Chapter 15

Annabel got back to the apartment an hour later after dropping off the car as she opened the apartment door she saw Scarlett sitting in the sofa chair Annabel closed the door silently behind her as Scarlett just sat their staring at Annabel.

Annabel cleared her voice saying,

"Baby, I thought you would be at the mental ward by now and staying for a little while?"

Scarlett gave Annabel the death stare replying,

"You honestly think I am stupid enough to leave you here alone. Where the hell have you been all night?"

Annabel scrambled with her purse responding,

"Out with a friend."

Scarlett got up from the chair dashed across the room and grabbed Annabel by the throat then sniffed her clothing replying,

"With a friend that you had sex with, I can smell that much as to who I'm not sure but I will tell you this, I catch you running off like that again you will be hating me more. Now I am going to trust you to get cleaned up and ready for working at my mom's job starting today. You have clothes on the bed."

Scarlett dropped Annabel back on her feet as she hurried to get ready for the harsh labor that the day is to come, now she wished she would have just stayed with Jana. Annabel saw the clothes she had to wear which was a dirty blue jumpsuit that looked like it have been through hell, so she went and got her shower then got her hair put up in a ponytail then got into her jumpsuit as she came out of the room to show Scarlett.

Scarlett smiled as she spoke,

"Well don't you look like you are ready for work, alright the bus number you catch from here is #2210 then switch to #3010 and last one is #4809 that is where you get off and you will see where you work at by all the same jumpsuits as you get in you'll be guided to the boss's office and from there you are on your own. Oh, here is your lunch, now get going."

Annabel sighed taking her lunch then kissing her wife goodbye as she grabbed her purse on the way out. Annabel texted from her new phone to Jana saying,

"You all can't come over turns out Scarlett never went to Therapy so now I am stuck working at some engineering factory."

Jana replied instantly,

"What's the name of this factory?'

Annabel responded quickly,

"Abbott Action Inc."

That's when Jana replied again,

"I work there myself, what's the job?"

Annabel smiled with response,

"Forklift Operator, yours?"

Jana replied,

"Material Handler."

Annabel giggled as she stashed her phone away arriving at the job and seeing that she had a hell of a task on her managing a forklift just like Scarlett's mom did. As soon as she went through the door some woman was hollering her name as she walked over saying,

"I am Annabel Thomas."

The woman raised her eyebrow high replying,

"Well aren't you a little to prim to be in this job anyways Scarlett tells me that you are working here in respect of her mother Andrea Thomas she was a beautiful young woman and always made herself feel better getting down in the grub here. So since you are doing forklift job, we will have you do some training for about two weeks to see how you do."

Annabel nodded with responding,

"I understand, though my hours are going to be challenge with Scarlett's job too."

The woman waved her hand in the air replying,

"You and Scarlett have your reasons as for others not so much."

Annabel nodded again responding,

"What is your name by the way?"

The woman chuckled replying,

"Sierra Jones."

Annabel thought of an odd coincidence as she responded,

"Are you related to Tonya Jones?"

Sierra smiled sweetly in a dazed look then replied,

"That's my twin sister, I haven't seen her in years didn't know she was still around."

Annabel smiled responded,

"Yeah, I caught her on the bus about a week ago."

Sierra nodded then replied,

"Well enough about her let's get you on that forklift."

After about two hours Annabel finally got the feeling of the forklift and she would see Jana every once in awhile they would sneak text about the job and meeting for lunch.

Annabel had another flashback appear as soon as she got home which had left her wondering the fate of the love with Scarlett as it went like this:

Jana was on a date with a handsome guy name Gunther he wore a lovely black suit with a red tie, he even had a Monte Carlo which is very expensive including the fact it was red with leather seats. Jana had started playing around the fountain when Gunther got all upset to her surprise Angel Knight came to her rescue and they headed back to her apartment since everything was closed. Angel had made sweet tea along with a sandwich for her and Jana they had a small argument before going to bed. That evening they ended up cuddling with each other and enjoyed one another company so much Jana had moved in.

After that evening Jana went back to her apartment the following morning to see her friend Destiny so she can move out to be with Angel as Destiny was jealous of her having a girlfriend so soon after one night even though Jana and Angel weren't dating right away. Jana knew that Destiny would be happier with her husband and son.

