I Still Want The Kid

"I don't get it."

Ava and Blake have been sitting in her room silently for thirty minutes. Ava trying to stop her tears while Blake is consoling her. Wow, having her real family around has made her more emotional. She was the one to speak up. "I don't get how my own parents can have that many secrets." "Well Ava, everyone has problems. It's a messed up world." "I get that. But why can't their problems be mines too." "Have you ever stopped to wonder if maybe they are doing this to protect you," Blake says with a thick, emotional voice, "That maybe this is for your own good?" "How is keeping an abortion from me 'my own good?'" She turns to stare back at Blake. Blake sighs, "When mom was younger, she had to carry a lot. She had to control the kingdom from a young age because of her mother and father's death. Good thing she was wise, or the kingdom would've fallen. She had to pay for so many things, which made it worst because she wasn't old enough to get her inheritance. She didn't want you to have to go through that, to feel the pain that she felt at such a young age. She spoke of many countless nights where she stressed herself to sleep." Ava stays quiet because she knows he is right. They just sit there on the side of her bed, side by side. Ava facing the floor and Blake facing the ceiling. But she wouldn't change her mind.

"I still want the kid Blake." "You're only sixteen. And what will happen when he finds out you're not his mother?" "Awww it's a boy!" "AVA!" "Sorry... And I have a plan." "Oh gosh.." "You know that new technology Asia bought?" "Yeah.. to put a fertilized egg into another woman. What about it? Oh my god NO! Ava why would you even think about that??" "But Blake! It gives the egg my genes and my DNA. I don't even need a partner!" "Who is gonna take care of you and the baby? Ava, you don't have a boyfriend. You BETTER not have a boyfriend. And you're only sixteen!!" "I don't need a guy! And the technology is sixteen and up." "Even if we did do it, how do we get to Asia?" "Oh... Didn't think about that.." "Exactly. And it's not even in stores yet!" "Well Blake, with money, you can get anything. Do you happen to have a spare underwater dollar?" "It's called quices, and yeah. I have about five." "Perfect. Watch this, I found out how to do this."

Ava takes the five quices and puts it in her hand. She mumbles some things while her hand is closed, and opens her hand. She hurries to grab a jar, and millions of dollars sprout from her palm. "AVA! HOW DID YOU DO THAT??" "Magic," Ava says dramatically with her palms forming a semi-circle, "I'm able to convert any kind of money to a different kind. Now, all we have to do now is convince Xi Jinping that I'm an American investor. Hopefully, he will send it with instructions." "We also have to convince Mom and Dad. And I don't know if this idea is something they will lightly say yes to." "Then let's go see, shall we."

"You want my fertilized egg!?! Absolutely not." Ava processes this for a second and continues, "Mom you don't understand, let me exp-" "I'VE HEARD ENOUGH! NO MEANS NO! Plus, I already drank the pills to kill it." Ava's hands start to shake. Her knees become weak, and she just can't stop backing up! Her back reaches the breakfast bar, and she looks over at her father. "HOW ARE YOU OKAY WITH THIS? HOW ARE ALL OF YOU OKAY WITH THIS? ITS A LIVING SOUL FOR GOODNESS SAKE! I HATE YOU GUYS!! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU," she says shakily, on the verge of tears. Ava runs out the door, not stopping until her legs couldn't move.

"Ariel... I don't know about this anymore. If the girl wants our son this bad, why can't we do it?" "She can't handle the responsibility. It's hard raising a child." "She seems ready." "You said 'seems' for a reason. She isn't even considered an adult yet." "Well, she sure acts like one. She's been nothing but responsible. And you could've at least let her know the pill doesn't take effect until another two days." "If I said that, she would've been more determined." "Is that a bad thing?"

Blake rehears their words as he sits on the stairs. 'Son.. responsibility... child... ready... adult... pill doesn't take effect for another two days... determined... Wait, pill doesn't take effect for another two days?' Blake forms a plan. And he is sure- positive- that it would happen.