So little meaning


Favour had asked me to follow her to the restroom. I found it odd but I still accepted her request nonetheless.

When we got to the ladies restroom I noticed that we were the only ones there. There were only three stalls and two of them were already open when we got there... confirming that no one was there...and the Favour opened the third on and went inside.

I waited for a few minutes for her to come out. When she finally did I gave her a questioning look. Of course she didn't expect me to believe that she only asked me to excourt her to the restroom so that she could do her business? I mean it was generally known that whenever your fellow girl asks you to follow her to the ladies room, you guys were bound to talk about something. Something secretive.

"Alright, talk" I told her.

She grinned and then next she shrugged "Truth be told, I have nothing to tell you. I just wanted to get you away from the others so that you'd cool off" I gave her a confused gaze.