Chapter 8

Leaving in the mid-afternoon for their evening in Kansas City, Jana wanted to Angel take Angel everywhere and show her the sites and everything she did while growing up. And everything meant taking Angel to her her first major league baseball game to see her favorite team the

Kansas City Royals. Jana found out the Royals were playing at home against the Seattle

Mariners and grabbed tickets the minute she found out. She was able to get some great seats. The seats were behind the first base and a few rows back from the Royals dugout. It also happened to be the night that they had a fireworks display right after the game. Jana knew Angel would love that. Angel has never been to a baseball game, much less a huge sports fan in general. But she was up for trying something new as long as she was with Jana. She knew she would enjoy it and have fun as long as she was with her.

Before they left to begin their adventure in Kansas City, Jana had called the hotel while at her parents to confirm reservations. Angel has no idea what Jana has planned, but it didn't her Angel because anything she does with Jana is always an adventure. Once Jana was off the phone it was time to pack, shower, and hit the road to Kansas City so they could get to the game in time before it starts. Jana wanted to Angel everything about Kauffman Stadium and didn't want to waste anytime.

The drive from Roseland to Kansas City as about two hours. They had plenty of time to get to Kansas City. The two hours went by fast as the weather was beautiful, the windows were rolled down, and music blaring. As they entered Kansas City, Jana grew more excited as they drove down I-70 and and eventually saw the big crown that lead to the stadium. Angel just loved seeing Jana so excited. As they approached the parking booth to pay for parking and drove to their assigned parking spot, Angel was just amazed at how full the parking lot was. Angel parked the car and as she and Jana were walking through the parking lot to make it to the ticket gate to enter the stadium, Angle asked Jana,

"How come everyone is having a big picnic out here in the parking lot. It smells amazing!" Jana replied,

"It is called tailgating. People bring their own food and grills and cookout before the game. My family and I did that a lot when we went to Royals and Chiefs games. It was a blast!"

Angel responded,

"Chiefs games?"

Jana said,

"The Chiefs are Kansas City's NFL team. If you look right over there that is Arrowhead Stadium were they play. You see a lot of tailgaters now, its there is three times a much during football season when the Chiefs play at home!"

Angel was just amazed by what she was seeing. She has never seen anything like it. Angel and Jana continued to walk through the crowd of tailgaters and finally made it to the ticket gate. They gave their tickets to the attendant and they walked into the stadium. Angel was mesmerized by how big and beautiful the stadium was from the outside. It was just as big and beautiful in the inside.

Jana took Angel's hand, "We still have plenty of time before the game starts. Let me show you around!"

Jana showed Angel every part of the stadium. From the Hall Of Fame all the way to the gift store. Angel was just amazed at how beautiful the stadium was and how much she was learning about the sport. But most of all she loved seeing Jana so happy. The game was going to be starting in about thirty minutes. But Jana wanted to get some new Royals gear before the game started. They entered the gift show and Angel just look around in amazement to see how all the walls were covered with Royals merchandise. Jana noticed that they were having a lot of sales. Angel followed Jana over to where the jerseys were. They had so many different colors. Jana explained to Angel earlier that the team colors were royal blue and white. Jana as looking at the jerseys and was thinking about getting one as she hasn't had a new jersey in years. Angel noticed her look at the jerseys and asked her, "Are you going to get one sweetie?" Jana replied,

"I would like too. I have had a new one in years. If I get one you would like one too?"

Angel responded, "Sure! They are pretty sweet looking. And they look comfortable too. And I love the colors."

One of the store associates came over and asked the ladies if they would like some assistance.

"Welcome to the K. Is there anything I anything I can help you with?" smile the store associate.

Angel though man they are sure friendly out here.

Jana told the store associate, "Yes please. My girlfriend and I would like to get a couple of jerseys."

The store associate said "Awesome! We have a great deal going on today. You can get two jersey's for the price of one!" This was music it Jana's ears.

The store associate asked, "What color of jersey would you ladies like and would you like a player jersey or a personalized one? We can personalize it right here on the spot." Jana thought for a minute. Then she had a great idea.

She turns to Angel and asks her, "What is your favorite number?"

Angel responded, "Seven. Why do you ask?"

Jana asked her, "How do you feel about having a personalized jersey?"

Angel responded, "That would be so awesome!"

Both Jana and Angel agreed on each of them a power blue jersey. The store associate took their information and told them that these would be ready just in time for the game. The store associate went into the back with the jerseys. Ten minutes later she came back with the customized jerseys. Both Angel and Jana were overjoyed with the results. The back of Angel's jersey had her name and the number seven. And Jana's jersey had her name with the number eight on it. Jana played softball growing up and in high school and that was always her number. Jana paid for the jerseys and a couple of foam fingers and they both left the gift shop with their jerseys on and made the way to their seats.

