You’re not Me!

Author's Note: we've got about four chapters worth of Duels coming up.

The four of us approached the big screen in Junes. Yosuke has a golf club and a rope in hand.

"We really shouldn't do this, it's too dangerous!" Chie said

"I know, but we were able to come back once right? If we go in from the same location, maybe we'll meet that bear again." He said

"'Maybe' isn't good enough!" Chie said

"Look I can't just act like everyone else and pretend this has nothing to do with me." Yosuke said

"That's true, but-"

"What about you, could you just walk away?" He asked Yu.

"I express the feeling of concern towards Chie, there is no telling what will occur over in that location." Yu said.

"Yeah, it'll just be you and me." Yosuke said

"Oh no, you're not leaving me out of this. I'm coming too!" I said

"But, what about your injury?" Chie asked.

"The trick to dealing with the pain, is constant adrenaline from anger. The more I bottle up, the less pain I feel. I've got two years worth of suppressed anger." I said

"Look, don't worry about it, it's not like I'm going in there without a plan. Chie, I'm leaving you in charge of this." Yosuke said as he handed the rope to her.

"Huh? What's that? A rope?" She asked

"We'll go in with this tide to me, so I want you to hold on to this and wait here." Yosuke said

"W-what? Then this is a lifeline? C'mon, wait a sec.."

"Here Yu, this is for you, and these are for you." Yosuke said as he handed the club to Yu, and the Wrenches to me.

"I thought it might be better than going in empty handed. Alright, then let's go, there's no use in us wasting any more time ." Yosuke said

The three of us headed into the TV.

When we got through, we were in the same foggy area as before.

"Look, this is the same place as before! So they are connected from place to place!" Yosuke said.

"Y-you guys! Why did you come back!?" The bear said. "I get it! Your the ones behind this!"

"You're the thing from last time!" Yosuke said

"Really, we're the ones behind this. Care to make that accusation again?" I said as I walked closer to it, with an intimidating look.

"L-look! I meant that lately I've been noticing that someone's been throwing people in here! You guys just happen to be the ones who have come in here recently by your own will! It's making this world more and more messed up! You just happen to be the most suspicious!" He said

I picked him up and pulled him up close to my face.

"The bastard who threw the last person in here may be the one responsible for ruining my life. Choose your next words more carefully." I said

"H-hey! Take it easy! Without me you can't get back!" He said

"Not this time, we thought ahead! Yosuke said as he held up a the broken rope.

"You, had, ONE, JOB!" I shouted at Yosuke angrily.

"I'm sorry man! Hey you had better let us out of here once we're done investigating!" Yosuke said to the bear.

"I'm the one who wants to investigate!" He said. "I've lived here for a long time! But it's never been noisy like this before! Actually now that I think about it, about two years ago two people got thrown in, at the same time!"

I set the bear down.

"That confirms it. It's the same one that did this." I said

"Thank you, but this doesn't change things! Do you have proof? Prove to me you're not throwing people in here!" He said

That does it. I took the club from Yu and swung it at the bear's head, knocking it clean off.


"Ow my head! That hurt!" Teddie said.

There's nothing inside there, just, half an empty body.

I helped put him back together.

"I'm sorry about that. Lost control for a moment there." I said

"It's not us, so we've got nothing to prove to you! Hey you better answer our questions, this isn't like last time when we came in by accident, we're dead serious! Listen up, cause people have died in our world. Every time The fog appears another dead body shows up with it. It has to be related to this place somehow. If you know something, tell us!" Yosuke said

"A dead body? Whenever the fog appears? I know that if it's foggy on your side, the fog lifts here. It's really dangerous when the fog lifts, that's when the shadows get violent! Ahh, I get it." He said

"My guess is that the "shadows" are able to attack whoever's in here more easily when the fog's gone." I said

"Ok, I'll believe that you guys aren't the culprits. But I want you to find the real guy who did all this! You have to stop him! Promise me!" He said

You know, that Igor guy mentioned something similar.

"You will encounter a misfortune at your destination, and a great mystery will be imposed upon you."

This is it.

