Throw Out


The plane was still flying high in the sky, extremely fast.

But in the cabin, the bodies of all people at this moment all paused.

All of them seemed to be suspended directly. And in this case... Their thinking and consciousness were very clear.

"What's the matter, why can't… I move?" The big beads of sweat on the forehead of the man solidified together, and the wide-open eyes were all on Ye Bei, and the fear in the depths of his pupils grew crazily.

His own body could not move.

But he clearly saw that the young man in front of him was not affected at all.

"What's wrong?"

"It's the same as being pinned on a cutting board..."


"C-could it be that this boy did it?"

"Impossible... how can a human have this ability?"

In the cabin, it was extremely quiet. Only the dull sound of the plane's engine could be heard.

The expressions on everyone's faces were also frozen.