Mother Knows Best

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I close my mother's journal. That was... wow! And also, how am I supposed to make friends? My mom keeps me in the castle all day every day. You know what? I'll figure out something. I put the journal back into it's hiding spot, and I go down the stairs. Mother and father- well... the Queen and King are in their room, so I sneak out the front door. The butler Oliver doesn't mind, I do this a lot to go to the park.

I get one of the family bikes, and I pedal rather quickly to the country side of town. You may be wondering why. Well all the kids on this side don't know I'm the princess, so it'll be easier to make better friends. I finally reach the country. It didn't take too long, we don't live far from them because we have to keep our distance from the village. I pedal to the local park. It's so... run down. I instantly feel guilt, we could've sent money or something to help this town! But we didn't. And I'm pretty sure the Queen knows about this side of town.

I see a few kids playing at the park. I park my bike and run over to a girl around my height. She has black hair that's long, and she looks Asian. "Hi! I'm Ava."

"Oh.. I'm Chloe. You look well off, what are you doing in this part of town?"

"Oh, just meeting new friends! And it looks like I found one!"

"Oh.. I'll just I'll leave you be then."

"No silly I'm talking about you!"

I look at her expression. She looks sad, almost depressed. I walk with her over to the swings.

"So Chloe.. why are you so sad?"

"Oh.. Well, my dad passed today. We didn't have enough coins to get a doctor" Chloe mutters.

Chloe starts crying. I start crying with her. I could've saved her dad! Sent money to this part of town or something. Chloe hugs me, and we just share each other's embrace for a little.

Chloe and I talked for the rest of the day. About her life, my life (yes I told her I'm the princess), and just funny stuff. We laughed, we sang, we cried when I started talking about my 'parents'. But now it's time for me to go home.

"I'm sorry Chloe, I wish I could stay longer."

"It's fine!! Can I get your number?"

"Sure! It's 321-654-0987."

"Great. I'll catch you later Ava!!"


I finally arrive home. Hanging with Chloe was so fun!! But of course I forget the consequences.