Ch 3-Who am I? Who is my master? Sacrificial item! (updated)

My body is now full of energy I tried to open my eyes that have been closed for what feels like forever. Looking around Qin notices no one is around. Looking around he notices that he's at black jade peak. He was given this mountain when he first joined the sect because Qin liked it. His grandfather seeing that forced all the cultivators off and set down a few defensive formations. Now the only people that can enter besides him and the grand elder and the sect master.

The last thing I saw was my grandfather giving me the blood essence from Wang Yu's heart so it's safe to say he brought me here. Now that I have some time to myself I need to figure out what the fuck is going on and who I really am. Qin sat down and closed his eyes filtered and went through the two sets of memories he has.

After a few hours, Qin took a deep breath and opened his eyes. Looks like who I am didn't really matter. The old me Ouyang fang fused with Wu Qin a Man from earth who crossed over with a system all because of an accident. Now I'm Qin and Feng we are one. After coming to this conclusion I feel myself becoming lighter. Like a big weight was released from my shoulders. "This is great!" Said Feng as he jumped to his feet and started to go through a few basic martial arts moves not using any Qi. With every punch, Feng felt the air around him make way for his fists. He felt faster and stronger all the way down to his cells.


Feng felt a wave of strong spiritual pressure crash into him. Then a quick and blurry figure rushed into his room and stopped in front of him. It was a man who looked to be in his early forties jet black long hair and flowing robes that looked to be too tight for his build. Feng felt deep pressure coming from the man's deep red eyes. If you haven't guessed already the man is the great sect leader of the yin claw sect. A true and true demonic practitioner.

"Disciple Feng I rushed out of secluded cultivation when I heard you were deeply injured and your dantian shattered but it looks like people were exaggerating if anything."

Ouyang Feng started to sweat a bit but quickly regained his composure. "Master it's like they said I was deeply injured but grandfather shattered the heart of Wang Yu and gave me his essence blood which not only healed me but also made my foundation stronger. I see this more as a blessing than a curse."

The sect leader nodded with a trace of approval in his eyes. 'For Feng'er to compose his mind so quickly is already a big improvement and I can feel his foundation is more than twice as sold.'

"I can see a great improvement in your temperament so I'll let this situation settle on its own. Now that you have regressed back to the Qi refining realm let's take it as a blessing. With such a strong foundation I'm thinking of giving you a different soul weapon to sacrifice your fate so you can move farther down the path of cultivation. Follow me."

Shock! This is all that I felt. My master has been the sect master but never had he shown me a favor and what's even crazier is he said he will give me a treasure to sacrifice my fate too. Before when I entered foundation established I enter the normal way and just refined my soul treasure. Sacrificial items in demonic sects are super rare. So rare that I would bet immortals would even fight over them to give to their disciples. For the first time in my life, I had a deep and scary question on my mind. Who is my master?

With a quick motion, the sect master took out an evil looking cauldron giving off a chilling black aura. And jumped onto the top of it. "Come join me on the yin gathering cauldron it will be faster than walking." Said the sect master with a deep and chilling voice.

After zooming by a few of the main peaks of the sect Feng and the sect leader reached a part of the sect he has never been to. The suppression cave. It's placated at the back of the sect. The legend is all of the dangerous people who go through Qi deviation are locked up here. Also, one baseless rumor Fang once heard was that all of the secret treasures that are deemed too valuable for the sect treasury are stored here also. What better guarded are there in this world then mildness madmen.

Reaching the entrance of the cave the sect leader passed me a small seal. The design on it was so simplistic you would think it was nothing special. "That seal will allow you to see the third room in the cave. Walk into it and choose a treasure. A quick warning before you go in most of the treasures in the third room is normal black rank weapons. Only a select few enough to count on one hand are sacrificial treasures. If one chooses you don't wait just bind it and make it your sacrificial treasure."

Hearing this Feng couldn't help but get excited. A sacrificial treasure, a one in a million treasure that doesn't get weaker but instead stronger with you. They are so rare that it's almost impossible for more than one to be in one area. It looks like the mystery isn't who my master is but what my sect truly is.