
"What's the meaning of this Dili? Release my hand joor" I said struggling slightly to free myself from his hold.

He turned around to face me and smirked, as if he wasn't angry few minutes ago. Was he bipolar or something?

He wiggled his eyebrows teasingly and said "Says the girl that grabbed my hand first" I turned red embarrassed as he was accurately spot on. I was infact the one that grabbed his hand first.

"It was on impulse" I mumbled. This only made him to chuckle.

"Whatever makes you sleep well at night Rica" Winking at me he finally turned back all the while still dragging me to God knows where.

After give or take three minutes we finally reached out supposedly destination. I stared with a dull look at the entrance door.

"Are you serious? You dragged me all the way to the library?" I turned to look at him.

"Of course na, where else were you thinking I was taking you" He said with a careless shrug. Sometimes I really want to hit this boy.

I didn't respond to what he said instead I asked a question of my own. "Why bring me here" I was very curious for his actions.

"You looked like you didn't sleep well so I wanted you to catch up on some sleep in the library. Don't worry the librarian won't mind, trust me" Oh I did trust him, afterall his mother did own the school, it was surely a given. And also, although his actions were sweet and all, I knew I just couldn't skip classes again like I did yesterday.

"Thank you Dili, but I really do have to go to class. Remember I didn't go for all my classes yesterday?" I said to him.

He frowned "Why do you need to go to class. You need to rest Rica. You look horrible" "No offense though" He quickly added.

"Gee thanks, what a way to make a girl feel special" I muttered.

"I said no offense na" He laughed.

Sighing I spoke "And also like I said before, I need to go to class because I didn't go yesterday"

"No you're not getting me, I mean why do you need to go to class. You could probably not go for classes for the rest of the term and I'm sure you'd still come out among the top five in our whole set" He said this all with a raised brow.

Bragging aside he was actually right. Since I could remember I've always been among the top students academically in our entire set. Having a lot of free time, I read a lot. But it turns out my parents didn't really care about how good I was in school, or anything concerning me for that matter. But the bottom line is that I was sort of a school freak, and although I had a massive headache presently, I was still itching to go for classes.

I was about to argue with Dili again but as he saw this he spoke yet again no beating me to it "Please I won't ask you again, just today Rica. Stay in the library and rest. Frankly you won't be able to understand a thing the teacher says if you do go for classes, cause you clearly look exhausted" Well he did have a point, my stubborness was just blinding me from seeing his facts.

It was actually incredibly sweet that Dili was begging me to rest. I mean who begs another person to rest? No one that's who. I didn't think it was possible to like a person even more, but Dili just proves me wrong every step of the way.

I sighed "Fine. Let's go in" Though I was behaving like I would rather be anywhere but in there, I knew I really needed to rest and maybe even get a little wink of sleep if I could.