"I promise, it's time for some payback." I said

"Look for the culprit huh? Bring it on, you've got my word too." Yosuke said

"Mine as well." Yu said

Thou art I, and I am Thou

Thou hast Established a new Bond

It brings thee closer to the truth

Thou shalt be blessed when Thou uses the power of the Fool

Fool Social Link: Rank 1

"Might as well introduce ourselves, I'm Yosuke Hanamura, this are my buddies Yu Narukami, and Y/n Bessho. You got a name?" Yosuke asked

"Teddie." He said

"Figures, but how are we supposed to find the culprit in the first place?"

"We start at the beginning, can you find where the first two ended up?"

"I can, and I know where the last person came in." Teddie said

"The last person, you mean Saki Senpai?" Yosuke asked

"I mean the person who came in and disappeared last time. I dunno the name. I'll take you to both places, you might find clues." He said. "Oh, you might want these."

He handed each of us a pair of glasses. All of the fog's gone now!

The three of us headed to the first location. It's a yellow ish tint of a huge city.

"Whoa, this ain't in Inaba that's for sure." Yosuke said.

"No, this is Den City, my home." I said.

There was a huge building with a red and black swirly door on it. The place greatly resembles SOL technologies.

"This is it, I've never been to this part before, but it seems like this building is the only thing in the area." Teddie said.

The four of us entered into the building. There's not much inside, just a massive cylindrical building with a bunch of monitors going all the way up. All of them are blank.

"What is this?" Yosuke asked.

"Usually the shadows leave some kind of trace, voices and whatnot if they were here recently, but I'm not sure if we're gonna find anything. I'm surprised that this place is still standing." Teddie said

"That's because there's still someone here." A distorted voice said.

A humanoid figure, with a dark blue aura surrounding it walked out from the shadows. It, looks like me.

"What the hell is this?" I asked

"Screw all this subtlety, I'm just gonna blast my way through all this crap. Beat the shit out of anyone I think is guilty!" It said

"Sounds good to me." I said as I grabbed the club from Yu again.

"The law can go fuck itself, after all it screwed me over!" He said

"I like what you're selling." I said as I started to approach him. "Tell me more. If you're trying to catch me off guard by using my anger against me, you're failing massively. I would love to go nutjob vigilante."

The shadow was twitching, and parts of it was fading in and out of existence.

"Wait this isn't how this is supposed to go! You're not supposed to agree with me!" It said

"I've got nothing to hide from these three." I said

It began twitching up a storm in frustration. I charged at it and began beating the shit out of it with the golf club.

"This isn't helping you know, I am you, I know your inner demons! You blame yourself for what happened!"

"NO! IT, WAS, NOT, MY, FAULT!!!" I said as I continued swinging.

"Yes it was! Your constant meddling and poor sense of justice got your parents killed! You can't accept your fate, that's why I'm here!" He said as he began to bleed.

"I WILL NOT ROLL OVER AND JUST ACCEPT IT, AND YOU'RE, NOT, ME!" I said as I cracked open it's Skull.

It's body exploded, and as a massive data storm erupted from the pieces, it reformed on a duel board.

"Let's settle this!" It said

"A Speed Duel is it? Fine then, let's rock!" I said as I climbed onto a board that appeared in the air.

Y/n Life Points: 8000

Shadow Life Points: 8000

This isn't the same deck, @Ignister? What's that?

"I'll go first! I discard one card, to special summon Berlineth the Firestorm Vassal! I use it's effect to banish one card from your hand! Let's see, we'll go with, uh, that's new, I guess I'll banish HA.I. I then tribute Berlineth to summon Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch! I use it's effect to discard one random card from your hand. It deals you 100 points of damage per level of your monster, it's a level 3 so you take 300 points of damage! I end my turn!"

Bururu @Ignister. Ok so Synchro is out of the question.

"I draw, ok, time to see what we can do with this! I normal summon Pikari @Ignister! And, by using its effect I can add one Ignister AIland to my hand! Appear, the Circuit that reaches out to the truth! I set Pikari in the Link Marker to Link Summon, Linguriboh! I use AILand's effect! Since I don't control a monster in the main monster zone, I can special summon 1 level 4 or lower monster from my hand! I summon @Ignister Doyon! I use it's effect to add Bururu back to my hand! Next since I control a monster in the Extra Zone, I can special summon @Ignister Gussari! Appear! The circuit that reaches out to the truth! I set Linguirboh, Doyon, and Gussari in the Link Markers! I Link Summon, Link 3! @Ignister Dark Templar!"

