End Of The Arrogant Worm

" I will kill each one of you."

Emmy tried to control her emotions but the storm was raging wide destruction inside her mind. She again felt her scalp prick and her vision became blurry. The next scenario, where her eyes could see was lush greenery and cultivated fields. Her mood had changed from extreme anger to pure contentment, steadily she moved forward to the exotic place filled with dense and tall trees.

After strolling through the thick forest, Emmy abruptly heard a girl's faint sound vibrating behind a giant tree. Instead of confronting the girl, Emmy hid between the huge roots to listen to the voice. She understood that there was someone else with that girl and the girl was sobbing.

" It will be alright, no one will know about this, promise me that you will never do such a lowly act ever again."

That voice… Emmy's pupils constricted, her legs didn't allow her to be still, they marched their way to the other side of the tree to face the couple but the scene in front of her was more intimate. The girl was in the embrace of a sturdy chest and its owner was well known to Emmy.

Lo, behold, there stood Alex with a girl in his fondle. As the back of the girl was facing Emmy, she couldn't see Alex's beloved face.

Emmy acknowledged their presence with a condescending sneer whereas Alex was purely shocked to see her there. He pushed the girl in his hands and nervously came forward.

" Please, it is not what you see, let me explain."

Although Emmy was a little disappointed to see Alex and his lover kindle their love, she never thought Lamia as her love rival. So Alex's reaction was kind of overboard for the situation.

" Don't worry, there is nothing to be misunderstood between us. You guys, carry on."

Emmy didn't wait for Alex's response, she left quickly from the love nest even without seeing that girl's face, to hide her tears from them. She ran as fast as she could but tripped over a wild vine, falling to the muddy soil. Her whole body was dirty and she suffered a few scratches too.

The tormenting emotions were slitting Emmy's head, she felt as if her heartbeats were running a marathon. She tried her maximum to relax her body by taking deep breaths. Finally, when an exploding pain occurred in her brain, she opened her eyes.

Emmy could see her foot was over a woman's fair neck, throttling that lady to death. In her hand was a sword with a strange symbol covered with blood completely.

" This is the end of the arrogant worm, well! Her body shall never be sent back instead will be given to the sea creatures, so let this be the final warning to the family clans of Vilmonark. Salian or Agnartic, Anyone…. I repeat, if anyone comes to hunt me down. I don't care about sending them back to hell."

The virago, bathed in blood, didn't flinch a bit. Her demeanor was enough to cause the destruction of 3 worlds. Emmy looked at her hand which was carrying the bloody sword, the symbol gave her chills, a star with a design, and the design looks like the combination of a straight and inverted cone, surrounding it was a black snake.

Emmy was feeling rapturous inside, she slowly opened her eyes to see Alex's tired face. His left hand was supporting his heavy head but his eyes were on the parchments they got from the basement. She thought about the couple hugging inside the forest and watching Alex now, her mind cleared up completely.

The sun shone brilliantly making Emmy understand that the process took a whole night and morning too. Alex, who was dead tired by now, as he was both physically and mentally tormented for the past few hours. He watched all the changing emotions on Emmy's face, sometimes she cried… at the next moment, she sneered while clenching her fists.

Alex understood one thing, he knew that his love for Mia was to an extent of giving up his own life but now he felt his feelings were wavering towards Emmy.

" How are you? Do you feel any pain? Let me call the master and will fetch something to eat too."

Alex excitedly got up to inform the master about Emmy waking up and all their friends were waiting eagerly. He didn't yet reach the door when he felt a soft body pressing on his back. Emmy hugged Alex tightly, for a moment she lost herself. She wanted to be that girl whom he had embraced affectionately. She wanted to be the one who he loves dearly. This wishful thinking was creating an unknown surge of selfishness inside Emmy.

" Please, let me hold you for a moment. You don't know what all things I went through in my sleep. Just help me to calm down my mind."

Both of them stood like that for a couple of minutes and then together, they went downstairs to meet others. Master Rotrigues had already warned others not to enquire anything to Emmy. Unless she wants to talk about it, no one must probe into her matter.

After dinner, everyone was gathered in the living room as Emmy requested a meeting before they leave the manor tomorrow morning.

" Master, thank you for helping to regain my memories but I think the result is not complete. I saw people and places which had no connection with my past but I succeeded to find the clue which directly determines the killer of my family."

" Who killed Shawn? Tell me !"

Master Rotrigues was waiting for Emmy's answer to start a war with the concerned people who plotted his brother's death whereas Emmy knew what would happen if she directly blurts out that name.

" I don't know the exact person but his second name is Agnartic. The sword, having an Agnartic symbol with a design of the shining sun in armor was pierced through my father's chest. In my memory, he pulled it out and handed it over to me to avenge our family."

" Master, I'm the one who should kill all those Agnartics who had plotted against my family. It is my task, so stay out of it."