Ch 6- Crown prince Yang Wu (day 1 of the hundred year reincarnation) updated)

The wheel turned and turned in front of both Nana and Feng. With a flash of light, they both disappeared. Feng woke up in a large lavish bed covered in golden sheets. Looking around he saw himself surrounded by three beauties fully nude. Trying to catch his barring Feng got up and looked at himself in the mirror.

He looked much different than before. Instead of his black hair, he now had long purple hair that reached his shoulders. His face was still handsome but instead of his devilish handsomeness, he now had a more manly sharp facial features. His eyes were the same still a deep red like a pool of untainted blood.

What's going on why am I still myself? Didn't Nana say that my current self would be wiped when I transfer over?


You are still conscious because the system blocked the wheel of samsara from affecting you. Your cultivation is no more. You will have to follow this world's cultivation if you want to continue to cultivate in this world. The yearly system points are not allocated in this world also.

"Oh, so that's how it is! If the system can protect my mind from strong attacks it's a blessing I could only hope for. system show me my status."

Name: Yang Wu

Level: N/A

Title: Crown prince of the Tang empire

Cultivation: none

Level: mortal

Subordinates: 1/1

Quests: N/A

Points: N/A

"Looks like if I want to use this opportunity to the fullest I need to go talk to the emperor and show him I'm willing to bare responsibilities."

Seeing the sun was rising I started to get dressed. Hearing me making

So much noise the women in my bed got up started to shake frightened. "Crown prince Wu please let me help you get dressed. It is unbecoming of your rank for you to be one dressing your self."

The other girls chimed in all I could do was sigh at how great this guy has it. Beauties throwing themselves at him, warming his bed, and even dressing him. Maybe I need to think about founding an empire myself. Nah...that's to much work. Forget it I'll think about it later.

"After talking with the girls for a bit I learned a lot

of really fascinating information. First I'm Yang Wu the crown prince of the empire and only male heir to the empire. I have three little stepsisters and four cousins. Being the only male heir the emperor has been trying to groom Yang Wu to take up his spot when he retires but to his sadness Yang Wu despised ruling. So much so he would run to brothels whenever the emperor calls for him.

"Tsk..looks like I got to come up with a reason for my change of heart now. Shouldn't be to much work seeing that I am the only male heir and he wants me to be his successor."

I called for one of the girls she has a cheery personality so much so that I almost felt like she was leading the conversation earlier. Her name is Lu Mai she's a tall beauty with legs so long it felt like they went on forever. A beautiful over face and fair skin that looked so supple one would think squeezing it would produce water. She jumped up and sat on my lap.

I asked, "Can you tell one of the opal ace maids I would like to visit Lord father." With a wink, she dashed out of the room. after a few minutes of waiting, we both entered a sedan carried by four strong men. I looked around as we were heading to the dragon palace the place where everything in the empire gets done.

I was almost amazed seeing how grand all the palaces looked. Some tall and shiny covered in all kinds of precious metals. Some short and plain likely for lesser ranked people of the royal family. And finally, we reached the dragon palace. So shocking and grand. It was cover from the top to the bottom in purple gold metal.

On the surface of the palace, You could sometimes make out what looked to be a life-like shadow of a dragon swirling around. Sometimes coiling sometimes rising. It was so grand that I even felt it's majesty bath me in reverence.

I was quickly greeted by the head eunuch who works closely with the emperor. He goes by head eunuch Dong. When I heard this name I couldn't help myself from laughing. I don't know why but a eunuch being called Dong just made me feel bad for him.

"Head eunuch Dong how are you today is lord father doing well?" I said trying to flatter this man with so many connections it was almost scary. I kept a formal posture and attitude. To the surprise of the head eunuch.

"Crown prince Wu I am doing amazing under the care of his majesty and I could never speak of this majesty but I do know he's been feeling down that you have been dodging his summons. It's good you are here now. His majesty is waiting inside." With that, the head eunuch announced my presence.

As I was about to enter with Lu Mai the head eunuch stopped her aid said "Crown Prince Wu maids who are under rank four cannot enter the palace. I will have this maid wait out here for your return." I looked at Lu Mai apologetically and she waved back that it was no problem. Upon entering a man wearing a majestic gold robe with a five claw dragon imprinted on it greeted me. His crown was shining with a fist-sized blue gem.

When I entered he had me walk up and the second I reached him. He swung his hand a laid a loud almost ear-piercing slap to my face. "After we summoned you every week for three months you didn't show up and now in the time of the rising sun, you dare ask for a meeting. If this isn't important I will have you flogged." The emperor looked to be seething with anger.

Fully understandable his useless son doesn't listen to him goes around to brothels and still dares to ask for a meeting. If I was him I would have kicked out this son long ago but lucky for me he isn't me.