Angel was by herself for only a hour when someone knocked on her door as she reached the door and opened it she saw Scarlett Thomas her ex girlfriend from high school that had abused her, sure enough Scarlett tried to rape her leaving Angel to hide in a corner waiting for Jana to explain what happened.

Jana returned back to find Angel hidden as soon as that had happened Jana made it official she wasn't leaving Angel behind like that ever again. Even though Jana had been straight for so long she wanted to protect Angel then as soon as she got Angel settled down the doorbell rang again as Angel ushered over to answer to see it was some guy name Wallace wanting to speak with Jana.

Jana spoke with Wallace telling him that it was over and that she was a lesbian in love with Angel even though she wasn't a lesbian still straight finding herself. After that Jana got back into the apartment kissing Angel with passion and they made passion love in their clothes which was only fingering each other but it was hot enough to keep Angel satisfied and Jana happy. They had truly loved each other and never giving up on one another.

Annabel was in tears completely seeing the history of this Angel Knight with Jana they had a sincerely passionate love history as for Scarlett she didn't seem to get that Angel was in love and it bugged her. Though she loves Scarlett and won't let her go just yet...the word yet is taunting though.

Annabel texted Jana explaining the flashback she had as Jana said,

"Annabel, my past with men were never good until Angel showed me that women can be gentle and loving, I didn't have sex with any men and Angel was the first woman that I made love too. I am sure that didn't pop up in your flashback but me and Angel had a great relationship."

Annabel responded with a broken heart,

"I wish Scarlett would treat me the way Angel treated you she sounds like the perfect wife material compare to Scarlett especially seeing the abuse Angel went through and now seeing my own abuse it seems the same, though I wonder what happened to the gap between high school and now, I have never seen any details about that in Angel's past or even my own."

Jana took about twenty minutes to respond and when Annabel read it, it was hard to believe it read this:

"Annabel, Angel's life wasn't easy she worked her heart out with Windsong her beautiful bookstore/cafe, I had a job with her there in Michigan it was beautiful to have such a beautiful memory. Unfortunately Shauna went with her Gothic ways and named it Midnight Cafe."

Annabel instantly replied,

"I know Shauna Meigs, she's a smart young lady and made the cafe beautiful. I used to work there when me and Scarlett lived their for six months until Scarlett made us move out here to Massachusetts and now it looks like very soon will be moving near Scarlett's mom Andrea. I am so sick of moving that's all we have done since we've been married a couple years ago."

Jana took a few minutes to reply again as the text read,

"Annabel, Scarlett doesn't want you near me is why she keeps moving you, I have been tracking you down since Michigan when you left Kansas, I had to take the kids out of school so we could find you and I am still at a loss on what to do. My home is Kansas with my parent's but I can't leave without Angel."

Annabel felt so torn on what to do with the situation she doesn't know Angel at all and she loves being Annabel. So she replied to Jana,

"Jana, you tracked me down all the way across states to have a end result of Angel and turns out I'm not her since the change at least whatever it was for me to go through but would you even love Annabel too? She is close to Angel in some ways except for hair color and style along with eye color."

Jana didn't respond quickly as it took over thirty minutes for a reply as it read,

"Annabel, I am in love with Angel so I'm not sure if I could be in love Annabel who was my previous love Angel. I have no idea why or how we made love out of the blue like we did, I know in my heart you are Angel but on the outside you are Annabel and you have been in denial about being Angel."

Annabel cried seeing that Jana couldn't return her feelings as she decided to just shut off her phone. Annabel went back to her room sitting in silence and dread since she had nothing to do while leaving her phone in the living room knowing Scarlett was going to be mad about it.

Scarlett got home to see that Annabel had fallen asleep so she knew it was her time to make love to her beautiful wife once and for all. Unfortunately she had no clue why her phone was shut off it seemed to be a surprise for that but she knew not to be so cruel to Annabel since everything has happened. Scarlett went into their room lying next to Annabel as she whispered,

"Annabel,Annabel, wake up beautiful."

Annabel looked at Scarlett with sleepy eyes replying,

"Yes, my love, I am awake."

