Chapter 5

Angel couldn't believe her eyes. Seeing that Jana returned, and then kicked Destiny out of her life, it was like a miracle happened before her very own eyes. As she looked into Jana's eyes, it was like a complete spark went off again in her body as she could feel the urge to keep holding hands, and even make love.

That afternoon just brought them even closer. It was such a feeling of excitement that Angel couldn't contain. Especially since Jana was within her grasp. Making love without clothes would come in time. And then they would both be able to see each other's beauty and that would just make Angel go completely crazy. Angel took a deep breath then spoke.

"Jana, how about we get you arranged in my room? That way you can rest and be recover as we need to head to work in a couple of weeks."

Jana nodded as she got up from the couch grabbing her black bag of stuff and carrying it to the room as Angel watched Jana bend gracefully picking up her bag as Jana turned around saying,

"Are you enjoying the show?"

Angel laughed getting up off the couch and helping Jana carry the big black bag replying,

"Actually, yes, you have a nice butt."

Jana rolled her eyes not sure how to respond to Angel's flirting. Angel giggled, even more, seeing Jana react the way she does. It seemed that a woman has never hit on her before which is surprising seeing how beautiful she is in every way possible that makes it breathtaking. Angel helped Jana put away her clothes, essentials, and helped her hang up some pictures that she brought around the apartment. Angel wanted Jana to feel at home, so it was important to her that Jana hang any pictures or display any nick- nacks that she brought with her. It was not only Angel's home, but it as Jana's now too. As Angel was helping Jana, she could feel closer to her.

As they were hanging up some pictures, the phone rings, and Angel picks it up saying,

"Hello, how may I help you?"

A voice on the other end replying,

"I need to speak to Jana please if she is there?"

Angel saw Jana still putting away things.

"May I ask who is calling?" she said.

Voice on the other end gave a shaky voice replying,

"I partner...may I please speak to Jana?"

Angel sighed in frustration then responded,

"Sure, hold on a second."

Angel placed the phone down then went over to Jana saying,

"Gunther is on the phone for you."

Jana looked up shocked replying,

"How did he get your number, oh my gosh, this is not what I needed, I am so sorry Angel...."

Angel grabbed Jana's hands responding,

"It is okay, don't worry about it."

Jana nodded then answered the phone, and as she spoke into the phone she could hear Jana getting frustrated then Angel heard Jana say,

"I am a lesbian now, so go to hell and never call here again...GOODBYE!"

Jana looked at Angel with a shocked look on her face. She can't believe she just said that. She knew Angel was within earshot when she said it. Angel said,

"Well, that is a nice way to get a man off your back."

Jana shook her head replying,

"I have no idea where that came from....I never said that to anyone before."

Angel hugged Jana tightly whispering,

"You have nothing to worry about it is all going to be okay."

Jana nodded agreeing then kissed Angel gently as Jana could feel the heat between her legs warm up as she said,

"Angel, I never thought I'd be attracted to you like this, and now all I want to do is be with you even in bed....I know we already fooled around once even though it wasn't deep passionate love making...."

Angel cut off Jana replying,

"Jana, sweetheart, breath, I had a feeling this would happen the moment we saw each other. Neither one of us knew the attraction we have for each other would be through the roof. But, I don't want to break your heart either since you aren't even sure who you are. I mean, sexually, you are still straight and you could possibly be bi or lesbian, but that doesn't have to be figured out right now. I know I'm lesbian because for one a man's penis makes me sick and queasy also it is just disturbing to even think about, I'll never want to sleep with one. Now as for you, I can't answer whether you have slept with a man and liked it or you are a virgin still learning who you are."

Jana heaved a sigh responding,

"I am a virgin never had sex with either gender, but you are correct that I need to explore before I can even verify that I am straight, bi or lesbian. Though being attracted to you is an amazing feeling at least in my mind."

Angel kissed Jana's forehead replying,

"In time we will be in bed together, for now, let's just enjoy one another like sharing a room and getting settled into this new beginning together."