Jana led Angel to their seats. And of course it is has been a long time since Jana was a the K to watch a game and she was just speechless as to how beautiful the stadium was after all the renovations were done. And it made Jana realize just how much she loved being there and how much she loves the game of baseball. Angel was blown away by the beauty of the ballpark. And she was just equally blown away with the love that Jana has for this place and for the game. They settled into their seats and the game begins. Jana begins to explain to Angel in the simplest terms the game of baseball. The Royals were playing the Seattle Mariners. The stadium was packed with fans. She could feel the excitement in the air. The Royals were on the verge of winning their division and securing a spot in the playoffs. All they had to do was win the game today. Angel though Jana was doing a great job explaining the game to her. Angel found herself getting really excited and becoming a Royals and baseball fan herself as the game was really good and engaging. A couple of hours have passed since the game started. The game was in the bottom of the ninth. The Royals were ahead 7-4 and only one more out was needed to win the game that would send them into the playoffs. Everyone was on their feet screaming and cheering. The final pitch is delivered and the batter strikes out. Game over. Royals win the game and win the division and are off to the playoffs for the first time in thirty years. The players spilled onto the field to celebrate and the crown was just going completely nuts. Fireworks were going on. The atmosphere was just electric and Angel just loved it. She shared in the excitement with Jana.

Amongst all the craziness Angel turns to Jana and says, "That was just absolutely amazing!" and

Jana responded, "In a few minutes it gets even better. There is a fireworks show!" Angel replied, "How cool! I love fireworks!".

Ten minutes later the stadium lights turn off and the fireworks show began. Jana and Angel sat back down in their seats to watch. Angel took Jana's hand and then snuggled into her watching the fireworks. She looked at Jana and saw how happy she was. She thought about how happy Jana is back to be in her home state, to be able to show the love of her life the things she grew up doing. Like going to a baseball game for starters. The fireworks display lasted about about 20 minutes. It was just as exciting to watch as Jana remembered as she had been to many Royals games with her dad and remember watching fireworks after the game. After the fireworks display finished it was time to head back to the car and find something to eat. Both of them were famished as Jana didn't think about eating before hand as she was too excited to get to the game. Jana and Angel are walking hand in hand as they make their way through the stadium back to the car. The stadium was still filled with fans and the excitement of what just happened. When Jana and Angel reached the parking lot they could all her fans chanting "Let's go Royals!" as they walked to their car.

As they approached the car Angel asked, "Who are the Royals facing in the playoffs?"

Jana responded as unlocking the car, "the Detroit Tigers."

Angel responded, "I didn't know there was a team in Michigan! We will have to go to a game whenever we visit there again."

Jana said, "That would be awesome. Maybe when they play the Royals.".

Both women got in the car. Angel turned the car on and they made their way towards the exit.

Angel said, "I don't know about you but I am famished."

Jana responded, "I am too. Let's go to Back Porch BBQ. The best BBQ in city and I have had it in ages!"

Angel said, "Sounds good to me!" And off they went to dinner.

Fifteen minutes later the arrived at the restaurant. They would have gotten there sooner but the traffic after the game was terrible and of course fans were still celebrating. Angel parks the car and turns it off as she and Jana get out of the car and make their way to the front door of the building. The minute Jana opens the door Angel is hit smack dab in the face with the aroma of the BBQ. Angel said, "Oh my gosh this smells so good!"

Jana replied, "Ah yes. This place hasn't changed a bit. I grew up coming her with my folks.

What are we waiting for? Let's go get some food!"

Soon Jana and Angel were seated. They had a great view. Angel could see the stadium from a distance as the lights still on. The restaurant was packed with excited Royals fans still on a high from the game. A waitress came over to their table and took their order. They both ordered the pulled pork sandwich with fries and some water to drink. About fifteen minutes later their food came out. The waitress put Angel's plate of food right in front of her. Angel smelled it and said, "This smells amazing."

Jana replied, "Wait until you taste it."

Over the next twenty minutes there was nothing but quiet between the two of them. They were both just so hungry that there was no room for talk. Jana enjoyed watching Angel's reactions as she enjoyed her food. In fact she thought Angel was enjoying it too much as she thought as she wondered if Angel was going to have a food orgasm right then and right there.

The waitress walks over and asked them, "How are you enjoying the meal?"

Angel replies, "It is wonderful!"

Jana looks at the waitress, smiles and says, "The meat was terrific. This is my girlfriend's first time here."

The waitress looks over to Angel and says, "Welcome to Kansas City!" "Is there anything else I can get for you ladies?"

Jana replied, "No I don't think so. We are stuffed. Just the check please."

About two minutes later the waitress comes back the check. "Thank you for coming ladies, be safe and have a great night!"

Jana and Angel both responded with a thank you, Jana paid for the meal and they both headed for the car.

Once they got in the car and buckled in Angel said, "This has been such a great day. Thank you so much Jana."

Jana replied, "You are so welcome my love. I don't know about you, but I am ready to head to our hotel to relax."

Angel responded, "Sounds good to me!"

Once they were all buckled in, Angel started the car and drove off towards the hotel. Angel had no idea about the surprise that awaited her at the hotel.