Change the Curriculum

"Weird means."

"I don't believe that there are immortals in this world anyway."

"Yeah, if there are any, why didn't they appear earlier?"

"However, the situation in front of us is undeniably incredible."

"What's incredible about this? Maybe Xia Tianhe is in the same team as Professor Ye. Maybe he used to be a magician and performed high-altitude levitation. Maybe there is a transparent sling that's attached to his waist..."

Many students talked with their own righteousness.

Ye Bei did not care as he continued, "History is usually written by the victors and also by some knowledgeable people according to what they have heard. Whether you believe it or not, the truth, to some extent, must be quite different from the common sense you know."

"How to tell the truth of history, this matter is very simple for some people, but for you, it is very difficult... only if you have personally experienced it will you know it."