On a short notice


"Lord, finally" I squealed out in delight. We had just landed in Tokyo and i was so happy that we didn't have to be inside the plane again. Dili had teased me through out the remaining seven hours of our flight here. Much to my annoyance.

"You sound awfully happy?" Dili said in amusement.

I scoffed "Of course i'm happy. If we had stayed in that plane any longer i would have knocked you out"

He rolled his eyes. "Sure you would have?"

I smirked "You doubt me way too much Mr. Uzora" 

Returning the smirk said to me "Whatever you say Ms. Okafor" I scrunched my face a little not liking how that sounded. It just reminded me of my mother.

As we walked away from the hanger and towards a black sleek tinted expensive looking car, I felt my phone vibrating in my hand.

Speaking of the woman that gave birth to me, she was the one calling.

I rolled my eyes. I really wasn't too eager to here the woman's voice.