Meeting him

"You sure you're going to be okay, honey?" My mom worriedly asked while putting her clothes in her bag.

"I am going to be okay, Mom. Everyone will help me here." I nodded and smiled at her to assure her that I am going to be fine without her. She needs to be away for a few days because of her taping in her new movie. Tara Mendez. That's my mom. She's known to be a celebrity with an excellent talent for acting and singing. While my father is working overtime for his own company. He visits me every other day and on weekends.

"Call me if you need anything." She said.

I looked up at my older sister, Feya, who keeps on typing on her laptop. She's a fourth-year medical student at UP Diliman. She's working on her thesis regarding my illness. She always tells me that even if finding a cure for me costs her life, she will still do that. And In a few months, she'll be an intern and a resident student in a hospital in Cebu, a very far hospital from where I am.

"Mom's going now," I said.

"Oh right! Wait, Mom." She immediately stood up and put the papers on the table and the laptop in her bag.

"Call the nurses."

"Take care, Mom!" I shouted as soon as they walked completely out of my ward.

I was diagnosed with Lymphoblastic Leukemia five years ago when I was 15 years old. And today, I am 20 years old. That counts that, I have been here for 5 years but I haven't even got discharged once. This ward became my home. This became the most comfortable place I've ever been. This might sound weird but It is really. My father once told me, that this place is going to be a part of my memory where I'm going to look back again and again because this place gave me hope. Hope of being a normal girl again.

Jung Memorial Hospital is the most expensive hospital in the whole country. They're known for cancer. Every year, 7 out of 10 cancer patients walked out of the hospital like nothing had happened. And that's made my parents decide to do my medications here. Even if it costs a lifetime fortune.

I took my IV fluids on my wall and took the IV stand beside me. I slowly got out of my bed and took my phone and wallet after that, I walked out of the room and walked to the garden where the cancer patients can breathe fresh air.

"Mother Amy!" I waved and smiled at the oldest lady who was recently confined here. It was a month ago since she was diagnosed with Lung Cancer.

She quickly hid the cake she was holding and put it in the basket that I think her daughter brought for her. Like me, Mother Amy likes sweets very much. I jumped up and walked over to her then sat down next to her. "What flavor Mother?"

"Vanilla. The flavor you hate the most."

"Eh! No way!" I frowned and tries to look at the basket she hid behind her. "Do you know that your doctor asked me if you keep eating cake?"

"What did you say?"

"Of course! I said No! But look at you, hiding me your cake. I even helped you by lying to your doctor." I acted crying.

"Aw!" She slapped me on the shoulder and pulled the cake out of the basket she had placed earlier. "Got you there little demon! Of course, chocolate! Hahaha!"

"Wow!" I jumped for joy and happily took the disposable fork she handed me. We happily shared the food served by her children in the garden while talking about some kinds of stuff. She never fails to tell me stories of how is outside of the hospital. What is it like to be in here compared to where she is now?

"My youngest son is finally going home." She said while looking up to the sky.

"How old is he?"

"25 years old. When my husband and I separated, he took my youngest son to the US and gave him the life I can't give him."

We both took a deep breath while looking at the pinkish sky. Mother Amy has been divorced from her greatest love for no particular reason. It wasn't an affair. Her ex-husband simply got out of love. It was then she started a simple business and became very busy. But it took a lot of time for her business to be successful and during that time, her youngest son was taken by her ex-husband. He hasn't seen him since then, with no communication.

"What if he visits you?"

She shrugged off her shoulder and sighed heavily. "I wish he would do that."

"He will! Cheer up!" I hugged Mother Amy and leaned my head on her shoulder. She just pat my head and fixed my hair.

"Let's go back. The sun's already set." She suggested.

"I'll walk you up to your ward," I said.

I helped her to stand up and sit back in her wheelchair. The sun has been already set but I was going to be alone until my older sister goes here at midnight.

When we finally reached her room on the 6th floor, I saw her older daughter who just came back from work. I greeted her and she greeted me back with a smile and helped Mother Amy to her bed. I bid goodbye and went to the convenience store on the ground floor. While picking a few of the rice meals they had here, I saw my doctor, Dr. Lauren who was walking with a tall young man wearing a denim jacket coming in also at the Convenient Store.

The young man is tall and looks like he's older than me for two to three years. He's wearing sunglasses and a black cap. Everyone is turning their heads on his way and everyone has a heart on their eyes while their mouth is open. I won't be denying the fact that he looks so handsome in my eyes.

"Herra!" Dr. Lauren waved at me and smiled. I bowed down to him and greeted him.

"Dr. Lauren," I said.

"Looks like you're trying to pick up some food." He said when he was finally facing me and looked at the food in my basket.

"Yeah, yeah. You like some?" I offered the tuna sandwich I took. He shook his head and laughed.

"No thanks. Anyway, meet my youngest son." He moved a little so the young man can move forward. "This is Nathan. Nathan, this is my youngest patient, Herra."

I smiled at him and offered my hand. He quickly smiled and didn't accept the offer of a handshake. Dr. Lauren glared at him, and that's when he accepted my hand and we shook hands.

"Nice meeting you," I said.

"Nice to meet you, too." He said in a very low voice.

"I have to go, Dr. Lauren, I had to go back to my ward," I said goodbye to Dr. Lauren for me to leave. I feel Nathan's awkwardness with me. He looks like a person who does not want to meet anyone and he sounded like he didn't want me to meet him.

"Go on. We had to pick up some fruits too, to visit someone."

I left after bowing to him. I immediately go directly to the ice cream section and pick a few of Mother Amy's favorite ice creams. I'll give some to her tomorrow. After that, I took out my wallet and paid at the counter where the Cashier is looking somewhere. When I turned around to see what she was busy with, it was Nathan. He's undeniably charismatic and hot with just a denim jacket, black pants, and a pair of low-cut converse but he has an aura of a bad cold-hearted guy in dramas. He's completely a snob. I can tell just by having a formal handshake with him.

"Ehem, ehem." I faked a cough that made the cashier get back to her work. She then quickly scanned the barcodes and gave me a receipt.