Getting the Call

Dear diary,

Where do I began, I though joining the service would help me meet someone since I had such a hard time talking to guys to begin with but since I became EOD and my extensive training, most guys are afraid of me. Part of me is thinking of looking into a re-class but I know I have 3 more years before that can happen. Sometimes I wonder if just finding a way to get so drunk I don't remember would be my best option but I don't like the idea of losing my virginity to someone I don't know. I feel like once I start dating they always get scared away when they see me in action. I wish I would meet a guy who is okay with the fact I may be able to kick his ass or can handle that I can fight.

I got a call that I have to leave Germany today head on a plane and go to Scotland, I'll share more details afterwards but for now I'm going to head try and sleep.