
"Sir, you really are not a mortal!"

Tang Jingming stood on the ruins of weeds, looked at the dilapidated earthen house, and said in a deep voice.

After his words fall...

His eyes widened immediately.

When he was in Lingshan Temple, what he saw was just going to a whole new dimension in an instant.

But what he saw now was completely different.

In front of him, the surrounding scenery was changing rapidly...

"Unbelievable, gods exist, Buddhas also exist. This world is not as simple as what I have seen all the time." Tang Jingming murmured in his mouth. His eyes were also staring at the weeds that were disappearing quickly and big trees that were growing crazily. 

"A will, Buddha; a will, demon. A will, flower blooms; a will, flower decays."

Though Tang Jingming was still talking, his body couldn't help but step back.