I want us to be friends

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN RICA?" was the first thing I heard as soon as I entered the lonely mansion.

Surprised to see my Mom, I stood frozen for at least up to a minute. I thought she and Dad said they would be coming back extremely late. Speaking of which, where was my father? I don't see him, probably locked up in his study or something.

"Didn't you hear what I asked you, I said where have you been?, just look at the time" For some reason instead of me to feel scared or panicky like any other child in my situation would, I felt quite the opposite. I was happy. Happy that for once in my life my mother actually seemed like she cared about me.

clearing my throat a little I answered.

"I went to the mall to buy some toiletries for myself" as soon as those words left my mouth my mother's semi-angry mood abruptly cleared.

"Oh is that all? well then, I don't see why you had to go yourself you could have just sent any of the helpers to get that for you, why bother going yourself when you could have used that time to do your school work. Use that your God given brain sometimes would you Rica" with that she left, I watched her climb the long tiring staircase until she finally faded out of my view.

I sighed out loud. So much for her giving an ounce of care. once again I was stupid to think she would care.

Sure my parents gave me all the material things possible, thanks to them being filthy rich, but they failed to give me the most important thing a parent shouldn't fail to give their child, and that was Love. Love was a word completely non-existent in my house, it's always been like that since I could remember. I was foolish to think things could change even after all I've been through.




I looked up from where I was resting my head and came face to face with Dili. Goodness gracious this boy was beyond persistent.

"What are you doing here again? in the library, that no one ever bothers to come to" I rubbed my sleepy eyes and glared daggers at him. He was really starting to annoy me, it didn't matter how good looking he was.

He grinned from ear to ear and spoke.

"Well obviously I came to see you, Rica" I gave him a dull look and went back to resting my head on my laps. Good thing our school allowed us to wear leggings underneath our skirts.

"Ah haba na, Rica I really need to talk to you" God why was he soo persistent.

I sighed and raised my head from my laps. I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep yesterday- well I usually don't get a lot of sleep to begin with- and lunch break was the only time I get to have a wink of sleep, and apparently Dili wasn't going to allow me to do that anytime soon.

"Shoot" I said.

He looked at me oddly with a perfectly raised eyebrow.


"It means tell me what you want to say to me" I smiled a little at how confused he looked. God I hope he didn't see that.

He only chuckled a little.

"Right" a raised his hand and scratched his hands awkwardly. The one thing that was physically unique about Dili was his hair, it got girls fawning over him. I mean with the jet midnight color and silky looking texture, I'm not surprised that girls worship the ground he walks. He's hair was naturally full but was slightly cut flat by the sides giving him a black American look.

"I want us to be friends" he spewed out with a stupidly beautiful smile.

I frowned a little, I thought after yesterday at the mall he would finally give up but I guess he didn't.

"I thought I already gave an answer to you. No" I was full on glaring now, couldn't he just leave me alone. For the past years I've been in this school he hadn't approached me once, what's changed now?

"And I will continue asking until you give me a positive answer" His persistency didn't damper at my rude response. What on Earth does this boy eat for breakfast, rainbows? cause he is far too happy, too positive for a teenager. Or maybe I was the one far too negative.

"Why?" I suddenly asked him, curiosity blazing within me.

"Why what?"

"why me? Why do you want to be my friend?" I really wanted to know what was going on inside his head that he wanted me out of all the population of people In the school to be his friend.

A far away look suddenly passed his face, I was almost convinced he was about to seriously answer me until he spoke.

With a devilish smirk he spoke.

"Because Y has a long tail and two branches" for being rumoured to be incredibly smart, he was a lot more childish than I gave him credit for.