
Rica's POV:

Beep Beep!

Beep Beep!

I groaned out in frustration as my phone that was on the cupboard at the side of my bed vibrated. Who dared to disturb the beautiful dream I was having.

I stretched my hand lazily to carry the phone before bringing it to my face. I squinted my eyes a little as I tried to readjust them to the intense light coming from the phone.

I didn't bother to find out who was calling, instead I answered it and gruffly said.


"Rica! what the hell. How long does it take for you to answer your friggin' phone?" I rolled my eyes instantly recognizing the owner of the phone.

"Good morning to you too Favour. Why are you calling me soo early in the morning, your Royal Highness" I said in an overly sarcastic voice.

"Hardy har har Rica. And also it's not as you put early in the's past 7 already genius"