The Opportunity Has Begun

"Sir, the opportunity Mr. Ye Bei mentioned has already begun."

Outside the crowd, the man with the appearance of a staff member looked towards the pavilion and said to the general.

"It seems that a lot of people jumped directly into the lotus pond. This time, the trouble is big. If it's bad, many people will be in danger of life because of this." The general frowned.

"Then, what shall we do?"

"First, think of a way to save people. Also, find a few brothers who are good at swimming, no matter how crazy they are, this opportunity, if possible, we must fight for it!"

When he said this, the general's complexion became more serious than ever before at this moment.

"Yes, sir."

The staff did not dare to hesitate and answered quickly.


"What should we do now?"

"The damn group of people is crazy."

"Could it be that we can only watch the opportunity be robbed?"