Action of the Liu Family

"Father, without you, there would be no Liu Family as it is today." Liu Houde's eyes were reddish.

"But if there's me, there is always a mountain above Liu's house. You will never be able to cross that mountain and see higher, farther, and more mysterious places." Liu Zhiyun's face had no joy or sadness.

"Father, actually, I don't want it either." Liu Houde said silently.

"Liu Feng is still young. You are already old, I am also very old, the Liu Family's direct descendant has only one. But now that he is dead... I feel like I don't have any pursuit anymore." Liu Zhiyun said slowly.

"Father... since Liu Feng is dead, even if the enemy is strong enough to completely destroy the Liu Family, I still have to fight him and use the entire Liu Family as a bet. At least it's better than letting those without our blood inherit it." Liu Houde gritted his teeth, the expression of awe on his face was completely gone, replaced by a hideous look.