Movie night

Deku POV

After our visits we headed back to the dorms. Me and Lachaan we're talking and it felt so nice. Like none of the bullying happened and this is normal for us.

Time skip to walking inside

We both walked inside and saw Kaminari doing some weird dance while Kiri and Sero were taking pics. Kachaan immediately went over to them while I headed to my best friends Uraraka.

"Hey Deku!" She said. "Me and the girls were talking about you earlier and we thought that we could be helping you out with anything you need. So call me or the other girls if you need help!" She smiled at me. Seriously she is the best.

"Thanks Ochako!" I said. Ashido just walked into the room.

"MOVIE NIGHTTTTT! WHOS IN?!!" She screamed. In the end the entire class ended up joining us except for tokoyami, shoji, kouda, and Mineta. You probably know the reason why Mineta was not coming. (Hint: it required Seros tape and a tree outside.) I was so glad Mineta was not coming, or I swear I would just die. Not literally ofc....

Time skip to after dinner

We all were in pajamas. I personally was wearing some shorts and an All Might shirt. I looked over to Kachaan who was just wearing his normal sweatpants and shirt. He looks had to force myself not to blush and look away(though I wouldn't mind staring at it all day) .

Anyways back to the movie. We ended up choosing Hamilton on Disney Plus. Me and Lachaan sat next to each other on the couch with Kiri on his other side. Next to Kiri was Mina. (SHIP!!!!) Then I saw Momo and Todoroki get comfortable on the floor. They are so cute! After getting all comfy with the popcorn we start the movie.

Bakugous POV

Most of the class was already asleep by the time we were done half way through. Me, Deku, Pinky, and IcyHot were the only ones up. 

But not to long later I looked over to see Ponytail with her head leaning on to IcyHot.  shoulder and his head leaning on the wall.

Pinky was already taking a gazillion pics. Why am I not surprised? I rolled my eyes and focused on the movie.

Few minutes later I felt a weight on my shoulder. Deku fell asleep against me....DAMMIT! She is so cute and her little snores.....GODS WHAT ARE YOU THINKING KATSUKI?!! I huffed and looked back to see Pinky asleep on the floor. Guess I'm the last man standing.

I started to close my eyes and lean a little. I gave in to my body and leaned onto dekus head and slept.

Time skip to morning

I wake to find all the girls taking pics on their fucking phones. I rubbed my eyes to find a cute greenete sleeping on my shoulder, letting out tiny snores. She looked so peaceful and calm. Cute....

Without realizing it I had a tiny grin on my face but then I realized that there were cameras everywhere. Shit.....

I quickly masked the grin but everyone already took pictures. DAMMIT!

"Get the fuck out of here." I said, rubbing my eyes. Everyone just ignored me. I felt anger rise up from me. I got myself up from Deku and stood up to meet the extras.

"Get. The. Fuck. Out." I said forcefully. I must have had a scary look because I'm less than a second everyone except Shitty Hair, Pinky, and Pikachu left to do whatever they wanted.

"OooOoOooO" Mina said smirking. "Some one has a crushhhhhh."

"Shut the fuck up."

"Admit it bro!" Shifty hair said.

"Fuck you." But I still help but look over at the peacefully sleeping deku and blush a little.

"Awwwww you're blushingggg." Pilachu said. That's it. I grabbed his collar and started making explosions from my hand.

"Whoa whoa whoa calm down Bakubro." Shitty hair said holding me back laughing. Ughhh I could already tell that they won't let me go until I admitted it.

"FINE, I FUCKING LIKE- NO LOVE HER ALRIGHT EXTRAS....even after I bullied her back then when she was still a boy, she was nice to me.....and Im going to protect her for that." I said, quietly, mostly just to myself. My friends were staring in shock at my sudden outburst.

"I-I love you too...Katsuki....."
