always made me believe I am perfect and should be treated as a princess in a castle because my mom lost a sibling of mine before I was born, my dad was out on the road with the family business when they lost the baby and so now they try to make it right with me."

Amelia's jaw dropped then bit her cheek responding,

"I am sorry, so now that is cleared up, do you have any other siblings or family members to take over this business?"

Cecilia has cousin's that could but she wasn't sure since it has been a dream to own her father's business, she sighed replying,

"I have cousin's in the area that could."

Amelia could see Cecilia not liking the result of her cousin's taking over something that must mean the world to her. Amelia wanted Cecilia to be with her even if it meant sacrificing their high school dreams but she knew to live a wondrous future you have to take chances of finishing school and going to college to complete that hopeless falsely dream that every parent's wants you to have. Amelia knew at that point she had to make a choice either follow beauty around or make a life on her own by dropping out of school with no concern for herself or others to keep making decisions based on her thoughts.

Cecilia grabbed Amelia by the arm rushing her to the bathroom as they stood over the toilets to keep hidden as Amelia whispered,

"Why are we hiding?"

Cecilia spoke faintly,

"I heard footsteps coming our way. I figured we could hide in here until coast is clear."

Amelia nodded yes in silence as they just kept winking and smiling at each other until they could hear a male voice say,

"I heard two girls in the hallway talking now we can't find them and they aren't in the stalls, both teachers said their names were Amelia and Cecilia, Amelia hasn't missed a day of school and Cecilia is new, so these two can't be hidden to far. I will need to call their parent's and let them know that they didn't show up for school."

Amelia and Cecilia gave each other worried looks that all because they were too busy focusing on each other to realize school is going to consider them missing kids and yet now they had to find a way into the crowded hallways to act like they've been there the whole time and make up some big excuse. Cecilia shook her head as she started to climb down off the toilet so did Amelia as they held hands walking out of the stall saying,

"We are here, we got caught up in our own drama that we didn't realize how late we were for classes. We are very sorry. We'll head off to class now."

Principal stopped both girls shaking his head replying,

"No, you two aren't going to class for once I heard an argument worth valid through Amelia's eyes earlier. Amelia you are smart that is granted and I know you never cared for our educational courses but wanted a advance way to move forward same with Cecilia whose been transferred to many school's throughout the country. I do know you both are freshmen as well, how about I discuss this more in my office?"

Both girls smiled and nodded in agreement as they followed the principal to his office as the students looked at them with awe that they weren't actually in trouble for causing a ruckus in the hallway and hiding in the bathroom. As they walked into the front office, Miss. Hastings smiled greeting both girls as they walked back to the office where he guided the girls in saying,

"Take a seat girls, I am going to have Miss. Hastings call your parents to come in, this day is so exciting."

Amelia and Cecilia sat down nervously looking around the office of Mr. Camden's awards and photo's, they couldn't even speak. Amelia whispered to Cecilia,

"I wonder what the big deal is with all of a sudden that he agreed to my argument with you? I mean we have barely known one another."

Cecilia lowered her voice to a whisper,

"I have no idea since he's having our parent's called in."

Soon as the door opened again Mr. Camden and their parents arrived with weird smiles on their faces as Amelia and Cecilia shifted uncomfortably in their seats. Mr. Camden cleared his voice saying,

"Welcome both parties, now as a remarkable reward to these girls, I would like to discuss on putting them on a fast course to college, now they would need to complete this nine week semester with college course classes that are filled with tests and such. They will arrive before our seniors do. Now, I know both parties work or anything outside of home, we can help provide dorm rooms by January. They can either go to the same college or different either way this will boost their lives up and they will live a dream, now I know Cecilia you want to follow in your father's line of work which would mean going to Yale or something like it, Amelia as for you I have no idea what you are into but I'm sure you can find something to keep you interested."

Amelia looked over at Cecilia's uptight father in his business wear saying,

"What is your line of work mister?"

The gentleman smiled wrapping a arm around his wife replying,

"I am a Consultant and I am hoping Cecilia becomes one too."

Amelia smiled in return responding,

"How many Consultant's does your job require?"

He grinned in return replying,

"Five to Twenty, we currently have Six."

Amelia smiled at Mr. Camden saying,

"I am following Cecilia than, I want to be a businesswoman."

Terri and Brooke had a surprise look on their faces as did Cecilia's parent's MaryEllen and Gregory. Terri leaned over the chair saying,

"Amelia, I thought you were going to be an author in the future, what changed?"

Amelia looked over at Cecilia who blushed as Amelia replied,

"Help her father's business line and my dream is within the same field."

Terri shook her head no than looked at Brooke, they both disapproved and so did Cecilia's parents as Amelia reached over to hold Cecilia's hand, they held tight with smiles.

After all four parent's left with no agreement in the end Amelia, Cecilia and Mr. Camden sat through paperwork to apply for Yale since that is where they wanted to go together knowing yes they were just sixteen but they are helping one another and building a relationship. Cecilia agreed to date Amelia behind her parent's back knowing it could backfire since her parent's hated having a lesbian daughter and Amelia's parents didn't agree on them going to the same college and hooking up right after the discussion.

Amelia couldn't wait to start working on her advance classes for college and test that would get her into Yale with her true love that wasn't Brianna and she would hope Brianna would be okay with the fact of her being in love with someone else. Amelia wanted nothing more than to make Cecilia or Brianna happy but her heart has been clinging to Cecilia since they met even though she denied it for that first week especially with the letter Anastasia sent around school, Amelia fell more and more in love with Cecilia they couldn't help being near one another.