Violent Beauty

"Data, what about analysis data?"

"All the scenes have been recorded, right? I'll slow it down a hundred times later."

In Area 51 of the United States, as the explosion occurred, the group of researchers shouted one after another.


"How is it? This time, surely they can succeed, can't they?"

"Not necessarily, we can only be sure after the smoke has dissipated."

"There should be no questioning. The number of bombs this time is more than ten times stronger than the three previous missiles."

"Yes, if this attack method is not good, you can only use the ultimate weapon."

In the United States, the United States' president and some high-level officials talked quickly.


"Old Immortal, Old Immortal, please be safe, and Mr. Ye Bei too, please be safe too. No matter what, I hope that nothing will happen to you."

"I hope so."