
At the conference, after the voice of the white old man fell, the archaeologists from the seven countries started talking again.

"Holmes seems to be really angry." Someone said, his face looked good.

Next to him, someone immediately answered, "One is the most famous archaeologist in the U.S., and the other is the most mysterious Professor Ye who has never been seen in the major newspapers. This is interesting."

"He is Professor Ye or not is yet to be decided, right? Anyway, I don't believe that Professor Ye who has been active for so many years will be so young." A Chinese archaeologist with a bit of jealousy in his eyes spoke and shook his head again and again.

"I am more optimistic about Holmes. He is 86 years old. He has received too much honor. He can be regarded as a leader in our archaeological world. His qualifications are impeccable and he is also one of the core members of this exploration."