Touch my food and die


As we got to the car I released a relieved sigh. Thank God we finally left there, my anger was slowly getting to its peak when I was telling my parents the things that have been in my mind.

"Rica.." I heard Dili suddenly start saying but I stopped him from going any further.

"I know, I know, I should have controlled myself and not blow up like that. I'm sorry I ruined dinner" I muttered looking down like a child that was about to get scloded.

Dili let out a snort "You're sorry for ruining dinner? Rica I'm happy that you did" he said with a laugh. I looked back up to see him grinning at me.

"You are?" I asked skeptically.

"Of course I am. In fact, I'm soo freakin proud of you baby girl. You finally let your parents know what you've been feeling inside for the past years that have gone by. They needed to know all what you had said" He said this with a beaming genuine looking smile.