
On the Internet.

When East China Sea University posted a notice, a large number of netizens gathered here.

When Director Xu's notice of class was just issued, some students took photos and posted them immediately.

"Shock! The hot man at East China Sea University is not just a librarian, he is also a professor of history!"

The title of the post was simple.

After the opening, it was the white paper printed by Director Xu.

And the person who posted this post also typed a line of words seriously.

"To be honest, Professor Ye is the youngest professor I know, or in history... It is unbelievable that he really wants to give a lecture! However, as his little fan, I am going to make a decision today, I will join the lecture too! Netizens, envy me!"

After this post came out, within a short period of time, it was forwarded by countless people to major forums and major websites.