Chapter 26

Brianna and Matilda we're really close they have made love in the backseat of the Camero it drove Brianna insane that Matilda drove a fancy hot rod. Brianna had Amelia far from her mind now though she did write her post card's on the way to the airport and when they made it all the way to Germany in their new wheels, they decided that she didn't need to go back to jail because by the time they arrived the lawyers laughed and turn back to their business without any concern for them.

Matilda spoke in German saying,

"Brianna, ich liebe dich und wirst du meine Frau?" (Brianna, I love you and will you be my wife?)

Brianna didn't speak German or understood what it meant so she replied as best she could in German herself,

"Ja, Matilda, ich werde deine Frau sein!" (Yes, Matilda, I will be your wife!)

Matilda giggled speaking back in English responding,

"I said that I loved you as well, I am assuming you haven't learned a lot in German quite yet? "

Brianna kissed Matilda replying,

"Not quite but I am trying and I love you too."

Matilda kissed Brianna in return as they walked hand in hand to their refurbished apartment though Brianna didn't know how Matilda was getting her a ring for their official engagement and if they were going back to America to be married. It is all up in the air but she knew now that she is a official drop out for High School and will never be going back.

Brianna did admit she wanted nothing more to be happy with life but in another Country and a new language it is going to take some getting used too. Brianna cleared her throat turning Matilda around saying,

"How are we getting married? How are you going to get a ring on my finger? Are we going to ever go back home to America? Matilda, I have to know."

Matilda shook her head no then spoke in German again,

"Schatz, wir gehen nicht zurück nach Amerika, wir werden hier heiraten, ich kann dir problemlos einen Ring besorgen und jetzt weißt du es."(Sweetheart, we aren't going back to America, we will get married here, I can get you a ring with no issue and now you know.)

Brianna wanted to cry hating the answer she just received knowing it meant she couldn't go back home this time she replied in German,

"Das ist jetzt eine neue Herausforderung für mich, da ich alles neu lernen muss und nicht nach Hause zurkkehren kann, um meine Familie und meine Freunde immer wieder zu sehen." (This now is a new challenge for me since I have to relearn everything and can't go back home to see my family and friends ever again.)

Matilda sighed heavily replying in English,

"Sweetheart everything we do now is for a reason including being all the way out here. I am sure Amelia will be fine and your family, you are speaking fluently here without trying that is wonderful. We will go back to America in due time, I am thankful the Government worked with us on this apartment because you have to admit it is grand and very much our style."

Brianna shook her head no responding,

"Matilda, we have a better life in America this country went through hell when Hitler destroyed everything. We can't forget home and live in this unknown country, why can't we go live in Paris, is popular for romance and lavish lifestyle? This is a death trap waiting to happen."

Matilda chuckled shaking her head back and forth replying,

"That is a very long time ago sweetheart, you have read to much into history. Technically, I wasn't going to tell you this but I planned on having our wedding in Paris though we need to get work and everything to live out that dream, we are living in Germany for now and maybe in the future we will move again. We will have internet service out here eventually too, so you will be heading to a Prep School here, they will be bringing your uniform by very soon. Yes, our government is insisting you to get a education, you aren't officially dropped out."

Brianna avoided Matilda thinking that marrying her could be the worst thought now that she had to deal with going back to school with self absorbed people. Brianna had everything in her mind ready to run back to America where she belonged though she could always find another lover but if Matilda is stuck with her than they are both without consequences that they have to be together though Brianna hated it. Brianna wetted her throat responding,

"We are stuck together, aren't we? Our government in forced it due to my past. Is that right?"

Matilda walked straight up to Brianna taking a frustrated sigh replying,

"Unfortunately, sweet princess we are because of your dumbass ways back in America, I received orders that we are to make do as a couple and not to kill one another. By the way you aren't allowed to leave here at all, you have tempted with the law one to many times, so Brianna welcome to your hell."

Brianna fought the urge to punch Matilda though they did get along at first and made love a few times, Brianna had no idea what to do on the fact that now she's stuck with a woman that she didn't think belong with her. They were both stubborn and hard headed. Brianna knew now that she had lost her first love Amelia long ago when everything went down. Brianna now had to accept fate with Matilda she finally had enough of her thoughts responding,

"Looks like we are in this together Matilda, I can't wait to marry you and enjoy life has one."

Matilda rolled her eyes speaking in German,

"Lass mich glauben, wir sind angeblich babe, weil ich auch in Amerika eine wahre Liebe hatte." (Make me believe, we are meant to be babe because I had a true love in America too.)

Brianna had no idea what that meant but she knew it wasn't good so she tried to speak in fluent German herself,

"Wir sind für jeden anderen Schatz bestimmt, ich verstehe nicht alles, aber ich werde es immer wieder versuchen." (We are destined for each other sweetheart, I don't understand everything but I will keep trying.)

Matilda walked closer to Brianna in fury speaking more German,

"Wir sind nicht für einander bestimmt, du bist froh, dass ich deinen Arsch vor Mord gesperrt habe, wird dieses Spiel schließlich enden. Du bist ein verblendetes Kind, das ich niemals getroffen habe. Ich habe dich nur gebeten, mich zu heiraten, weil das Gesetz mich gemacht hat und ich vermisse meine wahre Liebe, die du niemals sehen wirst, also lasst uns uns einen Teil behalten." (We aren't destined for each other, you are glad I saved your ass from murder this game will end eventually. You are a blinded child that I wish to have never met.I have only asked you to marry me because the law has made me and I miss my true love who you will never see either, so let's keep ourselves a part.)

Brianna still had no idea what was said so she walked away even though she sensed Matilda getting mad in time they would work through it together but for now they needed space.