Dark Templar Attack Points: 2300

"Next I activate AILand's effect again! I special summon @Ignister Burruru! Dark Templar's effect! When a monster is special summoned to a zone this card points to, I can special summon two monsters from my graveyard by negating their effects! I summon Pikari and Doyon! Now I'll tune my level 3 Burruru with my level 4 Pikari to Synchro Summon! Come on out, @Ignister Wind Pegasus!" I said

Wind Pegasus Attack Points: 2300

"Dark Templar's effect! I special summon Pikari from the graveyard! Now I Overlay my level 4 Doyon and Pikari to Xyz Summon! Appear! @Ignister Light Dragon!" I said.

"Light Dragon's Effect! By detaching one Overlay Unit I can destroy any number of your monsters equal to the amount of @Ignisters I control! I destroy your firestorm monarch! I'll set one facedown! Now I'll attack you directly with all three of my monsters!" I said

Dark Templar and Wind Pegasus charged at the Shadow, with Templar slashing at it and Pegasus trampling over. Then Light Dragon followed up with a beam of electricity.

Shadow Life Points: 8000 - 1100

"I end my turn." I said

"I draw! I activate the spell Carnival of Tokens! It lets me summon as many monster tokens to my field as possible, but they're destroyed during the end phase. I tribute one Token to Summon Mobius the Frost Monarch! I use it's effect to destroy two spell cards you control!"

"AILand's effect, if it's destroyed by card effect all of my monsters are sent to the graveyard." I said.

"Right. Now I activate Double Summon! I tribute another token to summon Zaborg the Thunder Monarch! Next I'll activate Double tribute carnival! If I've done two tribute summons this turn, I can tribute summon two more monsters from my deck! I tribute Zaborg and Mobius to summon Mega Zaborg and Mega Mobius!"

"Now I attack you directly with both of them!" He said

Mega Mobius unleashed a blizzard and Mega Zaborg threw a massive thunderbolt at me.

My Life Points: 8000 - 2400

"Now I activate my skill, Shadow's Rampage! By letting you add five cards to your hand, I can attack again!" He said

"I activate a spell from my graveyard! Risky Barrier! By dropping my life points to 1000 I can negate your attack, and special summon a Link Monster from my Extra Deck! I summon @Ignister Fire Phoenix!" I said

My life Points: 2400 - 1000

"Fine then, I end my turn." He said

"My move! I draw!" I said

The data storm is approaching, Skill huh? Alright then. I zoomed towards the storm.

"What are you doing?" He asked

"I activate my skill, Storm Access! If my life points are 1000 or less, I can add one random Cyberse monster from the data storm to my extra Deck!" I said

The data formed in my hand and turned into a card.

"Now I activate the spell card Monster Reborn! It let's me special summon a monster from my graveyard, return, @Ignister Dark Templar! Appear! The Circuit that reaches out to the truth! The Summoning condition is 1 Link 3 monster of the Dark Attribute! EVOLUTION LINK SUMMON! Appear! @Ignister Arcana Warrior: The Fool!" I said

"Next I activate the Link Spell Judgement Arrows! When a Link Monster Declares an attack, it's attack points are doubled! Battle! The Fool Attacks Mobius! The Fool's effect! It gains Mobius' attack points! Judgement Arrow's effects! The Fool's Attack Points are doubled!" I said

The Fool built up a ball of dark energy in its palms, and fired it as a beam through Mobius and the Shadow.

Shadow Life Points: 1100 - 0

We got back on the ground.

"I am, never, going to just roll over for justice. If I see a wrong I am going to correct it. Starting with you." I said as the Shadow's essence began flowing into me.

"That's, different. I've never seen anyone, absorb a Shadow's power before." Teddie said.

"I've got a lot of inner demons. There was no way this place could contain them all into one little monster, that's why the data storm formed. I've got what I need, let's move on." I said.

We made our way out of the building, and on the way to where Saki was.