Scarlett gracefully touched Annabel's face whispering,

"I want us to make love for the first time in almost four years. I think this is the right time and you look like you need some love my beautiful lady."

Annabel looked at Scarlett unsure as she replied,

"Now, I mean, are you sure? I mean we usually only kiss and cuddle nothing more."

Scarlett smiled with laying a kiss on Annabel then releasing replying,

"Yes, my beautiful love, I feel so bad for treating you as awful as I have and I think my lack is making love to you."

Annabel didn't know what to expect but she didn't have a day off today though making love to Scarlett would ease her mind about Jana. Annabel shoved Scarlett down on the bed then kissed her with deep passion as Scarlett moaned into her as she undone Scarlett's belt then unbutton her pants as she slid her hands into Scarlett's silk panties and fingered her deeply as Scarlett reached down into Annabel's panties feeling the silk on her clit making it feel so good. Scarlett and Annabel moaned at the same time as they each cummed the same time then took turns going down on one another which led to loud moaning Annabel licked Scarlett's pussy that it drove her up the wall as she felt juices flow. Scarlett did the same as Annabel flowed multiple times then Scarlett whispered,

"Let's do sixty-nine."

So they got into position as Scarlett and Annabel kept fingering and licking until they reached a point that either of them couldn't cum anymore and that they dried out. Annabel pushed Scarlett off saying,

"Oh that felt amazing, wow, you did amazing."

Scarlett giggled replying,

"As did you my love, now let's go get showered off, so you can get to work before Sierra calls wondering where you are."

Annabel grabbed Scarlett as they enjoyed shower time giggling and cleaning one another. Annabel couldn't wait to get to work in a better mood though she hated working that forklift it was better than nothing maybe she'll get moved up eventually. Annabel rushed out of the shower then grabbed her work clothes placing them on herself without bra or panties then slipped on socks and shoes as Scarlett said,

"Baby, I have no idea what I'm going to do with you but you look sexy without anything underneath."

Annabel laughed as she replied,

"You want to ride the bus with me to work today? It'd be nice to have my wife join me."

Scarlett kissed her sweetly with a response,

"Sorry my love, I got to get to work early myself today, they want me to update some project that has been going on for months. I hate being in business some days."

Annabel loved business like working on posters and such but bringing that up to Scarlett would cause a fight possible as Annabel replied,

"Why don't you take your mom's job?"

Scarlett grinned then hugged Annabel responding,

"I would love too but my mom always seen me a business type even though I loved her job growing up."

Annabel shrugged replying,

"I better get going make sure to get a lunch ready for yourself before leaving and I will be home around 9pm since their is new material coming in."

Scarlett kissed Annabel one last time than Annabel left without another word wishing her and Scarlett could switch so easily luckily they didn't fight about this time. As she got on her bus downtown she saw Jana standing their looking at her with a sadden look then said,

"Annabel, I am so sorry for the text messages and you look so giddy all of a sudden, what happened this morning?"

Annabel tried to stand still but she was very sore from this morning's making love as she replied,

"Jana, I made love to my wife Scarlett for the first time since we have been together and surprisingly it was amazing."

Jana had a tear fall down as she knew making love to Annabel wouldn't change her to Angel in that night and seems apologizing didn't make much difference either. Jana desperately wanted her Angel back and it was becoming clear she needed a new tactic because the kids were lost without Angel and it's been almost four years as it is. Jana finally replied,

"Well if she makes you that happy after all that then I'm not going to be in between I'll just have to move back to Kansas and get the kids home for a better life again along with finding a new partner that will want to be with me. So, once my money is saved up, me and my children will leave which means I'll have to change the custody of the children from Angel to just me supporting them."

Annabel sighed with a nod responding,

"Alright Jana, just know I still value our friendship."

Jana rolled her eyes as the bus arrived, she got on the bus and Annabel took a seat in the back away from Jana keeping distance as Annabel deleted her number. Annabel texted her wife Scarlett saying,

"Jana and the kids are going back to Kansas so you won't ever have to try and kill her anymore, she lost interest in getting me back since we made love."

Scarlett replied back quickly with one word,


Annabel sighed as she took the bus ride in silence not even Tonya was on the bus.