

Third person's POV:

"Mummy mummy mummy" A little boy sang while running down the stairs to meet his mother.

Rica released a sigh "Emeka how many times have I told you to stop running down the stairs like that. You might slip and fall," The little boy named Emeka grinned widely while giving his mother somewhat of an apologetic gaze.

"Baby, he is a growing boy. Allow him to leave his life to the fullest" Rica turning to her husband have him a mean glare.

"Ehnnn" She began sarcastically "So it's until the day that our son breaks his head that you will know that we shouldn't have 'Allowed him to leave to the fullest' " Dili grinned at his wife sheepishly.

"Sorry honey" Rica only rolled her eyes at him.

"Sometimes I wonder why I married you" An offended look crossed Dili face while he pouted.

"Hey, Rude" he huffed out.