
Ye Bei left.

But in Soaring Cloud Temple, it was another scene.


The first to react was Tang Nan.

The moment Ye Bei stepped out of the lobby of the Soaring Cloud Hall, his body was unsteady, and he fell straight to the ground with a bang. After falling down like this, a sharp pain spread to his whole body and his bones almost fell apart. 

But this pain was directly ignored by him.

"Where is that bastard? Where did he go... Damn, what do you regard our Tang Family as?" He growled angrily.

But the confidence in his voice was obviously insufficient.

In his mind, as long as he remembered the figure in the white robe at this moment, he felt a sense of fear.

"This matter must be told to the Patriarch immediately!" Soon, in his heart, he also made such a decision.

Similar to Tang Nan, those other tourists, pilgrims, and believers who had reacted to this scene had finally realized the problem.
